Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thats the first time I seen it...if thats the case, that article is full of shit...it would only be a small minority. we don't got billboards in HI and its against the law here, but that mobile dog thingy is minor....disreguard the article....they call that propaganda....;)


Well-Known Member
ahhh ..... ok .... the autoblog site is usuyally pretty reputable ... no reason to doubt their reporting ... but interesting to see nonetheless ..... more hotdogs for HI ......




Well-Known Member
me too .... and my son too ..... a staple for summer living ... roasted on a fire .... marshmallows to follow ....and a REALLY big Bong .... big nuf for my primo bud LOL!


Well-Known Member
and its picture time again ..... This girl ..... this girl ..... I tell you ..... I'm just not sure if/when she's gonna stop ..... phatter, phattenester, phatterestener .....

1. the BBox and its inhabitants.
2. The BlackDomina
3. side buddage
4. Buddage of main cola
5. side buddage
6. side buddage
7. side buddage

ooohhhh yyyaaaaa yaaaaa, I'm luvin' it! :blsmoke:

Pic bump.
Lookin mighty fine Tahoe, mighty fine :hump:


Well-Known Member
muchas gracias . . . . . senor Mammath. I be happy .... might even |steal| one .... just for quality assurance/quality control .... you know ..... procedure. hahahaha! What ya think for more time .... in my view I still feel like saying a couple o'weeks but I've been saying that for a couple o'weeks ... LOL!


Well-Known Member
muchas gracias . . . . . senor Mammath. I be happy .... might even |steal| one .... just for quality assurance/quality control .... you know ..... procedure. hahahaha! What ya think for more time .... in my view I still feel like saying a couple o'weeks but I've been saying that for a couple o'weeks ... LOL!
Yeah I always go by the fact that when buds look done they're ready.

Trichs, stigma, etc. are all valid things to go by to judge harvest times but all things need to be considered, including time restraints and space isssues.

Your buds don't look ready so I'd say another couple of weeks.

By all means take a little 'molly nippit' for research purposes.
Then you can judge what your bud would have been like if taken now compared to when you do actually chop her.
One things for sure it's going to be a rip snort'n smoke taken anytime from here on in.
But I'm sure left a little longer will make it better. ;)


Well-Known Member
more time ... a couple more weeks .... sounds a lil'fanmiliar ....and the originator of the monstro-cockus-equus has spoken. his bud .... its legendary. so legendary that this man ... well mam actually .... has decided to retire. Contributions to the return to growing Mam fund are cordially invited to PO box 58, Tahoe City, Tahoe Coitus State, DD-Globe of Tahoe. Many thanks.....your recommendations have been duely noted .... hahahahaha! :peace:
Yeah I always go by the fact that when buds look done they're ready.

Trichs, stigma, etc. are all valid things to go by to judge harvest times but all things need to be considered, including time restraints and space isssues.

Your buds don't look ready so I'd say another couple of weeks.

By all means take a little 'molly nippit' for research purposes.
Then you can judge what your bud would have been like if taken now compared to when you do actually chop her.
One things for sure it's going to be a rip snort'n smoke taken anytime from here on in.
But I'm sure left a little longer will make it better. ;)


Well-Known Member
hahahahahaha ....... mr.W. so nice to see you have been enjoying urselv. in light of such support .... maybe there is room for a couple more taken this morning before lights on ..... I'm still gitin no sooner to saying 'yup they're gitin there' ....

I trimmed a branch and she's hanging to dry ...... I'll try a lil'n'see how she smokes ....

In the meantime, tissues are available upon entering the room, garbage is on the left as you leave. Many thanks for your visit.:peace:




Well-Known Member
As always great pics. I noticed the pics of the BD. It looks to have very little side branching. Is it in Flower now?