Global Warming... Oops, I'm Sorry It's Now Called CLIMATE CHANGE :lol:


New Member
Yes, I was saving that piece of news for later, but thanks for posting it. :wink:

Our ever so transparent govt. is up to its arse in deception.

It's 11:43 am, do you know where your wallet is?


New Member


New Member
Ooops...wrong again Med. Oops.... this is in the present tense. It's happening now.

You're being hoodwinked. I'm shocked....


So then what, you guys think it's all the suns 11 year cycle, that's the source? Every 11 years more active sunspots, higher temperature on earth...less active sun activity, less temperature on earth?

That's it?


Well-Known Member
So then what, you guys think it's all the suns 11 year cycle, that's the source? Every 11 years more active sunspots, higher temperature on earth...less active sun activity, less temperature on earth?

That's it?
11 year, 500 year, 3000 year...what do we care, or know, about the cycles of the sun. Focus on man, focus on man.


Well-Known Member
everyone argues for "this better place". i don't think it exists.

for the record; i am in the "best place ever". bongsmilie


New Member
So then what, you guys think it's all the suns 11 year cycle, that's the source? Every 11 years more active sunspots, higher temperature on earth...less active sun activity, less temperature on earth?

That's it?
No, it's not merely a matter of the 11 year wobble. There are many variants which operate on the suns effect for us. What is VERY VERY CLEAR, at least to me, is we just do NOT understand weather to any large degree. Now surely, all of the pol's and "experts" know this, so when ONE side says the debate is over, I'll instantly take wagers that they are holding the weak hand scientifically.

The earth is cooling..... the sun has done things this past year which are completely new to us. The empirical data is pointing to a cool down.

The govt. SMELLS money however.....


Well-Known Member
so your saying deforestation and carbon emissions have no effect on climate in any way.
Deforestation is bad for the environment because trees clean pollutants out of the air and produce oxygen.

Carbon emission by man is a non-issue. Pollution was and still is the only REAL problem of humans. We are simply making this earth dirty.

Fix pollution! Climate change due to increased carbon is a political lie the public has bought into. Do the math. Uh-oh, I'm not a good American or I must be a greedy, stupid, lazy republican for saying so...



New Member
There are more science reports showing that other planets are warming right now as well. Every planet system reacts differently, but it is becoming clear that the SUN is the dominant force for weather on ALL planets. It's also quite clear that man does not understand the dynamics involved.....which makes Al Gore the perfect person to declare the debate is over.... :roll:


Well-Known Member
There are more science reports showing that other planets are warming right now as well. Every planet system reacts differently, but it is becoming clear that the SUN is the dominant force for weather on ALL planets. It's also quite clear that man does not understand the dynamics involved.....which makes Al Gore the perfect person to declare the debate is over.... :roll:
Actually the most recent I heard is that even Mars is cooling right now due to the quietness of the Sun in respect to Solar Flares. I wish I could get a reference to share, but I don't remember exactly where I saw it.


New Member
Yes, I didn't review each planet, and moons too as well, and each system reacts differently depending on their composition and distance to the sun, but a pattern has emerged which is FAR stronger than anything that boob Al Gore has schemed up.

It's the SUN!!! of course.... :wink:


Well-Known Member
Yes, I didn't review each planet, and moons too as well, and each system reacts differently depending on their composition and distance to the sun, but a pattern has emerged which is FAR stronger than anything that boob Al Gore has schemed up.

It's the SUN!!! of course.... :wink:
Well, when you are full of as much hot air as Gore of course you're going to want to blame some one else for its existence.


New Member
Now if we could show him a way to get a tax on the sun..... he'd be all for it. Now that is mental discipline, no? :lol: