is this ready for the chop

my mates telling me to chop it down because it goes brown within the last week or so and he says another 2 weeks and it will go moldy

Illegal Smile

Let it go. The danger of chopping too early is far greater than the danger of waiting too long. You need to start checking the trichs. A 30x loupe works but a real microscope, and you can pick up vintage ones on ebay cheap, is much better! Its like you're standing in a forest of trichs. I just got a small vintage Tasco microscope on ebay, like new for like $20.


[SIZE=2 said:
fellix9lives[/SIZE];2872602]whats the dangers of chopping to early and i cant get a microscope not got the money :(
The danger is that you have smoke that is not ready to smoke. You will not get the desired effect because the tris aren't mature. From the pics, your pistils are still all white, when they turn reddish or amber you are close. Be patient you have worked hard to get this close another few weeks will be worth the wait.


Well-Known Member
just having slightly premature buds that arent comepletely ripe.. still smokeable and good.. just not as good or as big as they would have been...

dont chop early cause your buddy says so... obviously he doesnt know what he's talking about... the bud wont mold from being on the plant unless that plant dies with the buds on it... if you are watering and giving it light its fine.. you are much better off watiting a week or two until your buds are done then trying to get it off the plant early...


Active Member
whats the dangers of chopping to early and i cant get a microscope not got the money :(

You get a shitty crop. Listen to these guys not your M8's bro. I guess you could wait untill all the hairs shrivel up and go back into the buds.... but a microscope would be best. Go to the good will store you should be able to find an ol crappy one to do the trick for $5-$10. Or try Kijiji or craigslist. something like that. If you have no $$$ post on a local "Freecycle" site asking for a microscope.
nah cant get a close up cant zoom in with phone :( i'll have to get a microscope. but please could you prove my mate rong he has done 1 grow himself and he reckons tht you r all wrong where i think you are all right. he reckons i ill got mouldy bud for 1 if i dont chop it. he says it aint gonna get any bigger and he says that if it goes too brown its f ed. prove him wrong please :D