The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm not a lb per pot growwer either, so i'm trying to stagger thig and such. once these 4 are a month into flowering, i'm going to get another 4 into veg, so hopefully once the 4 are harvested, it's then just 2 months till the next harvest. which should be plenty of smokables, and time enough to cure it well etc :)

anywas, i missed a watering and all leaves were touching soil etc, not happy at all, but i had no water to go so had to wait a day, anyways, woke up this morning to be greeted by these little girlies, they're looking sooo healthy right now :) or at least i think they are :P could be goodness how many deficciencies and such going on :P

i take it ur doing 12/12 from seed

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
no man, that's 28 days of vegging there from seed. they're being flipped on the 13th

as to the yellowing, it's on all the 4 plants, i think it's jsut to do with the soil height in the pots. the lowest leaves in all of them have gone yellow and crispy, which i think is partly due to not much light getting there, but also, when i water, those branches are normally resting on the soil so tend to get swamped, so chances are you're right on that bit, but it's not a general over water, the 2 middle plants are actually the carzy healthy one, lovely dark waxy greens, it's the outside ones that are frail and slightly weak.

now i thought it WAS overwatering when i found all the leaves drooped, but i got some water in them, and i kid you not, i sat there watching the upper fan leaves on my white widow moving and pulling back up, that was awesome to see in real time :D


Well-Known Member
what light you running dem off , i aint tryin 2 b funny like bt dey r quite small or is dat wat way ur wantin them .. bar that lovely luking wee bushes , you not lst or fim dem???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
400w HPS light sitting around 10 inches.

they are all different strains, and all growing their own way, but i mean they're over a foot tall, and wider still, from every pic and log i've seen on the site, they seem to be pretttty good size for 29 days. i'm at propper nodes.

i'm possibly lollipopping the one o the right, as that's easy to get to etc, and just a random strain i picked up, and as to the 2 really small ones, i say really, they're both 25cm last measurement, one is a cali hash which seems to just like bushing madly, and the other is the church which is known to be very slow in the veg period


New Member
400w HPS light sitting around 10 inches.

they are all different strains, and all growing their own way, but i mean they're over a foot tall, and wider still, from every pic and log i've seen on the site, they seem to be pretttty good size for 29 days. i'm at propper nodes.

i'm possibly lollipopping the one o the right, as that's easy to get to etc, and just a random strain i picked up, and as to the 2 really small ones, i say really, they're both 25cm last measurement, one is a cali hash which seems to just like bushing madly, and the other is the church which is known to be very slow in the veg period

For a month veg they look fine, mine aint much bigger after a month.


Well-Known Member
welll surpose prop the camera angle and all making them look smaller than they are .. lovely luking wee plants like .. so how long you plannin on veg them for??
and btw the church is amazin smoke and smell , a mate of mines friend was growing it der few months back and i got my hands on a load of ounces of it , cudnt praise the stuff anymore like ,, top notch you shall have fun smoking it lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, i've been browsing grows, and it all sounds very rpomising for the church.

the seeds went ungerminated into the soil on the 12th of june, and they're going to be flipped onto 12/12 on the 13th july for personal reasons :D i really want to flip them now, i reckon they'd do well, but the personal supersticion and such means it's happening on the 13 :P so a month of veg.


Active Member
hello all uk peeps in the weed! im new to riu and am happy to find a uk thread, in my area there seems to be the most wet and crap weed availiable in the country so 4years ago i started to put effort into somthing useful!!!!ie-growing!

Apart from the waffle my real question is ''are there any people here who have trouble matching up to the bag standards in thier areas?''if so, in what way so we can help these people grow the best bud around!!!!!!

breed the seed and free the weed!

by the wat i have 10 papaya and 4 ak-48 at a month old under a 400w dual spectrum hps.still waiting for them to show sex and will have pics up soon!



Orite guys, frist post <eeeek>... i'm from the UK so i figure this would be the best place to ask my question and keep thread moving while im at it..

ok im planning on growing about 2- 3 plants in my closet in my shared flat. problem is i really cant be fucked with my flat mates knowing what im doing so i want to keep the smell to a minimum. do you think i will need a carbon fil? or wld air ioniser do the trick? any help would be appreciated

growing Low Ryder #2 under 2 CFL 125w lamps

any help wld be beeeeezer


New Member
hi uk guys n girls, have any of u uk readers recieve any bad infrations on ur account also?? ive been victimized on this site for being british and it pisses me off, im thinking of designing a british weed site, fucke off with certain people having a go like children for nothing, just having an opinion, any1 having simular problems on this site??

im getting a lot of members, certain ones over the water critizizing my slang typing and bad spelling, well i guess i cant realy spell that great but a lot of it is just lazyness!!??? wot u think? peace to my uk fellas


Well-Known Member
Orite guys, frist post <eeeek>... i'm from the UK so i figure this would be the best place to ask my question and keep thread moving while im at it..

ok im planning on growing about 2- 3 plants in my closet in my shared flat. problem is i really cant be fucked with my flat mates knowing what im doing so i want to keep the smell to a minimum. do you think i will need a carbon fil? or wld air ioniser do the trick? any help would be appreciated

growing Low Ryder #2 under 2 CFL 125w lamps

any help wld be beeeeezer
Ur going to need sumthink to hide the smell... if u cant blow it out of a window without ppl knowing, then yeahh get a c/f :-| but since u share a flat ur defo going to need one, i grow minez in my bedroom, da house stinks of bud most da timez!


Well-Known Member
hi uk guys n girls, have any of u uk readers recieve any bad infrations on ur account also?? ive been victimized on this site for being british and it pisses me off, im thinking of designing a british weed site, fucke off with certain people having a go like children for nothing, just having an opinion, any1 having simular problems on this site??

im getting a lot of members, certain ones over the water critizizing my slang typing and bad spelling, well i guess i cant realy spell that great but a lot of it is just lazyness!!??? wot u think? peace to my uk fellas
alryt taff mate ..

u still gettin shite off peeps on dis site lol.

fuck dem mate wudnt let it get 2 ya like .. peace


New Member
Ur going to need sumthink to hide the smell... if u cant blow it out of a window without ppl knowing, then yeahh get a c/f :-| but since u share a flat ur defo going to need one, i grow minez in my bedroom, da house stinks of bud most da timez!
agreed i grow in a sealed box in a bedroom and the whole place still stinks of weed, i even exhaust to the atick and still the smell lingers, i love it personaly but not a good idea if ur sharing and u dont want to be found out m8, get a carbon filter, good luck:joint:


New Member
alryt taff mate ..

u still gettin shite off peeps on dis site lol.

fuck dem mate wudnt let it get 2 ya like .. peace
arite pal, ye getting shit for realy stupid fucking childish things, ive had a titfull of it like!!!!!!!!!!!

feel as if im being victimized coz im not american?????? wotever anyway, like u said who gives a fuck, i wish we uk'z had our own site full stop!!!! top man


Active Member
hi uk guys n girls, have any of u uk readers recieve any bad infrations on ur account also?? ive been victimized on this site for being british and it pisses me off, im thinking of designing a british weed site, fucke off with certain people having a go like children for nothing, just having an opinion, any1 having simular problems on this site??

im getting a lot of members, certain ones over the water critizizing my slang typing and bad spelling, well i guess i cant realy spell that great but a lot of it is just lazyness!!??? wot u think? peace to my uk fellas

well thats americans for ya!!! up there own arses aint they


stays relevant.
arite pal, ye getting shit for realy stupid fucking childish things, ive had a titfull of it like!!!!!!!!!!!

feel as if im being victimized coz im not american?????? wotever anyway, like u said who gives a fuck, i wish we uk'z had our own site full stop!!!! top man
That's called paranoia... Quit smoking so much dope.

well grow

Active Member
maybe theyve got it in for me coz they cant get crystalz like this at 2 1/2 weeks 12/12

grow grow grow grow.....................................taffo
Taffo just seen your pic man lookin class have you got a grow jurnal up mate?

wha stuff u usein to grow?
Have a look at my grow and let me know wha you think theirs a link at the bottom of this.
:peace: out and happy growing.


Hi. Prices at the moment in Mcr seem to vary from about £140 an oz for pretty average weed to £200 for Blueberry. Sad thing is that it's all rushed, never dried out properly let alone cured.. it's all about profit and not the weed.