Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member

of the 3 seeds that I planted in the Spring, 2 are finally showing sex...

2 are confirmed females... one is still in the air, though I have a feeling I will start seeing balls here pretty quick...

They were labeled (by the old hippie) as BC Seed King's White Widow... But they look very indica to me...

I'll get a few shots later...;-)


Well-Known Member
Yea Gypsy i feel u bro about having 300 theyll throw you do far under ill have mail you some sunshine!With the pussy ass laws they got down here,,im afraid of growing more than 4.More thatn 4 in LA they takin your house and i went to jail befire for a stick and a seed..NO bud and was charged with simple posession...So i feel u on that gypsy.LOL


Well-Known Member
GB- for some reason i think youll rather enjoy the new way your racks will look after finishing just one of those monsters!!! plus if you get it down so its perpetual with one coming out every month or couple weeks youlll have that rack filled for a good majority of time after each harvest.

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
heres a few pix of my first grow, harvest and manicure, Its that black-purple leaf plant i posted a few pages back on 170 My fingers are still sticky "lol"

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
hey purpdaddy im doing a bubbleponic. a clone in a 5 gal bucket the pic of her and the roots is one page back. The roots are so long and thick they are not suspended in the bucket anymore they are laying at the bottom. Should i get a deeper bucket? the roots are even sitting on the two airstones but they are still bubbling right into the root mass. she is drinking about 1 gal every 3 days

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
OK Thankx man, when i started 12/12 20 days ago she had some kind of super growth spurt and had no idea it would grow that quick and do you guys think i should train her by tying the branches down like gypsybush is doing to those two plants a few pages back? i do have room and light to cover it



New Member
Hey gypsy how are you going to water the other pot? Are you just going to stick it in the same bucket and if so won't the indica finish before the other so you would have dead rotting roots in the same container as the one thats still finishing. I thought You said its better to follow the recipe if your trying something you have never tried before. So far your using hydroton instead coco flood tables instead of hand watering and now you want to stick one plant inside another... Newb :lol::lol::lol::blsmoke:

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I thought id show yall a few recent pics of the plant I gave away which is the same strain as the last grow. Wasnt sure which thread to post it in so I did both lol.
