An open threat to FDD2BLK.

what... huh?

Active Member
I will speak plainly and clearly so that even the weak minded can follow along.

If you continue to demonstrate your monster outdoor AND explain how to achieve the same results, I am very likely to kiss your ass. Also, as to your pithy replies to subjects, I find them amusing, and am likely at any point to type the letters LoL if they continue. I may even find it necessary to utilize other acronyms to demonstrate my amusement.

We disagree on some subjects, and if you are intent on being publicly defiant in adhering to the things that I want you to believe or concede, then I will be compelled to disagree with you, publicly. Yes... publicly.

Take this for what it is worth. Nobody likes an ass kisser. Why you would seek to turn me into one is baffling, and I will resist such with all of the reserve I can muster.

I am no sycophant, but I will become one if I have to.

You have been warned.


Well-Known Member
Can anybody understand what this loser is talking about?? I know i sure can't!
Have a great sunday everyone, and stay high.



Well-Known Member
i'm glad i'm not the only one who couldn't understand this prick....And i think you're right bout the haters, seems like their just coming outta the woodwork...:-P



Well-Known Member
i dont really understand what he means to acomplish either, and i had too look up the word "sycophant". id feel stupid if i was the only one who had never heard this word or didnt know what it meant.

a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.

even the definition of this word sounds sarcastic, im gonna guess hes messin around

oh and FDD, whats with those charlie brown christmas trees? that last one looks like a developed male anyways but...


New Member
Noone was educated were they? Lol he's saying basically I'm warning u that if u continue to be u I will have an urge to concieve ur babies. Lol


Well-Known Member
i was hoping some of my failures would help bring him to my level. maybe ease his mind a little.

LoL? :shock:

i feel loved today. :hump: :)


New Member
Does this classify u as the nicest asshole ever fdd? like judge judy... She's the nicest bitch in the world lol. And werd to the self fulfilling tuts. They certainly helped u?


Well-Known Member
and u should be, fdd ..... u shud be feeling the luv ...... those are some badsass plants or say um .... sorta like plants .... sh*t happens huh? but now .... now ...... now ...... new terms have entered into the arena ..... timber .... and forest ..... and bountiful harvest ..... and kief ...... and washingmachine bubbler has ..... and unique megastrains ..... and well, fukin ginormous OtHeR stuff comes to mind ..... and in light of all of that ..... "It's all BullSh*t" ..... walking on man !