SOG growers wanted !!!


Well-Known Member



OK here we go ... 3..2...1...

Here we have DeweyKox's Lowrider Ebb/Flow Set up...

Yes! ladies and gentlemen.. it's ALL in there... res too...:clap::clap:

You will have to ask Dewey himself about what he used as a res...

But there you have it...

It's possible...:clap:

Now how about a round of applause and some well deserved rep to our friend and accomplished grower... DeweyKox... and his box of buds...:clap::clap::clap:



Well-Known Member
Yea I remember seeing his low profile ebb and flow reading through this thread:

My 15 gallon rez is 5.5 inches tall! I need the room, I'm telling yea, I don't have much room!

I only have 4 feet top to bottom! Here is pics of my setup. The Flower room on the Left, the Veg room on the right. Side by side.

These pics are from last year when I was just getting the hang of things!

A close up of the low profile tank setup!

I think his tray is a 2x3 tho, thats why he can get away with a 15 gallon rez.

If I bought an ebb and flow system I think I would want a 3x3 and that needs a 20 gallon rez. Those are about 11 - 12 inches tall.

60 bucks for the rez and another 40 for the lid :-|


Well-Known Member
Yea I remember seeing his low profile ebb and flow reading through this thread:

I think his tray is a 2x3 tho, thats why he can get away with a 15 gallon rez.

If I bought an ebb and flow system I think I would want a 3x3 and that needs a 20 gallon rez. Those are about 11 - 12 inches tall.

60 bucks for the rez and another 40 for the lid :-|
Sorry bro... I didn't realize you don't wanna spend the money to get the right tools..

There are options to what you posted, but they all pretty much cost money... unfortunately...

I tried,... I even tried to be funny doing it...

But I do not know how to do it without money... sorry...

oh well..:roll:


Well-Known Member
Yea I guess i am cheap :mrgreen:

Ive been looking for something shorter then a 20 gallon rubbermaid.

But for now the hempy buckets seem to be working ok. They are cheap to setup too.

And the hand watering is not overly bothersome, yet...

Ive got money for all the gear, but i am giving this Hempy thing a shot first.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gypsy,
Quick question if you got a minute. How often do you water those clones. I cut some yesterday, and they are looking good btw. I have been watering every 12 hours. I am watering with a solution of pH 5.5 H2O with a few drops per gallon of Superthrive. At 12 hours they are all weighing between 17-20g. I add water with a syringe to 28g. I have a clone box along the same lines as Al's. Heat mat, exhaust fan two 2' 18W fluros. Any way, just wondering how often you have to water yours. This seems to be working well so far. I will let you know if they decide to grow some roots. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gypsy,
Quick question if you got a minute.


How often do you water those clones.
It depends o weight...

I can make the heavier (35~40g) and they will stay damp enough for 2 days...

Or if I want to see roots... I keep them at 25g, which may require up to 3 waterings in a day...

I cut some yesterday, and they are looking good btw. I have been watering every 12 hours.
Whatever it takes to keep them alive but thirsty...;-)

I am watering with a solution of pH 5.5 H2O with a few drops per gallon of Superthrive.
I do not use sperthrive, but I see no harm... I guess... never used the stuff...

I am not a big fan of additives...

At 12 hours they are all weighing between 17-20g.
sounds like at the weight you are doing them, they need water every 12 hours...

Just a few more grams of water will last several more hours...

I add water with a syringe to 28g.
If you do not want to water so often, use 35g..

I don;t know your conditions there, but 35g will easily last me 24hrs..

I have a clone box along the same lines as Al's. Heat mat, exhaust fan two 2' 18W fluros.
Do what he does and you should get what he gets...

just keep weighing them until you "calibrate" your hand...

Any way, just wondering how often you have to water yours. This seems to be working well so far. I will let you know if they decide to grow some roots. Thanks.
They should pop within 7 to 10 days at 28g or less...

2 weeks for 35g or less...

Best of luck..!!! :clap:


Well-Known Member
If I bought an ebb and flow system I think I would want a 3x3 and that needs a 20 gallon rez. Those are about 11 - 12 inches tall.

60 bucks for the rez and another 40 for the lid :-|
I use 3x3 trays with 40 gallon rezs w/ lids. I wouldn't use smaller than a 20 gallon rez on a 3x3 tray. I like the stability of a larger water supply, less pH fluctuations and such. Just my thoughts ~~~
- 40 Gallon - 30" x 38" x 12" $125.95 - for both rez & lid


So if I'm getting seeds that aren't feminized, and I have to put the plant into flowering to tell if it's male or female, once I cull the males, do I just put the females back into 24/7 light? Will they go back into veg? I guess theoretically I only need one female because I just make a few more mothers with clones.


Well-Known Member
The way most people do that is...

Start your seed...

Take a clone from the unsexed plant and root it...

Slap the marked clone into flower... and wait for sexing...

Correlate the female clones with the moms and get rid of any males along with dads...

Reveging does work, but it takes a long time and puts undue stress on the plant..

Keep the original plant in veg and sex a cutting...,that's my vote...


Well-Known Member
Ive seen visible trichome growth over the last 5 days or so.

Last night I sprayed my buds with Greencure as a mold prevention. I noticed that they were feeling a bit top heavy :blsmoke:

very nice!!!:clap::clap:

can we see a shot of the whole op?:razz:



Well-Known Member
Yea 25 loli clones, they are all the same genetics except for the one in a mountain dew two liter. That one is a hybrid i am testing.

The light is a 400w HPS kept about 6-8 inches from the top of the canopy.


Well-Known Member
Looks real sharp Bro!

How long have you had this set up?

What kind of weight do you expect from each?

ever think of going perpetual?


Well-Known Member
This is my first run with Hempy SOG, and i am hoping for 15 grams per clone.

I do have a Veg chamber as well but its empty right now.

My mother plants are growing outside for my Guerrilla Grow:

I intend on taking clones from them soon and rooting them in my veg chamber with my bubble cloner. So yes Iam going to be running this OP perpetually.

Every 2 months a new batch of Hempy's will replace the old ones.

During the winter months I plan on keeping 10 or so mothers alive in Hempy two liters.


Well-Known Member
Very cool bro...

I think you can do it...

and by perpetual I meant having a harvest every 2 weeks, or every week...

always adding clones and always harvesting...

My perpetual SOG gives me 2 to 3 finished plants every day!:razz: