The rollitup Icon Dude


Well-Known Member
Is the little rollitup mascot dude a calyx? Kind of just wondering. Looks like it to me. My buddy thinks he's a flame - a green one? haha.
What do you think?


Well-Known Member
I think it would make way more sense to be a calyx . . . that IS what makes up the bud after all ;).


Well-Known Member
i think if he is a calyx he would be a she... and i think she's a super hero dressed as seed disguised as a calyx and her super power is a green flame...


Well-Known Member
I believe it's a seed, with the way it is cracked at the more narrow top, and has a single root coming out of it


Well-Known Member
weird. i was just thinking about this yesterday and was gunna start a thread too.

im going to go with calyx. if it were a seed its shapped a little funny no?


Well-Known Member
i don't think it's shaped funny for either to be honest. they both look pretty close to what he looks like. but if it were a seed i would think they'd make him brown.. unless they just thought brown wasn't "herbally supporting" so they made him green (i'm making up terms now) haha


Active Member
If it's a green seed, then it's a fresh seed of a fertilized female plant and since none of us want fertilized females I'm hoping that's not what it is. I like the calyx idea better :P