iran or n korea? where would you rather go to war?


New Member
I guess your right... They only unconditionaly surrendered, and we NUKED them for it no big deal.

they surrendered after the nukes.... oops.:?

an inland invasion of japan would have cost 1 million american lives.

100,000 people died at Hiroshima,

800,000 died in the incendiary ''firestorm'' fire bombing of Dresden, Germany.

so they deserved it...


Well-Known Member
yeah, it's sad isn't it jrh?... Muslims today= japanese during WWII
Maybe if they dislike that stigma they can start treating their women better, maybe like humans instead of dogs. There are islamic nations where you can put your wife in your stead if you get sentenced to death. Not to mention the bullshit I have seen from ones who have been allowed to come to USA, taxi drivers not letting blind people ride with their seeing eye dog, refusing to let riders transport liquor, grocery clerks refusing to ring up pork. Assimilate or get the hell out! Whenever I cal a taxi, I tell them right off, if you send a muslim I wont get in.

And the Japanese during WW2 should have demanded a better leader, not one that was stupid enough to piss off a sleeping giant. They lucky I wasn't president, I wouldn't have waited that long to nuke them.


I think im the only one speaking from experience here...but here goes; I spent 18 months in Mosul/Baghdad/Ramadi, Iraq as a M-249 gunner in the Infantry.

It's all fun n games till your battle buddy dies, or you pull the trigger on someone for the first time.

We don't belong in Iraq, Bush is a fucking communist and it doesn't seem like Obama is doing any better. He fucking laughed at the #1 question his voters asked.

Fuck the government, fuck the military(not the soldiers) and after serving 5 years I have the right to say that. WE are supposed to be controlling the government, that's why it was created...not for them to controll us.

You really should do some research. Everything you learned about history in school is absolute bullshit. Do you honestly the government would pay the education systems to tell you the truth about the fucking world...haha.


Well-Known Member
push it


what would happen if we had to start all over with nothing but the knowledge we have gained? what if we were taken back to the times of log cabins, due to nuclear war, but carried all are smarts with us. how would we rebuild it all? would it even be any different? like if we went into a 20 year nuclear winter or something. would we go right back to were we are now? or would we rebuild the world as a whole better place?


New Member

and i believe your answer lies within a game called fallout 3.

i'd just drift around like mad max and pillage, rape and consume i guess.:fire:


Well-Known Member
Maybe after we rebuild we will shed the false need we seem to have for government.
I don't hate anyone enouph to want to kill them.
Its always government (sometimes religion) that gets that ball rolling.


Well-Known Member
it's most everyone. they'd rather be better than you than help you. it's every man for himself. people don't even hold doors open for each other any more. it a very selfish place to live these days. this earth is.


Well-Known Member
push it

what would happen if we had to start all over with nothing but the knowledge we have gained? what if we were taken back to the times of log cabins, due to nuclear war, but carried all are smarts with us. how would we rebuild it all? would it even be any different? like if we went into a 20 year nuclear winter or something. would we go right back to were we are now? or would we rebuild the world as a whole better place?
There wouldn't be an established monetary system right away, so people would be on more equal footing, unless some had their gold and other precious metals buried well. Still for the most part money wouldn't be making decisions, so greed wouldn't get a hold right away, later on yes.
The powerful would be the ones that had the knowledge, rather than the money. Something sounds so right about that.

BTW, anyone who links slayer gets auto rep.


New Member
we would go back to the barter system, chickens and fabric and weapons and whatnot.`if the sun's rays were unaffected i would grow so much weed.:hump: