Gun Stories


Well-Known Member
There seems to be a lot of talk about guns on here recently. Mainly whether to ban them or not. I thought I would start a thread where people could share their gun stories.

I know 2 people who have used a gun for self-defense.

I have a friend who got into a road rage situation with someone. The guy followed my friend to a gas station and proceeded to get in his face. My friend pulled a pistol on him and told him to get the fuck off. The guy was fairly larger than my friend, so it was a good thing he had a piece on him.

Another story I've heard, from friends, is about this dude who was at a gas station. It seems gas stations attract violence. He was getting some gas when these two guys pulled up beside him. One gets out and goes in the store to make a forceful withdrawal. The other takes out a knife and starts toward this dude. Said dude takes out a shotgun from his truck and blows a hole in the rear quarter panel of the guys car. I live in the south so it's pretty common for people to have guns in their vehicles, big and small. It turns out that when he shot into the car he hit something, because the car stalled on the highway a little ways down and the cops caught up to them.

Those are my pro-gun stories, anyone else have any? In most cases it seems guns are mainly used to intimidate, not to kill. If someone tries to screw with you, I think it's your right to have something on you to protect yourself with.

Bob Marley Chiefs

New Member
i have a pro gun story...i was at my buddies house and was in his and his girls bedroom smokin, when we hear...(hello, hello, anyone here) as soon as i hear this voice i bounce up and check out the door down the hall...there was a weird dude standing there with a golf club...i said shit bounced in the room to see my friend placing the magazine in his .40 cal smith and soon as my buddy came around the corner with the gun the guy took off running out the front door...come to find out they knew the kid...and the kid had talked to my buddies roomates moments earlier...their roomates told the kid they were going out of town and that my buddy and his girl moved out the same day...well good thing we were there...if not his gurl would have been there alone and who knows what might have happend...even if we didnt have the gun the guy could have come at us and fucked us up pretty bad...all in all i believe that the gun helped us, not just, not letting the house get robbed but none of us were hurt!


Well-Known Member
I love guns. I feel a 100 times safer knowing I have several sets in my home. Moral of the story is people kill people guns don't. If you got rid off all the guns on the Earth then people would just kill each other with a different kind of weapon (first we had sticks and stones, then bone weapons, then throwing weapons, then bow and arrow, then swords, and lastly guns). I'd personally rather have a mature responsible gun owner own a gun legally then let a bunch of wanabe gang bangers running around with hand guns like they do in Chicago....Violence with hand gun use has only increased in chicago since that unconstitutional hand gun ban went into action. Shit right down the street from my old apt (when I lived in chicago) a bunch of gang bangers busted in a quickie mart, blasted the dudes brains out and then walked out. The owner had no means of protecting himself since he couldn't get to his shot gun in time.

I have nothing but positive things to say about guns permitting they are in responsible hands.


Well-Known Member
i read a true story a while back about 2 teenagers who wanted to know what it would be like to kill someone. so, in their rural community, they went to a strangers house in the middle of the night. they told them that their car was broken down and they needed to use the phone. the home they went to was a vacation home of an off-duty cop, who was there with his young son. the cop answered the door, but did not open it. he got a weird feeling from the two kids and knew something was strange. he would not let them in, however, they persisted that they needed to use the phone. finally fed up, the cop showed them his 9mm that he kept on him, through the window. upon viewing the weapon, they decided this probably wasnt the guy to fuck with. they left. continued on down the road to the next house. they did the same broke down car routine there, and this time it worked. the family down the street from the cop let the 2 boys in, and those 2 boys killed the entire family. not sure exactly how many people, but i believe it was a mother, father, and a child or 2. so just the mere sight of a firearm saved that man's life, and his young son's. thus, a good reason to own a gun yourself! if only for the reassurance that you can protect yourself and your family against multiple intruders, or someone with a gun.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Three guys pulled up beside me at a stop light and motioned me to roll down the window. I roll it down and they start asking me if I need some "shit." I decline and drive on. They keep staying right beside me trying to talk shit. The front passenger pulled his cell phone holding it like it was a gun. I thought it was a gun so I pulled my Colt 1911 and pointed it their way. A half second after I pulled my gun, the passenger in the front was sunk low in his seat and the driver stepped hard on the accelerator.

As a side thought, its terrible that being a responsible gun owner and a responsible cannabis user can't go together. I know legally that their is no "responsible" pot smoking but I still think it sucks that we have to weigh the risk of getting busted with cannabis and a gun against the chance that maybe one day we will be forced to defend ourselves. End rant.


Well-Known Member
I was at a party a couple of year ago. 5 bucks at the door to help pay for the keg. My buddy was at the door collecting the money when some party crashers showed up and of course they didnt want to pay, so we tryied to send them on there way. As they where leaving one of the guys pulled a knife from his pocket and started running back towards my buddy. I turn around to run when a hear a loud pop. For some reason my buddy had his sgun that usually he never carries on him, he just had that felling to carry. After it was all said and done, self defence.


Well-Known Member
One time, I shot a can. Directly after shooting the can, I shot another one that was adjacent to the first one.
Sorry gun stories suck but I don't do anything with it besides target practice. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Some of these stories are crazy. But being that I live in Canada almost nobodies packing except for gangsters, and people that have enough time to deal with the bullshit of getting a gun, if ya don't buy it illegally. In the us so much more crazier shit happens down there then up here, If I lived down there I would diffidently have a handgun. Up here in Canada you here about someone getting killed in a robbery rarely, but it happens a shit load of times like every day in America. Up here things usually get settled with your fist, a knife, or a hockey stick :D

Anyone seen the Penn and Teller bullshit on gun control? That was a good episode.


Well-Known Member
Had a double barrel 12g when I was a kid . my friend thought it would be cool to hip fire both barrels. The dumb ass pulled both triggers before he had it on his hip. hit hit his hip bone causing a nastey bruise. and broke both his fingers. When I got done laughing I took him to the ER. I got tons of stories some funny some sad.


Well-Known Member
Some of these stories are crazy. But being that I live in Canada almost nobodies packing except for gangsters. In the us so much more crazier shit happens down there then up here, If I lived down there I would diffidently have a handgun. Up here in Canada you here about someone getting killed in a robbery rarely, but it happens a shit load of times like every day in America. Up here things usually get settled with your fist, a knife, or a hockey stick :D

Anyone seen the Penn and Teller bullshit on gun control? That was a good episode.
I was just in canada, And I tell you what I didn't like not having a gun. we got stuck in the yukon for 3 days that place is a whole lot of nothing. I thought it strange not to have a weapon.


Well-Known Member
Cool thread, I actually have quite a few but I will share my scariest experience with guns. I'll try and make the story as short as possible. I was 16 years old living in a ghetto neighborhood in Los Angeles and for some reason I was just standing in my front yard I guess admiring the day, It's wierd because I had never done this before. It was 4pm and I had just arrived from school, so as I am standing on my front yard I saw an SUV speed down my block and began shooting 4 houses before mine. Unfortuanatly he didn't stop before my house, the target I suppose were the gangmembers that live next to me. The entire driveby was in slowmotion and I was basically frozen, immediatly after the shooting I walked in my house like nothing had happened and drank a glass of water, It was after I drank the water that I felt the adrenaline. WIthin minutes the police and medics arrived, there was 3 injured and one killed, and I was one of the injured and didn't even know it. So I am standing outside being nosy and a LAPD officer approaches me in attempt to collect a statement but I am not that stupid, as he is talking with me he notices blood on my dickies jacket, I lifted my arm and felt the most painfull feeling I have ever had, yup I was struck by a damn bullet. I went into a panick and the cop immedialty called the medics to check my injury. I was shot with a 9mm bullet and the only reason I am alive is because the bullet was lodged in between two ribs, I didn't need surgery only stitches. Sorry for the essay.


Well-Known Member
ive been in plenty cases with people when someone had to shoot in self defense and i was there ect...dont want to get into details because there graphic....but if you have to defend yourself or those around you,do so,,,im more of a machete guy tho dont really care for them,,,"even when i do own a gun".. i usually carry my machete in my car,,,guns are kinda a pussy weapon to choose in man to man combat in some situations imo


ive been in plenty cases with people when someone had to shoot in self defense and i was there ect...dont want to get into details because there graphic....but if you have to defend yourself or those around you,do so,,,im more of a machete guy tho dont really care for them,,,"even when i do own a gun".. i usually carry my machete in my car,,,guns are kinda a pussy weapon to choose in man to man combat in some situations imo

dude, omg you have to tell a graphic story!!

I have a funny ass story! Well, funny to me anyway...

My buddy just bought a pistol illegally from one of his friends who was in a gang. He called me up and me, him and two other friends head to the river bed to fire it for the first time. He loads it up, sees a big bird like 300 yards away and starts walking towards it with the gun, while me and the other two guys stay back and watch. He takes 10 steps, stumbles, tries to pull up his shorts and we hear a loud POP! He just drops to the ground and empties the gun into the dirt. The three of us run over to him and see that with the very first bullet he fired out of the gun, he shot his right leg, the bullet exited, then hit his left leg! lmao! There was quite a bit of blood. So we rushed him to the ER the next town over. He ended up recovering about 2 months later, what a dumb ass!

Safety first kids! :shock:


Well-Known Member
long story short we were at some litte party inna big house all kinda dealers ect,bosses,dons ,,,,moet bottles ect smoking bitches,,,,,some fight broke out someone ran up on the homie with a bottle and got topped,,,took the ambulance a hour2 get there he bleed a lake,,,,ive been shot at never hit,,,its just nonsense,,,man die over the smallest of things funny looks,the color they got on ect....


I find it strange that most Americans do not see the connection between the amount of guns in USA today and the number of deaths, injuries etc. caused by firearms...

Just because the second amendment states that you have the right to bear arms, isn't a good enough reason. The bill of right was written along time ago, in a time when you coulnt count on anyone else but yourself to protect your family. Today the government provides protection for its citizens, but the protection will only be sufficient when it becomes harder to get a hold of guns and ammo. These days anyone can get a piece if they so desire. More guns, more problems.

So to protect the innocent, vote yes for stricter gun control!


Well-Known Member
Me and a few friends went camping I had my 10/22 ruger in its gun case in the bed of the truck. It rained overnight, when I got back into town I open it and the all the blue finish was rusted off and the whole rifle was covered in rust. Turns out there was a huge open crack on the back of the case and some rain water got in I felt so stupid.

Sr. Verde

Honestly, this thread makes me want to buy a small gun.

And I would do it the right way, with a concealed weapons permit.