The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
I got my first cheese cut back in November 8 months ago lol. Its been a fun run and i dunt want it to stop just yet lol roll on 5000 posts lol.


Well-Known Member
Shit Westy your buds just keep getting better and better.
That one looks delish'
Good work mate. top job ;)


Well-Known Member
nice oone jester, u should be promoted to knight of the cheese table.
im happy just being the courts jester atm lol ;)

too right spraying etchant on dope to make it look more crystally should be up there with killing swans! low lifes
hehe at least the worst ive ever encountered was a piece of coal in a pound when i was younger. the mother fucker weighed like an ounce lol. at leat it was easy to seperate it from my weed though lol.

no shit and i was a good boy that year too.

sugar watered weed is what we gotta look out for over here :(

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
another week another cheese plant! its like Biggie said mo cheese less

i imagine right about now youll be chompin at the bit and rolling a feck off massive cheeeeesey wakey bakey hands off snakey doob! heheh

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sugar watered weed is what we gotta look out for over here :(
never really found much in green but loads of shite in hash but the formula soap bar is a thing of the past thank the good lord and the aforementioned mr west, every time he tries to put down the cheese it just pulls him back in...

yeah we get flour watered dope sometimes and sugar watered i cant imagine it adding much weight but i guess it makes it look better tho any dopefiend worth his green can spot adulterated product a mile away

mr west

Well-Known Member
I can spot the dealers who sell that rubbish too so dunt need to try the pot lol. I must be a fiend of the dope variety


Well-Known Member
i need too get me a j o b. seriously the building trade is like shit at the moment. need to get a job in a nice little office till the recession fucks off:joint::joint::joint: