Well-Known Member
haha yall dont even know each other and your bickering like pussy's shut up
You didn't answer my question. Do the women you see usually fuck around on you?I'm guessing you took it on the chin ALOT. From a lot of girls,(and probably a few dudes I'm suspecting) to feel like you have to defend yourself. Do the women you see usually fuck around on you?
Or what? ..haha yall dont even know each other and your bickering like pussy's shut up
You didn't answer my question. Do the women you see usually fuck around on you?
haha idk man im going to the bar and maybe you should get a life and do the same
whats up i live here in highland...want to kick it or what we can smoke a little smoke a little bit drink a little bit and have a good time......
yupp...im not a man because i socked a girl that was yelling in my face and smacking me around...im sorry if i dont take shit from anybody regardless of sex...clean the sand out of your snatch gogrow..im sorry if you let people push you around maybe in your past but yea i dont care if your a man or a women if you act like you gotta set you can get knocked out like you have a set.
yupp...im wrong because i defended myself regadless of sex....im sorry im not a pushover..and who the fuck are you to question my upbringing? i was raised not to but when you dated a whore for 5 years that fucked your homie in your house while u were sleeping and many other people..go eat a fat bowl of dicks ya bastard
I would have to agree here with this statement! props!my son acts like he has a set.... should i knock him out??? he's 3
im sure she had good reason to "fuck your homie".... sounds like you are a real winner.... most, if not all, of your posts in this thread have earned you a temporary ban.... come back peaceful, or you wont come back.....
and while you're gone, go find a MAN to whoop your ass, maybe you'll stop beating women.... coward
this should be called ''the restraining order thread, most of you maniacs need meds, and psychological evaluation/incarceration/ and an ass beating.
Kinda like the French?Fuck you!!Id like to see you in front of me and tell me if im a hairyvagina.You need a baseball bat to beat up some guy that just fucked your girlfriend,what a pussy!try reading my past post asshole i beat him with a ballbat...so yea im sorry if your wife/gf wears the pants in the family and you may just take it on the chin...but like my homie said earlier if you hit a girl for no reason your an asshole..but if you let your women run your life and push you around your just a hairy vagina with no spine..kinda like the FRENCH
Hmmm. First of all, I hope you keep writing to vent these feelings. You have tendencies and that isn't going to help you at all. your angry, but think of who gets the last laugh when you're sitting on death row. Murder or physical harm to anyone is uncalled for in this situation, unless you had to defend yourself. It appears people need to protect themselves from you, so maybe that's exactly what your boyfriend was thinking. Your violent tendencies and language used during this exchange are unhealthy. you must assume that it's one good reason your man strayed from you. Women should not be gangbangers. try wearing a dress and respecting yourself, instead of terrorizing people.
The best advice is to move on and focus on yourself. If you think about how your behavior affected this result, you will come to terms with the why's and move on from the loss. Take this time to work on yourself. Stop hanging around guys that will mislead you just for sex or dependency. I'm afraid to say you do need psychiactric counselling. You're not crazy-- But your lifestyle seems to have affected your behavior and you need to be around people who will improve you as a person. Not just use you as a vessel.
wow, those are words 4 like real expert-purplekitty, maybe kubrickzghost is right????
emotional shit suks..i once had an ex fling herself on my moving car as i sped away.. she clutched the wiper blades like a velasa raptor...until she slid off in the parking lot to the concrete..wut a shitty day that wuz.. ya i feel for ya purple kiitty these kind of incidents can consume ur everyday actions.. i cant even stand being at work during a fight, or something of that nature..the shits really disturbing.. its hard to find loyalty..not matter wut, no matter how bomb the relationship feels. i have finaly got there myself.. im all settled down..and from the cheaters me and my girl have been in former relationships, i think were doing great.. we both finally slowed down as we make the transisition in2 our 30's. I dont miss all the fighting , creeping around, and shadiness, i wuz involved with with exs, and so forth. gotta stop fucking with the gangsters and hustler type..
first off coming from a guy with man past experiences of women cheating on me i would have to say tell that motherfucker to hit bricks super hard..he obviously dont love u if he is out nailing other females snatch..(trust me i just got out of a 5 year long relationship because she was a raging whore) i was very hurt but now im just like fuck it. oh and trust me death treats are fun but when your dealing with someone trashy they will take u to court,i know because im in a court battle with my ex righ now over death threats. i would just beat both of there asses when u see them together and just send a message to them that you aint no bitch and let people push u around..trust me i think my girl got the point when i slugged her right infront of her new man and the i hit him with a ball bat...i dont know this type of situation could play out a million dif ways so just be careful..and fuck ur man he sounds like a real piece of shit..just chill out,relax and your time will come,karma is a wonderfull thing when it works in ur favor!
if you need someone to private message i would be more than glad to listen
DJ kozmo tha killa klown![]()
oh and yes it hurts now..it hurts it hurts it hurts...time is the most healing medicine..(and pounds of bud lol) but trust me you are a very sexy girl and you seem like a nice chick and i bet there are at least a million and one dude that would love to be your bf..shit i would never cheat on you becuase i dont belive in that if your in a commited relationship.
go get checked for STD's
If a girl tried to punch me in the face she wouldn't be breathing anymore. Good luck though you'll get through your hardships.
Yea pretty much. God said not to lay our hands upon woman. But I will no doubt defend myself if some chick comes out of nowhere at MY MOTHERS home and starts talking shit and punches me in the head. Seriously if that guy was legally living there and had a shot gun registered in his name he could of blown her into little pieces. Think before you do stuff people. Don't think you are the craziest/baddest person cause their is always someone bigger and badder and ready to step up to the plate. First hand experience.
Not at all im good but who has the right to put your hands on someone because you don't have a penis? I never got why it was ok for a girl to pummel a guy and the guy to just be cool with it. You hit me man or woman and momma said knock you out!![]()
thats because you have no respect for women... you dont have to kick her ass to protect yours... wuss![]()
Proper up-bringing tells you that you DO NOT HIT WOMEN unless you are one.
my son acts like he has a set.... should i knock him out??? he's 3
im sure she had good reason to "fuck your homie".... sounds like you are a real winner.... most, if not all, of your posts in this thread have earned you a temporary ban.... come back peaceful, or you wont come back.....
and while you're gone, go find a MAN to whoop your ass, maybe you'll stop beating women.... coward
Kinda like the French?Fuck you!!Id like to see you in front of me and tell me if im a hairyvagina.You need a baseball bat to beat up some guy that just fucked your girlfriend,what a pussy!![]()
this should be called ''the restraining order thread, most of you maniacs need meds, and psychological evaluation/incarceration/ and an ass beating.
Get that beatin women shit out of here. If you're so tough why don't you go tell that story at a biker bar or somethin. Find out just how manly you are.