Better Living Through Chemistry


Active Member
What other sites and forums does everyone use for researching drugs and drug use (other than erowid)???
Harm Reduction Coalition
This is a great resource for IV drug use techniques as well as a great resource for activism in the Anti-Prohibition Movement. There is a reason drug users are treated like redheaded step children, we don't don't let our voices be heard. We have a tendency to only realize our human rights are being violated when we're being arrested.
The Good Drugs Guide
Another great Harm Reduction site.
Media Awareness Project
A top notch resource for news and current events relating to the Drug War and drug users.
Rhodium Synthesis Archive
How to synthesize just about any drug.
The Lycaeum
Not just a drug website but a mind/body site. An all-round resource on enlightenment and expanding your mind.
The Hedonistic Imperative
Another great guide on living a pleasure-driven life.
This site has much more reliable experiences than erowid.
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
An association lobbying for legalizing the medicinal use of psychedelics. They are very active in clinical trials. If you ever wanted to be a test bunny, this would be the place!
Heroin Helper
Everything you wanted to know but your teachers lied about. From seed to syringe.


thanks alot! erowid has been my only source of info apart from this subsection. you just saved me 5 seconds of googling! (not meant to be sarcastic btw).


Active Member
Come on now. I know all you guys aren't just using erowid for research.
Also I wanted to clue the DXM users in on these sites, the first one being around since 1997. If you like your Trip-Cs, you must check these out!!!
The Third Plateau
A site about DXM by people who use DXM. IMO, the hands-down authority on dextromethorphan.
And then there is this site that I recently came across.
Dark Ridge
Dark Ridge Text
Dark Ridge: DXM Tips & Tricks
And anyone who is into the Rave/Dance/Club/Club Drugs. It's more of a Lifestyle site. I've been going here since my teen years.
I'm a huge believer in independent research, especially when your health/life are on the line. There is something cheap about just posting in a forum when you haven't even googled the damn drug.
That's one of the main reasons i stay away from alt.drugs, Bluelight, Opiates Forum, and other newbie forums. It seems like those sites are filled with people who know very little about drugs/drug use but are more than willing to give advice. They go from misinformed half-truths to down right reckless advice.


Active Member
Thanks shepj. Are you sure there aren't any other sites that you use that you can share. IMO, you're one of the most knowledgable people in riu. The reason that i prefer sites over forums is that even well educated people with the best intentions get lazy sometimes when answering questions and don't verify the facts in their reply. I'm guilty of this too. I don't have too much experience w/hallucinogens so I tend to leave those threads alone. I am experienced in the powdered drugs and pharms and consider those my expertise. There have been times when i haven't checked conversions, half-lifes, ect. If the poster is lucky, someone corrects me. If not, good advice can turn dangerous to downright deadly. (To anyone I've killed/maimed, my apologies).


Active Member
How to make smokable dmt
The mother site
A person could spend months on this site and not see everything. I love sites like this.
More extractions, much much more!
Ever been to To get a quick taste click Here for more how-to extractions
Here for a San Pedro extraction
Here for downloads
Extraction part Deux
The Entheogen Forums
and here for thier extraction/article archive
A page of the BEST links on the web! Anyone without this bookmarked should just hang up thier party boots and go home, seriously. has dried entheogens and live plants. is a UK-based company that ships worldwide. It too is a fantastic resource for herbs and live plants.
And that's all i got for now kiddies!


Active Member
Yeah. I'ld like to condense it down to one post but i only have internet access on my phone so that would be a giant pain in the ass. Maybe I'll skeet down to the library and fix it through there tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
holy shit you write all that though your phone?

thats dedication... i get tired of text 160 characters or less to people...
No, I don't have any personal experience but a friend bought from them. Paid them. Waited. Never got the package. Contacted them. Never heard from them.