9k first grow


Well-Known Member
former utility company worker here, sometimes you get an estimate simply bcus this months reading was so astronomical, company thinks it was human error and dont wanna screw you, so they give you last years usage, this happens if you have a sudden LARGE jump in usage, but those damn lazy meter readers definitly skip houses


Well-Known Member
Being independent from the grid is the way to go or grow. When your neighbors have black outs you will still have power. If your growin hydroponically and you have a black out then you risk loosing your whole freakin crop... GET SOLAR AND WIND BUD


Well-Known Member
Dude's not fucking around with his grow setup. LOL!!! Hell yea man... I would love to have all that space just for growing?? fucking right i would..



Active Member
Thats why i said that they dont mean shit, But seeing as the only way we know him is from this website i would see it as experience. I was just joking by the way...