Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
damn Doc, alot happens in one day over here in your journal. :hump:

You got pics, music, topsy turvys and all kinds of love. It fuckin great man

btw, thanks for the jason mraz video, I just bought tickets to his sept 16 show, only $15 for lawn seats, its gunna be a blast!!!


\plants are looking amazing too


Well-Known Member
hey man ..... away for a couple hours .... and boom .... videos, music, pics, and everyone partying ..... excellent way excellent plants, garden and hijack and topsyturvy .... looking all real special ! Walk on!!~~~~


Well-Known Member
helicopters!! howzit !!! where y'all at today?????? yup yup!:hump::hump:

theres alot more where that came from,,, but I aint waisting my time with that shit anymore,, on to better things..:joint: told ya greenhorn don't lie;)
damn bro, does that make you nervous? i'm nervous for you. do you think this site incriminates you, or at least do you think feds look at this? or even my journal? i'm sure someone in my county has checked me out? although i'm legal, but the feds frown on my activity. on a better note..
hows the waves in september? i don't want any ankle snappers, i want some epic brutal surf, i know you know where its at, i'll be looking you up!:peace::peace::peace: by the way my smoke is superb! thank you.


Well-Known Member
i still can't figure out how to post youtube videos. damn computers, not old guy friendly. :(

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
and I have nothing to worry about:) I am perfectly legal and I am doing nothing wrong, just growing meds.... and spreading the message to all


Well-Known Member
word .... personal stash .... keeping the balance ....walking on!~:peace:
and I have nothing to worry about:) I am perfectly legal and I am doing nothing wrong, just growing meds.... and spreading the message to all

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hehehe yup tahoe! I'm not a dealer or anything, just supplying my own meds,,, they don't want me, but they sure are curious..;) and before I forget.... A VERY BIG SHOUT OUT TO RANDOM KINDNESS!!! wherever you are brah, may good karma follow you always! I will not dissappoint!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
but honestly,,, no more helicopter activity over my house or area today..... they really were looking for my "guerilla gardens" they were waiting for me to make a move and go harvest them....after yesterdays log,,, they all left and didn't come back,,,, honest gang!! I wouldn't lie about that, my name is dr. Greenhorn;)


Well-Known Member
cool maybe sum peace and quiet for a bit huh .... yea ... no I never thought anything differnet man .... walking On!!~~~~

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
yes, so much better without them hovering around here,, they are probably all kicking eachother in the ass right now as we speak!!! ahahahahhahahaha

told ya don't mess with dr. Greenhorn;)