Poor man's ultra economic cfl bagseed grow .feedback needed


Well-Known Member
okay ill start on the end and work backwards lol ( im lazy) but on the last set of picks it looks like its starting to burn no big deal ( prolly a ph problem) but if it continues up the leaves we got troubles and well deal with em then thier still babies , the next pic those are called stipules not super sure what they do if anything but they get bigger then poin out as sexing starts to show ( look buy thes for first signs of sexing...... next pic those are the first signs of side branching ... these are what eventually buds will be in a few days you prolly see lil leaves forming there.......

now on to the LST you did that great ..... slowly tighten up the red wire on that plant to get it more horizontal let it grow up for a lil til there long enough to tie a lil bit over from the last tie ( dont cut on em til they get all the way around and even then if you want to)( topping at the end of the lst will promote the lower growth to thickin up) but it doenst have to be done......

but anyway it was damn easy to do rite..... as for fimming and topping as long as your in veg give it a shot they only need a few days to a week to recover , yes they can be stunted ( basically the point behind it to bush up the plant before contiuing upward growth , but the scartissue cause the growth to for more than one main stalk , equalling in more tops more yeild,

the explanation on fimming was dead on and also m blaze is the damn master on the shit so def check that link out , hell ive fucked up fimming before and the plant was like fuck you and jus grew normally haha but hell its all in fun tryin something new once you cut the first time youll be more confident( i kno its like stabbing you lil girl) lol as what you want to do thats totally up to you man ....... peace


Active Member
okay ...got ur point...first i continue with lst in veg for sometime and end it with topping or FIM b4 i start flowering(ofcourse including the shock period)...then we flower..right on man...where's the fun anyways if i just sit and watch it grow..im anyways tied up for space...so i'll do it..thanks a ton man...i somehow wait till i get ur feedback for the day as an evaluation ..if thing are goin on right or not :-)..feels good to have ur guidance around...Peace man ..Peace !!


Active Member
okay ill start on the end and work backwards lol ( im lazy) but on the last set of picks it looks like its starting to burn no big deal ( prolly a ph problem) but if it continues up the leaves we got troubles and well deal with em then thier still babies , the next pic those are called stipules not super sure what they do if anything but they get bigger then poin out as sexing starts to show ( look buy thes for first signs of sexing...... next pic those are the first signs of side branching ... these are what eventually buds will be in a few days you prolly see lil leaves forming there.......

now on to the LST you did that great ..... slowly tighten up the red wire on that plant to get it more horizontal let it grow up for a lil til there long enough to tie a lil bit over from the last tie ( dont cut on em til they get all the way around and even then if you want to)( topping at the end of the lst will promote the lower growth to thickin up) but it doenst have to be done......

but anyway it was damn easy to do rite..... as for fimming and topping as long as your in veg give it a shot they only need a few days to a week to recover , yes they can be stunted ( basically the point behind it to bush up the plant before contiuing upward growth , but the scartissue cause the growth to for more than one main stalk , equalling in more tops more yeild,

the explanation on fimming was dead on and also m blaze is the damn master on the shit so def check that link out , hell ive fucked up fimming before and the plant was like fuck you and jus grew normally haha but hell its all in fun tryin something new once you cut the first time youll be more confident( i kno its like stabbing you lil girl) lol as what you want to do thats totally up to you man ....... peace

Hey man..im sorry im asking ..but i wanted to REP u ..hw do i do that ..can i give REPs i ena do i have the power to do so


Well-Known Member
hell bro im always watchin my plans grow as if there gonna jus shoot up 10 ft in there air but theres jus somethin about it lol

id give em another week 2 weeks tops if your that pressed on space but i like to get them as close to maturity as possible they bud easier quicker and better IMO then flower you can go 1212 and top that week but after that i wouldnt do it,

the rep things the lil white goffy looking thing in the corner of each post i think its a scale or something haha but dont worry bout that bro im here to help not for the points lol( some are)

and i went and grabed a couple of pics of mine for ya lol , the first one was taller (23") and i lstd very late so shes brought down to bout 16 or so ( like last week) and the other shes all natrual but got stunted in week 2 of veg so shes short ( 13" ) these were an outdoor grow but when i moved they had to become indoor ladies with a shitty grow room but oh well its gettin the job done oh buy the way this is day 21 flower



Active Member
hell bro im always watchin my plans grow as if there gonna jus shoot up 10 ft in there air but theres jus somethin about it lol

id give em another week 2 weeks tops if your that pressed on space but i like to get them as close to maturity as possible they bud easier quicker and better IMO then flower you can go 1212 and top that week but after that i wouldnt do it,

the rep things the lil white goffy looking thing in the corner of each post i think its a scale or something haha but dont worry bout that bro im here to help not for the points lol( some are)

and i went and grabed a couple of pics of mine for ya lol , the first one was taller (23") and i lstd very late so shes brought down to bout 16 or so ( like last week) and the other shes all natrual but got stunted in week 2 of veg so shes short ( 13" ) these were an outdoor grow but when i moved they had to become indoor ladies with a shitty grow room but oh well its gettin the job done oh buy the way this is day 21 flower

thanks !! And awesome plants and setup man ! u call that a shitty grow rom...hell no ..What plants are those by the way??:roll:


Well-Known Member
they were called "popcorn" but lmao that turns out to be a street name so back to bein unknowns but from a few guys on here that i trust say they have a mexican sativa background with tons of indica mixed in , but the smoke from em is always great tho..... and i call it shitty cus its not like i want it i change shit almost daily haha im ocd about it but im gonna change every thing over to some pc casesor smaller boxes for the next grow i gotta downsize em to stealth lmao


Well-Known Member
time to feed that looks alot like a nitrogen deficiency man get ya a lil plant food, thats high in nitrogen and ween em on to it start at 1/4 strength and work your way up


Active Member
time to feed that looks alot like a nitrogen deficiency man get ya a lil plant food, thats high in nitrogen and ween em on to it start at 1/4 strength and work your way up

Thanx for the feedback...i'm begining to worry now...there no stores for nutes here...hardly any gardening commercialism here..at complete loss...people still use manure n shit here ..my medium with those nutes was the best i could find.....:-( i knw i sound stupid ..but are there any DIY techniques ??


Well-Known Member
do you have a walmart or a home depot jus look for Alaskan fish emulation or blood meal or anything high in N if not online is a great place it doesnt have to be made for MJ


Active Member
do you have a walmart or a home depot jus look for Alaskan fish emulation or blood meal or anything high in N if not online is a great place it doesnt have to be made for MJ

Will bone-meal work...i have it (i guess...some ground up bones i got from the same place i got my medium from)

But i suspect it will be high in phosphorus (for flowering:leaf:)???

i'll try figuring out something within a few days time....thank u !!:-P


Active Member
Hello everyne ...Got my first 7 leafers on both plant s. m really happy..they seem 2 b doin good.

The plants have reached their 7th nodes ..but as usual ..the progess is a bit slower on plant # 2 ..

iv also attached pics alongwith of 2 new sprouts i got .they are 3 days old:weed:



Well-Known Member
bone meal is for flowering because of the high P and blood meal is for veg high in N but thats def a nit deficiency the reason they slowed in growth is because their hungry


Active Member
:-P:-P:-PHello !!

Day 22 here..plants doin ok..except the leaf burns...Ongoing LST ...tightening up gradually...

wat else...some leaf formation at the nodes n all...dats because of lst i guess..they re getin more light..

Still no idea wat do do about the nute thing..where to buy..or to make or...whateva...:-(:wall:


Active Member
Looking good man, I had a N deficiency going and moved my plant into a bigger pot with some more fresh soil, just because its all I could do at the time. Just a thought for you, hope all keeps going well!