Obama for president in 2012


Active Member
ill give obama my vote again.... republicans use too much hate and fear to win votes! we dont need anymore hate or fear remember the terror alerts? keep people scared of whats different and you can control their lives.
were all dead december 12th 2012 the next demension is coming. duh. so i say we postpone the election till after that. so we can all go nuts. and then watch the earth blow up in a anarchy. oi oi oi
were all dead december 12th 2012 the next demension is coming. duh. so i say we postpone the election till after that. so we can all go nuts. and then watch the earth blow up in a anarchy. oi oi oi

and fuck obama. i like my health bennies i get from work. and i know they say you can still keep them blah blah
but they never stressed how long till they cut them out and make it a goverment owned operation only. move it over. and this will also make confidential information no more confidential which does go against our dec of rights. but it is what it is. if it wasnt this it would be something else. kiss-ass


Active Member
and fuck obama. i like my health bennies i get from work. and i know they say you can still keep them blah blah
but they never stressed how long till they cut them out and make it a goverment owned operation only. move it over. and this will also make confidential information no more confidential which does go against our dec of rights. but it is what it is. if it wasnt this it would be something else. kiss-ass
some things shouldnt be about profit greed, and insurance companies bottom line.... healthy people work harder and spend more. its in all of our best interest dont let the special interests scare you.fear is their tool, dont let them use your fear against you.


New Member
Well then all the other conspiracy theories are actually cover-ups...9/11...aliens...OKcity....
The ones you mention did in fact happen. It's just that the events are then spun through a carefully crafted filter to enlist a response from a readily receptive group of people. In no instance does the majority of the citizenry believe there is something amiss. This is not so with the Obama BC and COLLEGE admission papers. The latest poll has Americans thinking something is amiss. That can't be said for any alien or 9/11 conspiracy.

Why are his college recorded not being released? are they actually not being released? I do not know...maybe all this BS about a birth cert. is better than finding out that he got a "c" in economics or something terrible like that...I do not know.
Yes, why indeed? These are simple questions which should have VERY SIMPLE answers....where are the answers? Hidden....

But i will offer this....Have you ever tried to get an official copy of your own college transcripts? Even the year after you graduate, they hide that shit like it is really sensitive...I mean banking info is thrown around on-line but transcripts are sealed with an official stamp.
I'll posit this to you. If I were running for President of the United States, i wouldn't have to collect or send for anything. That College institution would be going full bore towards getting my data collected...for their own purposes. And yet, Obama's past is extremely murky....does that make sense? It doesn't to me. It doesn't to alot of folks.

If this is all really true...you guys should be using your energy to find out why it was allowed to happen...I mean it must go deep, way past repub/dem...why was it so important to put this guy in office...considering all the expenses and cooperation with multiple levels of government which historically can not find each others phone numbers much less work together.
I think at some point the DNC had to be involved. Of course like Nixon, the real crimes came after disclosure. The cover ups, if discovered, always leads to the felonies. This may yet explode. it may not.

I am willing to be taken hook line and sinker at times....but this is just sillyness...I mean what is the purpose? Why would they do this? Who is behind it?...oh yeah Harry and Nancy...they are so diabolical!
The purpose of someone not having full allegiance to the country he is elected President? Just happenstance that this same president is trying to harness as much CONTROL as possible through the federal Govt.? Connect the dots....


New Member
Bush never coopted the private sector...there's a difference. He was no shining example either...two wrongs don't make a right.


New Member
Then correct me...what percentage of the country believes your conspiracy theory on 9/11????????????????????????????????????

Go read a book or something.


Well-Known Member
and fuck obama. i like my health bennies i get from work. and i know they say you can still keep them blah blah
but they never stressed how long till they cut them out and make it a goverment owned operation only. move it over. and this will also make confidential information no more confidential which does go against our dec of rights. but it is what it is. if it wasnt this it would be something else. kiss-ass
They are not going to shut down huge insurance companies...they will absolutely let you continue to have administrators within the HMO tell your DR what they can and can not cover. I understand though, I have had insurance and it was fine. And I sure would not want somebody forcing me into some sub standard system like we have for our veterans. But Insurance companies are so far up the asses of our politicians, I really think this is not a reality even if healthcare end up being.

It amazes me the amount of BS propaganda is put out against health care...like Canadians are all dying in line at the DR. (try a socal E-room on a weekend...bring a pillow, something to read...and your own tourniquet!) Oh and the huge back-ups at the Canadian Border as Canadians cross in hordes to take advantage of our great health care system...out from the dark clouds of socialistic oppression into the land of milk and honey!...Right.

WakeTFU folks. Let me tell you what it is really like...outside of your little bubble of very temporary security. Many people work several jobs to make ends meet and have no health care. At the clinic in the US, the office visit is $60...not that bad, but if you have a larger family and need anything more than your blood pressure, height and weight checked, or one of the script du jour...its gonna cost a bit more....So here is the deal AMERICAN CITIZENS ARE GOING TO FREAKING MEXICO TO GET AFFORDABLE MEDICAL AND DENTAL WORK!!!!!

This is real...not a TV commercial paid for by Insurance companies. Insurance is a freaking scam.

The ones you mention did in fact happen. It's just that the events are then spun through a carefully crafted filter to enlist a response from a readily receptive group of people. In no instance does the majority of the citizenry believe there is something amiss. This is not so with the Obama BC and COLLEGE admission papers. The latest poll has Americans thinking something is amiss. That can't be said for any alien or 9/11 conspiracy.
It could just as easily be said that Obama has a US BC and it has been disclosed (just not on display at the Library of congress...yet) and that his college admission papers were also disclosed, and that the events were spun through a carefully crated filter (Fox-and -friends) to enlist a response from a readily receptive group of people (and the kooks that follow them). In no [...] amiss. This is not so with the alien and 9/11 cover-ups. The latest poll has Americans thinking something is amiss. That cant be said for any Birth Certificate or College admission papers.

Honestly dude I had not heard anything about either issue until this freaking thread on RIU!!! Although Americans may think something is amiss...we can not quite put our finger on it (not an accident I am sure) and a certain part of this country simply finds it easy and familiar to point our finger at a black man and blame him. Remember we are 60 years out from not allowing blacks to drink from freaking "white" water fountains like the black might just be contagious. As much as we all try and as far as we have come...a large portion of this country is very racist. The only thing relieving blacks in some areas is the relatively newer Mexican scapegoat.

As far as the Aliens. I do not believe that it is an accident that we are seeing lots of TV on the subject...on a channel devoted to the historical facts...I think this is to ease people into accepting the fact that we are not alone in the universe, while trying to find a way to save world religions from crumbling, and the resulting chaos. It is becoming very common to here the "with the vastness, blah blah, it is arrogant, blah only beings in the universe" I hear this alot. I only here stuff like our president was born in Africa from people who are angry about our black democratic president who had the audacity to not where a flag pin even though it was announced at revelry as the uniform of the day.

I mean common folks...like the secret service background check was done by a former convenience store clerk who forgot to ask for ID cuz he looked American enough to be president...:wall:

Now as for the 9/11...Man I sure as hell do not want to believe that anything other than what we have been told happened. All I do know is that the place where I heard more than a passing "I think 9/11 was an inside job...yeah yeah whatever tweeker dude" was after hearing all this zeitgeist stuff on religious threads. It sounded to me like some anti-zionist bs, so one day I checked it out. I watched the second film first...for whatever that is worth.

Now although a lot of the stuff they have on 9/11 and all the other major wars WW I, II, Vietnam, Iraq/Afghanistan seems at least plausible, but the stuff they reveal about the origins of the plagiarized christian religion, and the 20+ messiahs, previous to Christ who were born of a virgin birth, were called the light, the way, the prince of peace etc, were crucified, arose on the 3rd day and ascended into the heavens to watch over man with the father...this shit is real. Also the origins of the Fed, how JP Morgan created the Panic of 1909 which convinced the public of the necessity of a central bank, in spite of the many written warnings against this by our founding fathers. How our dollar has continued to be inflated and devalued, During the depression people were tricked to turn in all gold bar and bullion or face incarceration...for their own good. This shit is real and it happened.

This stuff is not far from the Harry J Anslinger crap that was conspired to save an entire big gov agency, and then to create and entire bureaucracy in a war against a plant and the poor and minorities.

I think at some point the DNC had to be involved. Of course like Nixon, the real crimes came after disclosure. The cover ups, if discovered, always leads to the felonies. This may yet explode. it may not.
You may very well be right on this...but isn't it your words about a republican sweep in 2008 in someones sig?

The purpose of someone not having full allegiance to the country he is elected President? Just happenstance that this same president is trying to harness as much CONTROL as possible through the federal Govt.? Connect the dots....
I guess we need more dots because I do not see anything sinister here...and believe me I am highly sensitive to the sinister...spent 5 hours on the road today...lots of "thin linear clouds" (TLC) chunky little rain cloudettes, these TLC in nice straight parallel rows and angular intersections that had me proving <a was congruent to <B ...and a new one to me...refracted light of the sun when seen through a chemtrail. It looked like a circular rainbow in one spot in the sky...

weird shit in the sky today East of March Air Base over Hemet and Coachella Valley I saw a couple of planes. One I think the trail disappeared, but one I watched for 20-30 minutes as it spread out and turned into a freaking cloud. And the High Desert is green...in August. My 14yo said why is it so green it it's not spring!

I'm trying, but its all so confusing. :roll:



New Member
I Honestly dude I had not heard anything about either issue until this freaking thread on RIU!!! Although Americans may think something is amiss...we can not quite put our finger on it (not an accident I am sure) and a certain part of this country simply finds it easy and familiar to point our finger at a black man and blame him.
Just because you haven't heard about it doesn't mean it's not happening...:lol: I don't know why the race card is being played. I could care less what the color of his skin is. I don't like subterfuge and Obama is tossing it around like a rag doll. He promised TRANSPARENCY.....let's see some. ANY record which shows his country of origin is OFF LIMITS??? Let's just put on our COMMON SENSE thinking caps for a moment...k? This isn't a complicated conspiracy issue, merely enforcing the rule of LAW, wherever it may lead.

Now as for the 9/11...Man I sure as hell do not want to believe that anything other than what we have been told happened. All I do know is that the place where I heard more than a passing "I think 9/11 was an inside job...yeah yeah whatever tweeker dude" was after hearing all this zeitgeist stuff on religious threads. It sounded to me like some anti-zionist bs, so one day I checked it out. I watched the second film first...for whatever that is worth.
Have you watched a DEBUNKING film on 9/11? You should...the faults are obvious and numerous. Look at both sides.

You may very well be right on this...but isn't it your words about a republican sweep in 2008 in someones sig?
What does one have to do with the other. As usual, that statement was taken out of context. No worries...what I said was it is NOT healthy for a country to have one party rule and if there isn't a Republican sweep in the next mid terms, this country is done like dinner!!! I stand by that post and if we don't even out the power structure, everyone is going to be broke for a very very long time....except for Govt. workers.


Well-Known Member
also its very important to see if the person who is gonna be president was born in this country. You have to be born in the USA to be president
You don't have to be born in the USA to be president. One of your parents has to be an American citizen. John McCain was born in Panama.


You don't have to be born in the USA to be president. One of your parents has to be an American citizen. John McCain was born in Panama.
wrong, you need to be born on U.S. soil to be president...

your talking about just plain citizenship