Where did the word association game go???

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
no one really gives too shits for the rep system anyway its abused and imo pretty pointless. everyone goes round repping for the sake of it (self included), those that have been in country for a while know who the old hands in this game are and whose knowledgeable on what. there's even a backslappin thread about it where everyone brown nosed their mentors.

any definitive answer as to why a word association game was removed? i cant see it being for the rep abuse?!!? not enough space on the new servers?! whats the deal


Well-Known Member
My word game was removed too....I asked Gogrow, but, he was not sure why. I think they were removing large threads to clear up space, but, mine was only 20 pages or so....So, it wasn't large, but, it is gone with no explanation. Dunno.


Well-Known Member
we felt no need for all the threads with single word posts. they add nothing to the site and take up A LOT of space. bongsmilie