first grow, am I doing it right? here's pics.


Well-Known Member
I'm bringing my plants in today because they weren't getting enough light. Now I'm worried That I might give them too much light. I have the lights all the way up to the cieling. My lights are 1000 watt air cooled sunsystems. Is this too much? or can I bring them down closer? I'm not only doing my script, so I don't want to mess it up.


Well-Known Member
I'm bringing my plants in today because they weren't getting enough light. Now I'm worried That I might give them too much light. I have the lights all the way up to the cieling. My lights are 1000 watt air cooled sunsystems. Is this too much?:confused: or can I bring them down closer? I'm not only doing my script, so I don't want to mess it up.:wall:



Active Member
So long as there is enough airflow to keep the plants from cooking you can.
IF there is a significant amount of heat build up within the grow space I would be very careful.
I'm pretty sure you can get away with at least half the height from the plants you currently have though.
The plants want light, they will suck it up regardless. The only x factor is ambient and direct heat.


Well-Known Member
yeah I have a real good air conditioner and a Duct fan with a charcol filter and a couple regular fans. the temp stays at 75f. So I could bring the lights closer as long as the temp stays at 70-75? I'm really worried about burning them.


yeah I have a real good air conditioner and a Duct fan with a charcol filter and a couple regular fans. the temp stays at 75f. So I could bring the lights closer as long as the temp stays at 70-75? I'm really worried about burning them.

you have a lot of gear for a noob .


Well-Known Member
Bar your pic is fuckin gay! what the fuck is that shit, man? don't respond to my threads. You didn't even say anything usefull and I have that ugly ass picture on my thread now, you sick fuck. I just got on this website, I hope there's not anymore fags like you on here.


Active Member
Bar your pic is fuckin gay! what the fuck is that shit, man? don't respond to my threads. You didn't even say anything usefull and I have that ugly ass picture on my thread now, you sick fuck. I just got on this website, I hope there's not anymore fags like you on here.
Rookie dont hold back tell him what you really think


Well-Known Member
Dude , do you have 3x 1000w + C02 hydro system for your first try?

Wtf is this -_-

Put the lights closer man, - and wtf - why 3000w for just few plants?

You know the bill for keeping that stuff on right?

Keep the temps down , - keep the c02 at the right ppm 1k-1,5k at 82f - , keep the lights cool and you can have it as close as you can.

Just dont rape them with the light <.< srsly - If thats possible , you can do it with that stuff lol.

Give us info and more pics on that awesome build and grow your about to do.

Be involved - Rollitup can teach you things and with that setup you can be growing for the cannabis cup.


Whats with the homophobia?

Chill out people.


Well-Known Member
I'm not using hydro yet. Just straight soil with some nutes. I took the carpet out and put plastic down. I'm using excellafizz for Co2. I was using blood meal, superthrive and fish ferts outside, what should I use inside? does it matter? I don't care about the smell my room's sealed. I would like to keep the same stuff (it's what I have) but will it mess me up?


Well-Known Member
I'm not using hydro. just plain soil. I took the carpet up, bombed the room for bugs and put plastic down. I was going to do them outside but wasn't getting enough direct light. I'm using excellafizz for my co2. I was using fish ferts with superthrive and there's blood meal in my soil. Can I keep using that indoors (its what I have), or will that mess me up?


Well-Known Member
Can you provide us with better pictures m8? :)

The grow looks good ,- nothing to worry about.

Just remember to watch out for high temperature .- although since your using C02 you should be able to keep it in the 82-88F zone.

How much PPM C02?


As for the lights ,- you can put them as close as you want if they are cooled properly. Just make sure the heat from your reflectors doesn't bother the plants. - Rule of thumb is that If it doesn't bother your hand , it doesn't bother your plant so you can use that as measurement of how close you can put the lights from the canopy.


If the plants look healthy and are growing well , don't worry about nutrients :)

Go go grow ;D;D;D


Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics That I took this morning. I lowered my lights even more. The temp was at 69.5 when I went in this morning (I don't know why) Some are at 13 or 14 inches and some are at 6-7 inches. I put the short ones in the middle and lowered the middle light. I wish they would catch up. When they were outside they seemed to reach for the light more. Was out doors that much better? I could put my hand right on the glass of my hoods if I want. real warm but won't burn my hand. On one end I have a Elicent fan and at the other end a charcol filter. My air conditioner blows on the filter from across the room so that it cools the room and the air that blows threw my lights. I threw I pic of my dog in, just to trip on. she could run way higher up that tree but gets hurt when she comes down. What do you think would be the BEST ferts????



Well-Known Member
dont move the lights closer until they are older. A few more weeks older. Once they are older put the lights 2 feet away from your plants and move them up as they grow ever 5 inches. So a constant distance of about 19-24 inches. With the amount of lumens you have you dont need them as close as the lower watt ones. Like my 400 watt light stays 12-16 inches away from my plants but obv your working with much more power. Also how many plants do you have going.


Well-Known Member
also obv you want to keep the distance of the lights from plants that allows coverage so if 2 feet doesnt hit light to all your babies then try two and a half.


Well-Known Member
Why wouldnt he use as much and as strong lights as he can?

Those plants are already well matured and can take any amount of light given to them ,- you cant hurt plants with light and the closer the lights are the more light of the lower spectrum which the HPS has little of they will get.

There is absolutely NO reason not to give them ALL the light they can get. - As long as the cooltube screens work and the plants are not exposed to above 85F heat at the top of their canopy its all EXCELLENT.

More lights!


As long as the plant is not showing any deficiency's you shouldn't worry about nutrients or such.

Just keep it clean and simple for your first grow -


Well-Known Member
I was gone for a day and a half. just got back, and some of them bitches grew 4 inches! I'm hella happy! I was worried the whole time I was gone. worried the air conditioner would give out or something. and I just brought them in the day before so I was worried the transition might mess them up. but no they are happy. Are seeds better than clones? I think next time I'm using seeds. If they are better. For some reason one of my plants leaves are fu__ed up. Can someone tell me whats wrong with it? Its one of my favorite ones (Grapefruit Sour Diesal Kush):weed: OK I'm putting a few pics on here. the tall plant is one of the ones that grew 4 inches in a day and a half. the bushy one is the one that's having problems with one of its leaves (still has rapid growth). So yeah, my two questions: Are seeds better than clones and Whats wrong with my sour kush baby? Thanxs for your help. Oh, and Drio, yeah I think most light is better. at least that's what I'm learnig. I started laughing loud when I messured my plants. Thanx for telling me to lower my lights.:D

