Explain your avatar


Well-Known Member
uhh, i had just got that shirt. it says, 'id rather be snorting cocaine off a hookers ass.'. i was rather proud of it and hid my face with a nitrous balloon. seemed a fitting pic for RIU.

ps. i dont do coke.:spew:


Well-Known Member
i had the one i attached below but then kaleo pmed me one day saying it would be funny to put a weird greepy guy up. so i did it.
I guess you were not here for the times when I had a whole bunch of madass looking dudes as my avatars?

The one I have at the moment doesn't mean much. I just like it.


Well-Known Member
this is actually my neighbors dog... he is truely amazing
chesapeak bay retriever and pit bull named charlie

hes is obbessed with any kind of balls and i thought the pic was perfect with his ball


Well-Known Member
mines a pic of my grow room in the dark last harvest.. MYGIRLS started a "bud face" thread, and so i made a family... they are the McPots.. havent named them individually.. just got that far... the pic in my sig is one of my dogs...