Pizza Hut or Dominoes



i dont like either of them really but id go with dominoes over pizza hutt


fuck new york street style pizza its all about chicago deep dish, geno's east connies, giordanaos ect.


Active Member
I prefer a local chain called Bizarros... Or almost any small pizzaria over large franchises


Staff member
we donthave either here!

but i have had both and ima tell you they make better pizza where i live cause its just locally owned places here, like thats all wehave for pizza places except we do have
a 2 for 1 rofl thats the only name brand place and it sucks dick.


Active Member
ill take pizza hut over Dominos any day. how ever Dominos is closer and delivers so i get that. but if i want actual good pizza i go with Family Pizza 5 minutes down the road but i gotta pick up... so Dominos it is most the time. Convince is Key

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i hate pizza corps.

they suck all the ingredients arent fresh
now if you look deep through your town you can find sum bomb pizza

i always get hamburger,bacon,and cheese topped with ketchup


Well-Known Member
both are nasty, but pizza hut is less so.
domino's pizza sauce makes me want to hurl.
i say: if you can, hunt up a good local place that delivers.
chain pizza sucks.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Ill take dominoes over pizza hut cause there wings are better..... Now im gonna go make up some french toast.
Midget toast?

On the Pizza, Chitown had it right deep dish is the Bomb.
I visited a cousin in Melrose park and the two things that blew my mind was one; the deep dish pizza, we ordered from Giadano's was like $40
And Pizza Puffs


Well-Known Member
Pizza Hut stuffed crust all the way...
... and I basically lived on Domino's and Pizza Hut for my last month at school