Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
he will get his,,, thx buddy pieces of shit like that I don't bother with...he's a tour pilot during his "day" job,,,,he's moonlighting right now, turds aint got nothing better to do than bust herb,,fuck them I welcome them,, my setup is in thier legal standrds,, I'm actually under and they know that,, stop wasting your money guys!! crackdown on ice not herb,, ice is killing hawaiians!!


Well-Known Member
F#@ ice it is piosin.And anyone making it should face very stiff penalties.
Anyways on to happyer thoughts.
I just started germing some seeds.
From the Cali Connection.
I am sprouting 2 SFV OG KUSH ans 2 PURPLE KUSH.
And from The California Bean bank. 2 Kali Brains.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
awesome! I got 1 kalibrains that survived..it is in the tray with 4 other seedling of a different strain. I notice the growth on the kalibrains is faster,,,I was trying to research kalibrains, can't pull up to much info on them, you know anything about them? lineage wise??


Well-Known Member
There has to be a way to track this guy down.
Catch him coming out a bar or somethin.
Or plant some drugs on his plane or car and place an annonmys tip.
BYE BYE pilots licence

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahaha thats all I need, just a little help from my friends!! that guys a tool! you guys rock!!! thank you all! love the song and love my RIU family! one love

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
well, I wasn't to impressed with the results I was getting with my seedlings in the tray:( ....so I transplanted them into single pots.they are in coco coir.. this will be part of my winter grow . I put my other plant in the tray instead and we shall see how this works out,,,,I also threw in a nug of the kush I'm currently toking on. bad lighting, but oh well,,,JAh:peace:

herb give you a little time to think to yourself,,,it's so good for everything:peace:


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I think the reason they wasn't doing to good in the tray was because the soil was to compacted...I had to much earthworm castings in the mix and that made my soil real dense and compact, user error, but next time I will know better :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey super sweet man .... the first pic .... the soil looks friggin awesome ... I can smell it from here .... hey btw ... aunty dropped by and said hello. totally awesome. this community. many thanks for your updates. Walk On!!~~~~


Well-Known Member
Just some random thoughts.... How long is she going to stay in the tray? Do you think she will stand up ok without much depth? How do you like that coco? I've been considering different mediums and that was 1 of them. I know your new to it but how is it so far?