Are Hermies really THAT common?


Active Member
I mean, "accidental" light-poisoning aside (like not blocking daytime windows), how often do plants actually turn hermie? Is it a super-rare thing or are the odds maybe just a little less than the odds of bein female or male?


Well-Known Member
its pretty much a 50/50 chance dude..but it does seem that more hermies come out than females..and alot has to do with stress


New Member
It's not a 50/50

The female/ male ratio is pretty much 50% but hermies, NATURAL hermies are fairly rare.

Maybe 1 or 2 every 100 seeds - the rest of the hermies will be caused by people not knowing how to grow.

Technically though, remember, a hermie is still a female, with males parts too, but it's more a female than a male. You dont get a male plant with some female flowers.

Bag seeds will have a higher chance of being hermie because the seeds in it probably came from a hermie [or the pollen probably came from a hermie plant] which makes it more inclined to be hermie if it's not female.


Well-Known Member
How is that possible, exactly?

It's my understanding that hermaphrodite plants tend to produce seeds that will grow hermaphrodite plants.

When a plant becomes a hermaphrodite, it passes that trait on through its seeds.

If you grow a plant from a bag seed that came from a hermaphrodite plant, there is a greater chance that the seed will produce a hermaphrodite.

Cheap schwag of the seedy variety is seedy for one of two reasons:

The males were not removed and pollenated the females


Some of the plants ended up hermaphrodites

If the reason is the latter, then you will probably find some seeds in that bag that will turn into hermaphrodites no matter how meticulous you are about the light cycle.


Well-Known Member
It's my understanding that hermaphrodite plants tend to produce seeds that will grow hermaphrodite plants.

When a plant becomes a hermaphrodite, it passes that trait on through its seeds.

If you grow a plant from a bag seed that came from a hermaphrodite plant, there is a greater chance that the seed will produce a hermaphrodite.

Cheap schwag of the seedy variety is seedy for one of two reasons:

The males were not removed and pollenated the females


Some of the plants ended up hermaphrodites

If the reason is the latter, then you will probably find some seeds in that bag that will turn into hermaphrodites no matter how meticulous you are about the light cycle.
what he said :P


Well-Known Member
Hermies are in the genes for the most part.
I won't grow strains that are so sensitive they hermie from a light leak, that's just bad genes.
Stress can induce herms in most strains. High stress can cause hermies cuz the plant wants to make seeds for survival.
I would not say it's a 50/50 chance of getting hermies.
If your growing conditions are good and you still get hermies, it is genetic.
Bad breeding makes this happen, the breeder does not breed out that dominant trait.


Active Member
so if u get a hermie plant cant you just get busy with her and chop the male parts off??????????


Well-Known Member
im sitting there talking baout one thing...we are talking about hermies or hermapridites...i mean..its kinda two different things..but kinda the same..yall know what i mean..


New Member
so if u get a hermie plant cant you just get busy with her and chop the male parts off??????????
Yes you can during preflowering, but once the buds start forming you wont be able to see/get to them all and you'll still end up with some seeds, chopping of the male parts is only worth it if theres only a few and you dont mind some seeds.


Well-Known Member
so if u get a hermie plant cant you just get busy with her and chop the male parts off??????????
yep its hard sometimes gotta get right in their but its worth it. Ive finished a hermi b4 a few times and only got a few seeds and the bud was sweet !! :) u just gotta stay on top of those bannannas :)
thats not entirely accurate, but the latter part is precise. Hermaphoditic tendencies are genetic. Some strains are just more prone to it. Certain stressors cause certain strains to do it, some more easily than others, and it could potentially be something like a nutrient imbalance for a particular strain, as well as light cycle screw ups, or you could spray some gabberilic acid on your female buds to induce bananas and feminize seed.


Well-Known Member
Dealin with it now,
Being in a tropical clime in the summer when everything is really blooming the pollen from the air can get you. And should they have a bit of dispositation for that tendency it doesn't take a lot lot either. thank God for Reverse!!!


Well-Known Member
i have had personal experience with hermaphrodites and how they pass to the seeds ......if your bagseed has seeds it may or may not have been pollinated with a hermie ....that is the key my friends .

i have personallyseen it passe thru over 400 seeds and over 4 seperate pops of around 100 plants that made it each ...hence ..400 results to go by

they are like 95 percent fem when pollinated by a hermie ......i have however seen it bred out partially with the introduction of a non hermie strain

i used northern light pollen to accomplish this ....the next generation had around 80 percent fem and only some of them showed male flowers

in my opinion all hermaphrodites should not be grown .....they should be left for the wild wher that trait ensures their survival

i dont start from bagseed at all anymore because of mass pollination from hermies ....not worth it

when you get good with growin ...a mother plant can be sexed and cloned and mothered agin and then mass cloned very quickly


Active Member
So with 3 plants from bagseed being induced to flower now, what are my odds of getting one female? Thats all i want!


Well-Known Member
prlly get 2 .....that is just the odds ......if all three are fem you keep an eye out in around week 5 for the male pollen sac to try and mess your stuff up

if you get 1 or 2 u ok ......if you get three u might ...and i say might have hermie type......still grow em if thats all you got .....hermie create nice buds some times you just typically hafve to look extra careful around week 5 bloom they like to drop pollen .....