General "how to approch new doctor?" question RI


Well-Known Member
If you can go to an open community meeting for RIPAC ( ) . The next one is Tue, June 9, 6:30pm – 8:00pm in Providence. Check the calendar on thier website. They are very helpful in person and you will not have a problem finding a doctor with help from people at the meeting. I went 2 weeks ago and will have my caregiver card in 3 weeks. I've also got a dr's appointment for my medical card with a mm friendly doc. Good Luck.....
I've been trying to get my ass to one of those meetings for MONTHS, problem is, I either have work or something else on Tuesdays at that time. I've got the next night open so I'll try and make it down there again.


Active Member
Hi everybody,I have been taken Hard core painpill now for 8 years now and i live in pa,My Question is am i aloud to go to the next state ;wHICH is NJ,and get a card for NJ,tHESE Painkillers ,Oyxicotan 60 mg-Luquid Oxyfast 20mg-Roxicodone 30mg Start to rip you apart after a while.I would love to get the hell off these pills


Well-Known Member
I would call RIPAC if you can't make it. Tell them what's going on and they will probably have you come to the office when it's good for you...


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody,I have been taken Hard core painpill now for 8 years now and i live in pa,My Question is am i aloud to go to the next state ;wHICH is NJ,and get a card for NJ,tHESE Painkillers ,Oyxicotan 60 mg-Luquid Oxyfast 20mg-Roxicodone 30mg Start to rip you apart after a while.I would love to get the hell off these pills
I'm guessing you'd have to be a NJ resident and have a NJ doctor...silly laws are lame like that.

Check out they can probably answer all of your questions


Well-Known Member
RIPAC hooked me up, I now have an appointment with a doc who will hopefully be a bit more open-minded about my self medication...we'll see how it turns out...


Well-Known Member
RIPAC hooked me up, I now have an appointment with a doc who will hopefully be a bit more open-minded about my self medication...we'll see how it turns out...
That's awesome. They are very helpful people. I went to the meeting in may and had my card 6 weeks later. I'm glad to hear they are helping you too..
Good luck...


Well-Known Member
That's awesome. They are very helpful people. I went to the meeting in may and had my card 6 weeks later. I'm glad to hear they are helping you too..
Good luck...
Well, I had my appointment and mentioned what I was using to control my nausea, but didn't quite know how to pull out the paperwork on the first visit, so it looks like I'm waiting a few more weeks.


Well-Known Member
I kind of feel the same way when I speak to dr's so I got a card as a caregiver. I figured it'll be easier bring up at my next dr's appointment if I already have a card.


New Member
I know all about the problems people are having finding a doctor in RI to sign the RECOMMENDATION..... I suggest ya google Holistic doctors or naturopathic physician in RI and just make sure they can prescribe medicine in RI (as that is the prerequisite for the recommendation)


New Member
You are probably going to need to go outside the "regular" medical community. Try googling Holistic or Naturopathic physicians in RI and just make sure that they can prescribe medicine in RI

Peace and lmk how that works !!!


Well-Known Member
You are probably going to need to go outside the "regular" medical community. Try googling Holistic or Naturopathic physicians in RI and just make sure that they can prescribe medicine in RI

Peace and lmk how that works !!!
There's only one Naturopathic doc in RI that I know of, and he's got at least a 6 month waiting list...

I don't like having to jump through hoops to do something that I'm going to do anyways, so I'm in no rush at this point. I'm going to do what's right for my body regardless of what any idiot in the government thinks, so it's almost pointless to begin with. I'd love to know where that $75 goes...and why anyone has to pay a group of other people to grow a plant. Last time I checked nature decides that and nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Ugh, that's so crappy! I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Doctors can be really stupid sometimes, considering all those years of school they went through. I'd have told that first doc to shove those antidepressants right up her ass! Marijuana is in NO WAY as dangerous as antidepressants, that's just ignorant. Of course, I'm sure the doc gets some kind of kickbacks from the pharma companies for prescribing their meds. Nobody's going to give her a kickback for recommending cannabis, so that just goes to show you what most doctors are really motivated by.

Not helping patients, but making money.

It's funny, my family's doc will pretty much prescribe anything we ask for. I've gone in and said "A friend gave me some klonopin and it really helped me get to sleep" and walked out with a script for klonopin (pretty addictive stuff there).

One thing to always keep in mind is that you're in charge, not the doc. Let them know right from the start that you're not going to be their guinea pig. YOU know what works because it's what you've already been using.


Well-Known Member
Strike #2, going nowhere with this doc either...ARRRGHHHH!!! When I asked what I should do to treat my nausea, I was handed a bag of prescription samples and sent out the door. Great.


New Member
Strike #2, going nowhere with this doc either...ARRRGHHHH!!! When I asked what I should do to treat my nausea, I was handed a bag of prescription samples and sent out the door. Great.
So, you didn't pop the question, yet ???


Now, you're gonna "try all the samples" and next appointment tell him none of these work for me but ya know what does !!???!!


New Member
So, you didn't pop the question, yet ???


Now, you're gonna "try all the samples" and next appointment tell him none of these work for me but ya know what does !!???!!
I am just SO Frustrated with the system, I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for those of you who have chronic / debilitating illnesses (I have anxiety, depression) and can't get the medicine that you need because the system as it stands is rigged against common sense (by the doctors, politicians,...) !! It is trully Inhumane !!!
Stay Strong People, Righteousness is just around the Corner !!!

F the Politicians, state ballot Initiatives like Massachusetts Question 2 decriminalizing under a OZ of MJ is how we must take our country back...!!!!

Viva La Revolvution !!!!



Active Member
I sympathize with you. I have a number of things goin on with my back,neck, hip-nerve damage u name it. I find that MMJ does relax me, when there are times the narcotics dont help. Granted there are many times I NEED a pain pill, but I MUCH prefer vaping or smoking MJ.I am trying to find how I could locate a Rhode Island doctor/specialist for my ailements. I have contacted RIPAC, and they tell me the doctors names are confidential. I have PLENTY of years of medical records and documantation, it is just in finding a doctor who will assist me in getting an MMJ card. I read in this forum to attend a meeting,which seems like a good idea, if you can get the help you need. You did not sound so lucky with that, and I sure dont have money to throw away goin from dr. to dr.I am on a fixed income, so it is difficult.Does anyone in this forum know or maybe can suggest someone who may be a neurologist/neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon who believes MMJ can be a benefit to someone with plenty of chronic conditions?(in need of another surgery or 2, plus the one I recently had).
I may plan on visiting R.I. in the next few months and would like to possibly know of a dr. that I could see and explain things to them.If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it....... Thanks all~~~


Well-Known Member
Damn! I thought, how hard is it to get a reliable doctor in New Jersey? We're crawling with them here in California. I would start Googling NJ doctors and send each and every one an e-mail until you found a sympathizer. When you make your visit, find out if they mind being posted.
Best wishes in your journey.


New Member
Damn! I thought, how hard is it to get a reliable doctor in New Jersey? We're crawling with them here in California. I would start Googling NJ doctors and send each and every one an e-mail until you found a sympathizer. When you make your visit, find out if they mind being posted.
Best wishes in your journey.

Rhode Island, not New Jersey and those would be wasted emails here !!!