How much do you pay for 1/8?



for the dank anywere from 40-60 depending on how dank it is. i can get schwagg for like 50-60 an oz and better schwagg for a little more


Well-Known Member
An eighth is almost always 30 bucks here. It's rare to see bad weed where I live most of its bomb.


An eighth is almost always 30 bucks here. It's rare to see bad weed where I live most of its bomb.
its probally rare to see bad weed cuzz you canadians ship all the junky beasters south to us lol


Well-Known Member
its probally rare to see bad weed cuzz you canadians ship all the junky beasters south to us lol
lol wouldn't surprise me. All I get is good hydro cause our climate sucks to grow outdoors, and BC bud seeing as were next door, some people make the drive through the mountains and pick up a couple pounds.


Active Member
lol wouldn't surprise me. All I get is good hydro cause our climate sucks to grow outdoors, and BC bud seeing as were next door, some people make the drive through the mountains and pick up a couple pounds.
if it were up to me, i'd move there so fast. we're in a weed drought here in south florida. no matter where you look, no one has shit. out door growing is nearly impossible because of the heat, rain, and the 456789876545678765 police officers. my girl dosent wanna build an indoor one. so basically, i'm fucked.


Well-Known Member
Where i'm at it's 35 a quarter for shit, 60 an 8th for random dro' and the really good shit is always at least 25$ a gram, i don't buy it though.


£20 up this neck of the woods. started growing my own recently cause i got sick of paying for the stuff, why pay for something you can get for free.


Well-Known Member
if it were up to me, i'd move there so fast. we're in a weed drought here in south florida. no matter where you look, no one has shit. out door growing is nearly impossible because of the heat, rain, and the 456789876545678765 police officers. my girl dosent wanna build an indoor one. so basically, i'm fucked.
That sucks its weird hearing someone say its to hot to grow weed, up here our average low at night is in the high 40s so it gets fucking chilly.

As for the moving to BC Im seriously thinking about moving there, Im getting tired of these prairie winters man snow on the ground for 7 months, -50 wind chills, the swine flus gonna hit us hard up here this winter.

Good thing we got hockey :-o


Active Member
That sucks its weird hearing someone say its to hot to grow weed, up here our average low at night is in the high 40s so it gets fucking chilly.

As for the moving to BC Im seriously thinking about moving there, Im getting tired of these prairie winters man snow on the ground for 7 months, -50 wind chills, the swine flus gonna hit us hard up here this winter.

Good thing we got hockey :-o

hereits highs of upper 90sand lows of mid 80s


Active Member
where im from we call "1/8" a cut, if its sum bomb mids its 20 nd if it aint ud get lik 4gs 4 20.. most dro, bubblegum, cali, deisal nd all thats usually 15-20 a g, if they askin 25 they taxin, cuts r anywere from 40-55 less they taxin than they want 60 or 65..