SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
ill have to get u pic of this ww i have . its has been sickly for awhile...but it had issues. i cloned her off a ww i flowered last cycle..but i left her in the cloner too long, and couldnt remove the net pot or hydroton. so they stayed around her when she went into soil.. i think shes growing out of her problems, i gave her some epson salt, and shes seemed to recover. I have supercropped her twice, and then last night i lollipopped the fuck out of her. she looks like a boni fide bonsi tree. still in veg..


Well-Known Member
im always up and ready to talk about growing.. i love it... seriously can talk about it all day...

i need to make a new video and show the room... i absolutely love growing hydro style.. and i havent even really hit my stride with it or seen what it can do during flowering.. but based on the amount of growth i see daily in the plants it is definatly holding up to its promise of faster growth... and its sick to see how many nodes these plants have and how short they are.. the blueberries all have between 8 to 10 nodes... the tallest one is about 6 or 7 inches... super compact.. and they put on at least one new node a day.. the white shark is a beastly girl.. wow.. she is starting to hang over the sides of the pot already.. shes about 10 inches tall or so.. shooting out her 12th node set.. stems as thick as a pencil.. still havent moved the lights up from where they are yet... which i will have to start doing here soon... im sure the blueberry and white shark are just showing the indica in them and thats why they are staying so low... but watching them just keep this growth rate up constantly and not miss a beat at all has been great.. it seemed like with soil it would be growth spurts.. they would grow a lot the first few days after feeding.. and then would gradually slow until they got fed again... these just... grow... and grow... and grow... damn i cant wait to have all 12 sites filled with big lovely ladies!


Well-Known Member
ill have to get u pic of this ww i have . its has been sickly for awhile...but it had issues. i cloned her off a ww i flowered last cycle..but i left her in the cloner too long, and couldnt remove the net pot or hydroton. so they stayed around her when she went into soil.. i think shes growing out of her problems, i gave her some epson salt, and shes seemed to recover. I have supercropped her twice, and then last night i lollipopped the fuck out of her. she looks like a boni fide bonsi tree. still in veg..

Perfect. To bad the camera is still down, i love seeing the plants chopped the fuck up. My friend saw it and was acting like I killed it, he was really surprised when he saw it just a bit ago in comparison to the others.

How long are you planning on vegging it?


Well-Known Member
ill have to get u pic of this ww i have . its has been sickly for awhile...but it had issues. i cloned her off a ww i flowered last cycle..but i left her in the cloner too long, and couldnt remove the net pot or hydroton. so they stayed around her when she went into soil.. i think shes growing out of her problems, i gave her some epson salt, and shes seemed to recover. I have supercropped her twice, and then last night i lollipopped the fuck out of her. she looks like a boni fide bonsi tree. still in veg..
hell ya... i wanna see this pic.... i dont know if i will do much lollipopping this grow tho.. i have a ton of lighting so i might just let them do their thing... but i guess it will all depend on their final heights to...

how often do you think its safe to supercrop?? everytime it heals itself?? or would you put a few days inbetween the day its healed and the next supercrop??


Well-Known Member
im sure you were askin tm about the veg times.. but i imagine ill have anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks of veg before i flower... as soon as i see all them are mature ill be ready to go..


Well-Known Member
im sure you were askin tm about the veg times.. but i imagine ill have anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks of veg before i flower... as soon as i see all them are mature ill be ready to go..
Yours are gonna be bushy with those special flourous....I love those....I bet it will be hard giving those up in the future. Ive bent and bent my first crop...I never noticed any slowing of growth just movement of growth. Ive stopped my plants by topping.


Well-Known Member
i dont think i will top the og kush.. just continue to keep super cropping it.. i doubt i will ever give up these floros for veg purposes... i would love to have them for flowering.. but it would just take to many to cover the area i want to... and at 500 a piece it will be crazy expensive.. i would need 10 to 12 of them....


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Glad someone is awake to talk about growing....Slackers are sleeping in, what is it tuesday? lol. The main doctor that you have to see to get your card is always late. He knows hes dealing with pot heads.
na been up sence 4am had to go fix a boat so they could unload there tuna... just got home...:hump:


Well-Known Member
im just vegging contingent opon wuts available for space in the flower room... basically like the WW thats going in to lollipop bonsi mode, ill leave her for another month in there. and have about 12 weeks of veg on her. she wuz stunted so u can just compare to vegging for say 8weeks. um as far as supercropping again i think u have to first be working with a hardy strain, but yes i think multiple supercropps are ok as far as ive experieced. for me it usually starts with 1 branch, but then i wont like how unbalanced she looks, and ill even it up. i just do 2-3 different breaks on usually the stronger thicker branches. ive also had good success with early topping from seed. when there only 4 nodes tall in there first month i take my fingernails and jsut pinch the heads off, and i get crazy results. same with fiming..been playing around with that with finger nail clippers. it does creats some narly heads. usually over 4 shoots per fim. maybe more. the only downfall is it does seem to stunt the plants for a few days. i think once i get the perpetual thing going ill have a more even canopy more scheduled out, but for now i dont mind holding a couple back in veg, and putting some monsters in around the outside of the perimeter of the flower room.. .


Well-Known Member
na been up sence 4am had to go fix a boat so they could unload there tuna... just got home...:hump:
damn bro.. workin hard.. long day huh?

im just vegging contingent opon wuts available for space in the flower room... basically like the WW thats going in to lollipop bonsi mode, ill leave her for another month in there. and have about 12 weeks of veg on her. she wuz stunted so u can just compare to vegging for say 8weeks. um as far as supercropping again i think u have to first be working with a hardy strain, but yes i think multiple supercropps are ok as far as ive experieced. for me it usually starts with 1 branch, but then i wont like how unbalanced she looks, and ill even it up. i just do 2-3 different breaks on usually the stronger thicker branches. ive also had good success with early topping from seed. when there only 4 nodes tall in there first month i take my fingernails and jsut pinch the heads off, and i get crazy results. same with fiming..been playing around with that with finger nail clippers. it does creats some narly heads. usually over 4 shoots per fim. maybe more. the only downfall is it does seem to stunt the plants for a few days. i think once i get the perpetual thing going ill have a more even canopy more scheduled out, but for now i dont mind holding a couple back in veg, and putting some monsters in around the outside of the perimeter of the flower room.. .
i might start playing around more and more with pruning.. i think i may try and top the blueberries here in a week or so.. let them get some more growth.. or possibly FIM the top half of her or so.. hell i dunno... its all new to me.. ive been an "let her do her thing" kinda guy... gotta start pushing the girls a little more..


Well-Known Member
just posting a quick update..

the seeds are starting to root very nicely.. a few roots are popping from the sides and bottom of the cubes.. i am going to let them go a few more days and really get some roots on them before transplanting will also allow some of the nutes in the reservoir to be used by the other plants so its not so strong for the new sprouts when they move in...

i plan on spraying them down with clonex cloning/rooting hormones... or even letting them sit in a solution of it prior to transplanting.. give them a little extra boost before hand.. i can probably start doing that now... hell i should start spraying them...

otherwise not much to talk about on the home front.. tomorrow ill post some new pics of the sprouts and the girls now.. ill probably make saturday or sunday the transplant day after all... not sure yet tho... saturday or sunday is one week from germ... so it should be around them anyways...


Well-Known Member
i am happy all over again.. lol i like it because its as exciting as my first grow... with way less stress and concern.. i mean.. there was stress and concern.. but its, for the most part, gone now... so its like a perfect first grow... lol know what i mean bro?!

hows it going today anyways?? leg doing any better?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i am happy all over again.. lol i like it because its as exciting as my first grow... with way less stress and concern.. i mean.. there was stress and concern.. but its, for the most part, gone now... so its like a perfect first grow... lol know what i mean bro?!

hows it going today anyways?? leg doing any better?
ya thanks for asking, leg is great a little sore but im outthere running up and down the mountains scouting for deer and elk... next month BOW SEASON YA.. here a foredhorn, nice size body to him...should look good on the BBQ.....LOL



Well-Known Member
i love me some venison and elk... damn it.. got my mouth watering!! and im stoned so now i got the fucking munchies.. and its what.. 930 in the morning... LOL


Well-Known Member
Man i feel sorta sorry for the poor buck that encounters me this coming fall. im gonna be in heat with that buck fever shit. locked and loaded. no mercy. if its brown its down. no ..lmfao but i will smoke a nasty buck this year. i wont even cheat promise..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Man i feel sorta sorry for the poor buck that encounters me this coming fall. im gonna be in heat with that buck fever shit. locked and loaded. no mercy. if its brown its down. no ..lmfao but i will smoke a nasty buck this year. i wont even cheat promise..
u funny fucker.. ya im getting the fever now, 27th of next month ill be up and down those hill, mountains....:hump: