Seedlings - Very Slow and Twisting


Well-Known Member
So these guys are 20 days old. I think they're growing so slowly because the basement they're in goes below 60 degrees due to a leaky central ac unit.

I do have a seedling heat pad under them and my thermo reads 70-75, but I think the temp reading is thrown off by being directly under the light.

Also, while I was cleaning out the clone tent I placed the seedling dome outside under the bright July sun, I don't know what I was thinking. Luckily I checked on them after 45 minutes and only two seedlings got fried, if it had been any longer I would have baked them all.

The seedlings are starting to twist at the leaves, this can't be good!!

Will they survive? Is there anything special I should do? Do they look overwatered? When sould I give them some them some nutes? When should I transplant them to larger containers?

Any help or input is greatly appriciated!!



Active Member
how far away are your lights and what kind are you using??? whats their light schedule?? we need as much info about your set-up as possible......


Well-Known Member
T5 flours - they're getting approx 6000 foot candles, which according to Jorge, is more then enough. No nute yet, and the water is about 6.2 ph. Lights are 18/6...


Well-Known Member
I just moved the light yet closer to the seedling, about 1-2".

Does anyone out there think my seedlings are growing so slowly and look like because of low light?
60 degrees is cold for the plants. It can put them in shock which explains the slow growth. My white widow babies did the same thing except they are 3 weeks old! Good buddy said it could be heat or nutes. I would transplant a soon as they look healthy enough to handle it. I don't think the water on the leaves help. How ever they are weeds and they will come back. Don't sweat it.


Active Member
yea man water on the leaves is no good....get the lights about 2-3 inches away from the plant then put your hand where the plant is and if its too hot for your hand its too hot for the plant so move it until it doesnt burn your hand but if your using flourous like me then you should be able to get em pretty close tho im using t-8 and not t-5.....good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Check out the seedlings just 6 days later. My T5's were way too far away, I moved them to an inch away and also transplanted to 4" pots and...Bingo!! Most obvious thing. No nutes yet, just fresh soiless mix and 6.2 ph water

The reason the lights were so far away was because Jorge's Bible claimed that seedlings only need 400 foot candles of light. According to my new light meter, the seedling were getting 700-800 foot candles of light with the T5 two feet away. So I figured I didn't need to move the light. Can anyone explain this inconsistancy? Are foot candles from flouro's different then foot candles from HID's?

So will these plants be OK after stunting them for a month? I hate to throw them out as they're expensive feminized Blueberry's from Dutch Passion. I ended up with three seedling from 10 good sprouts...Live and learn. They're now showing vigorous growth!!

Fallen Buckshot

if they are showing good growth why would you throw them out ? it might just set back harvest a week or so


Well-Known Member
I have a 1 week old seedling under 2 florescent bulbs, one is cool bulb and the other is a warm bulb. how far should the bulbs be from the seedling? (white widow)

I am also filling up the seedling pot full of water every 3 days. It is a 5"x5" plastic container. Is this ok to do or is it to much water?


I have a 1 week old seedling under 2 florescent bulbs, one is cool bulb and the other is a warm bulb. how far should the bulbs be from the seedling? (white widow)

I am also filling up the seedling pot full of water every 3 days. It is a 5"x5" plastic container. Is this ok to do or is it to much water?
woah threadjacker :roll:


Active Member
I have a 1 week old seedling under 2 florescent bulbs, one is cool bulb and the other is a warm bulb. how far should the bulbs be from the seedling? (white widow)

I am also filling up the seedling pot full of water every 3 days. It is a 5"x5" plastic container. Is this ok to do or is it to much water?
thats fucked up bro


Well-Known Member
I have a 1 week old seedling under 2 florescent bulbs, one is cool bulb and the other is a warm bulb. how far should the bulbs be from the seedling? (white widow)

I am also filling up the seedling pot full of water every 3 days. It is a 5"x5" plastic container. Is this ok to do or is it to much water?
It's all good, LOL..welcome to really shouldn't bump someone elses' thread to ask a question regarding your own grow, espeacially when it's a question that you could have been found very easilly by searching a little through this site...

Guys...regarding the very expensive Blueberry seedlings?


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys for that. I should of read this thread before posting. I thought this was for seedling problems. Sorry


Active Member
they are not weeds.....they are a flowering plant similar to a tulip or a rose....NOT a weed, thats a "street name"....end the perpetual spreading of ignorance


Well-Known Member
..well true but your not going to make it a house hold name by not calling it weed. it grows like a weed though, but definitely not. If it makes you feel any better i call it bud? As far as the blueberry from DP goes, dont dump them out, just lower the lights and they're do their things, they're lookin good, but for some reason growth some the first initial sprout is sometimes a slow process. it was for me, the first three weeks seems like they creep along. i have some BB from DP that im about to flower after a 7 month veg. Lst'ed, its a beautiful lookin plant, very organized, compared to my ww. but yea man dont waste some bb, dont over feed, the first three weeks. iv done that twice. it slows growth. just have patience and it come along. good luck


Well-Known Member
Seedlings look good now. Just sit back chill and let them get on with it. A HID would do wonders now tho if ya could get one.