Look at my girl and comment! +REP (Great Pictures)


Well-Known Member
no its where they sell hydroponics and other gardening supplies. every major city should have one in the US. Try google ... gardening shop (insert city)



Well-Known Member
sweet plants mate.what wattages and how much cl-s did you use???
anyway, keep up the good work mannn....
Just one of the 2700k CFL's alone is 68w, equivilent to 300w, and produces 4500 lumens. I have 3 of those.

There are also two 2700k CFL's that are 27w, and those light the underside of the plant.

I also am using two 6500k CFL's to give a little light of the other spectrum.

It all was vice versa during veg.

Veg: Lot's of 6500k light, little bit of 2700k light

Flower: Lot's of 2700k light, little bit of 6500k light

Someone told me that the full spectrum is better than just one spectrum. Is this true or am I just wasting power running both spectrums?


Well-Known Member
I did an experiment to this plant and cut mature fan leaves off all the way to the stalk during the first month of growing to keep them from shading the plant. I am no longer cutting them since the growth is very established now. It wasn't shocked into turning male. This plant is 5 days into flowering and is growing strong! As you can see from the previous pictures that it has tons of shoots and is short with big/fat leaves... Which means mostly indica, I believe, but it was a random seed.

Here are some pictures taken of the plant during it's 18/6 veg cycle when I was cutting the leaves off.

**Remember, this was only done during the first month of vegging. As soon as a leaf matured and was big, I cut it at the stalk.**



Well-Known Member
How tall do you think my plant could be at the end of flowering? Should I plan on it tripling in height?


Active Member
that plant looks nice look like some kind of stiva/indica mix i have 2 plants but the pic in my name is my frist plant i used things i herd did work but did work well... what are you useing for fert


Well-Known Member
that plant looks nice look like some kind of stiva/indica mix i have 2 plants but the pic in my name is my frist plant i used things i herd did work but did work well... what are you useing for fert
I am not using any ferts. No nutes. Just water when dry


Well-Known Member
How tall do you think my plant could be at the end of flowering? Should I plan on it tripling in height?

Granted it always depends I usually have the general "they about double in height" rule of thumb.

I would surely use nutes at this stage a hydroponics shop or gardening center should have something for you. General hydroponics makes a product called Flora bloom its a one part nute and works well for a new guy. I loved it when I used it. Also this is your first grow so its all good Experiment at your own pace but I would recommend trimming a lot of the weak looking stuff off your plants to come. Ive never had a plant hermie and I take off the lower almost 2/3 of the plant unless some big strong branches are coming up well from underneathe. Then all the small bud sites get removed all the way up to the main cola of the branch.

But like I said. It was (and still is) experimental for me. I still didnt trim enough on my current grow and now have some popcorn nugs that are essentially a waste of energy IMO. Everything looks great for you so far. Best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
are you sure you didnt use any nutes? did you use miracle grow or something? i would be very surprised to hear that a plant would grow this well without any nutrients. and yea, second what has been said already in that you should definately get bloom nutrients.


Well-Known Member
are you sure you didnt use any nutes? did you use miracle grow or something? i would be very surprised to hear that a plant would grow this well without any nutrients. and yea, second what has been said already in that you should definately get bloom nutrients.

Are you serious? I haven't used any nutes. Not a single one. I didn't even germinate the seed. I just put it in the soil and watered it and it grew. I cant really remember what the soil is called that I got, but it did say on the bag that it fed plants for up to 9 months. I just figured that it had everything the plant needed in it.

Well, it makes me feel good to know that my plant is doing so well. I hope it does just as well all the way through harvest.


Well-Known Member
for sure ur plant is doing well. the addition of nutes wil likely improve the overall performance of the plant - yield and potency. I also use a simple potting soil and even provide weak nutes almost from day one. (I know there aer those that disagree with early nutes .... but ....walking on). In many cases on here, breeders and serious growers will adjust the type and amount of nute over the course of the grow to match the changing requirements of the plant at it grows up and phattens. I have gone a little bit that way with a measured 2 part nute (SensiBloom), molasses (2-3 tblsp per gallon), and then BigBud and VoodooJuice in the last couple of weeks before a flush. But I always have in the back of my mind a special thread on here that I recall - the title says it all. https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/24703-its-all-bullsh-t.html Maybe that could be a good read for you ...... though its monstrous so you might wanna just fly through it picking up the odd thing. With a more adequate balance of nutes your plant will become a darker richer green able to absorb more energy, and grow thicker, phatter and more tastiiie!! hahahaha!! good luck! Walk On !!~~


Active Member
You really think it'll produce a nice harvest? This will be my first harvest ever... Only one plant though.
Man she is HOT....It looks like an indica dominant strain....nice crystals I would say that it is some white widow cross....or smth similar wish u luck...PEACE