I think my foots broke..


Well-Known Member
Just wanted someone to know.. Black n blue.. Got drunk n tackled my friend (dove in air, kinda over-dramatic) two weeks ago.. I felt like writing this cuz I just stood up, fell right down.. Haha I'm sittting on the ground still...

....idk where my ciggarettes are...


Well-Known Member
I would say you bruised the muscle, but after two weeks that would have healed. My vote's for breaking a lesser metatarsal, pics?


Well-Known Member
Wish I could, I could take em, but computer is dead :( can't upload from my phone.. More of a stoner moment, kushed out my mind lol

grow space

Well-Known Member
that sucks, drink more milk and go to doctors to get it checked.
One time my friend had a casket around his leg, then after a month, doc said to him -"Shit, the bone is grown back wrong.Sorry bro, we have to crack it up again!!!".....
Just wanted someone to know.. Black n blue.. Got drunk n tackled my friend (dove in air, kinda over-dramatic) two weeks ago.. I felt like writing this cuz I just stood up, fell right down.. Haha I'm sittting on the ground still...

....idk where my ciggarettes are...

hahahahaaaa! this made me laugh soo much cuz that's how I am. I wake up confused and injured all the time

annyyywho rele hope your foots okay =)


Well-Known Member
All u guys suck nutsac.. Go away, little miss sunshine is good enough to help the pain, the rest of u GET OUT.. Sooo anyways watcha doin later little Missy? What do you say if we go out on a date? Have some chicken, maybe some sex... You know, see what happens.*.. Lmfao sorry could not resist.. Champ has gotta way with words.. Btw sunshine, just so u know, I want to change my vote for u with the whole hotti thing.. I live in NY. Shit shouldn't of said that to u, hAve u runnin up here searchin for my sexy ass..


Well-Known Member
All u guys suck nutsac.. Go away, little miss sunshine is good enough to help the pain, the rest of u GET OUT.. Sooo anyways watcha doin later little Missy? What do you say if we go out on a date? Have some chicken, maybe some sex... You know, see what happens.*.. Lmfao sorry could not resist.. Champ has gotta way with words.. Btw sunshine, just so u know, I want to change my vote for u with the whole hotti thing.. I live in NY. Shit shouldn't of said that to u, hAve u runnin up here searchin for my sexy ass..
.................... o_O


Well-Known Member
Just wanted someone to know.. Black n blue.. Got drunk n tackled my friend (dove in air, kinda over-dramatic) two weeks ago.. I felt like writing this cuz I just stood up, fell right down.. Haha I'm sittting on the ground still...

....idk where my ciggarettes are...

If you can't move it at all then it's broken, you may have fractured it though. I fractured my thumb and it hurt like hell and couldn't move it for a couple days but then I could after awhile. Might wanna call someone if your alone though so you can get it looked at or something. Damn dude :(


Well-Known Member
If you can't move it at all then it's broken, you may have fractured it though. I fractured my thumb and it hurt like hell and couldn't move it for a couple days but then I could after awhile. Might wanna call someone if your alone though so you can get it looked at or something. Damn dude :(
Fractured and broken are the same thing, do you mean he might have sprained it?


Well-Known Member
I broke my hand and ignored it. I wouldnt ignore a possible broken foot. Actually i would right now, but not if i had insurance. Get it checked out if u can. Best of luck mate. Peace!
lol reminds me of me and a friend of mine. About 5 yrs ago I went home for a few days for a visit and was in a hotel and called an old friend. He came over and we drank way too much and decided to "walk" to the strip club about 5 blocks away ( big mistake lol ).. We had to hop a small 4 ft high fence for a shortcut ( saved all of 5 min lol ). When he jumped it he f'ing landed on his ankle and totally snapped it,lol. Not a lil sprain, his ankle was F'ed up ( ended up having to have metal pins in it lol ).. The funny part is he was like 6' 3'' and weighed about 350, and couldnt walk so I had to semi carry him for about 4 blocks back to the hotel... Until we got about 2 1/2 blocks from the hotel.. I decided to go back to the hotel and get one of those things u put ur luggage on that roll and put him on that to get him back to the hotel.. Im telling you it was so GD funny ( looking back lol ) to see 2 grown ass men ( 30s and 40s ) drunk as hell at 2 AM going down the street one pushing the other one on a Lodge America luggage rack LMAO..

Good Times


Well-Known Member
I broke my hand and ignored it. I wouldnt ignore a possible broken foot. Actually i would right now, but not if i had insurance. Get it checked out if u can. Best of luck mate. Peace!
I broke my hand with no insurance once, now my pinky doesn't move all the way back anymore.


Well-Known Member
Fractured and broken are the same thing, do you mean he might have sprained it?

Dude, a fracture and a break are completely different. A fracture is basically a "fraction" of the bone snapping (broken HALF way thru the bone), a break is it snapping ALL the way thru... little miss ily once again stop getting all up in my cool aid I gotta girl u don't need to be beggin me all day... GeEeez