Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
3' too low? That's what I was afraid of. Is there any way to successfully flower with floros? Think I could have HPS lights positioned on the side of the plants instead on over top?
use t-5's with dif types like 2700k mixxed with 4200k and 6400k light spectrums so you have it all, but use more of the 2700k color spectrum when budding. also you can use LED lights, there the shit if there good ones that are over 2 watts each led. The cheap ones on ebay that are not so good, the more expensive ones are better. Mix them with the
T-5's and the led's and you can grow in 3' area. I did it in a 4' area and had good results



Well-Known Member
3' too low? That's what I was afraid of. Is there any way to successfully flower with floros? Think I could have HPS lights positioned on the side of the plants instead on over top?

LST or ScrOG them beeches. You can do it but not with a HPS on top. Look up flouro tubes and CFL grows they usually specialise in small area grows.:joint:



Well-Known Member
Question all.
Im growing White Russian in 3 standard Stinkbud Units.
Will 2 600's stationary bloom these well?
What about on a light mover?
And lastly What about three stationary, one above each unit?
3 stationary 600W is your best bet of the options you listed. A 600W will not cover the entire length of a stinkbud system though. The 600W will want to illuminate a 3ft square area (depending on light hood) and if you build the system to stinkbuds dimentions you would be missing a few aero sites for light coverage.

I say either 3 1000W or get movers for the 3 600W.



new at all this but i do have 1 piece of important info - when drilling holes for sprayers - not sure if this mentioned but you need, and it works perfectly as i have tested this - a 10/24 drill bit & tap for the small holes (sprayers)


Well-Known Member
U can run 4 stinkbud systems easily with 3-600 hps but 2-600 hps on a mover will b enough no problem
I run 8 stink systems with 4-600 hps and yield a ton

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
I have a medical marijuana card and I am also a provider for several cancer patients. I lost my father and aunt to cancer. My mother has also lost a breast to cancer. I'm on a mission!

If a patient needs medicine and it takes 12 weeks before their first harvest, what do they do in the mean time? That's where I come in...

I can have 6 mature plant and 18 plants under 12" per patient. I can also have 1.5lbs. of dried material per patient.

This is the main reason I always keep my veg plants under 12" high.

It's my destiny to help others and I do what whatever it takes...
dude your the man.... you could be a spokes men for medical marijuans every where... my 60 year old mom has smoked for 40 years and just had back sergury, the doctor rather her take oxy than smoke weed!!!! nuts man. KEEP IT UP!!!!! BRAVO:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
U can run 4 stinkbud systems easily with 3-600 hps but 2-600 hps on a mover will b enough no problem
I run 8 stink systems with 4-600 hps and yield a ton
Got a picture? I see you have some small aero cloners and hempy buckets and a green house grow. I'm interested in seeing this 8 stinkbud system on 4x 600W. Do you have the systems full? How are you getting enough light penetration and how are you lighting the furthest out sites without a mover? My 600W only works good in about a 3.5 foot square. It would never light the end of my aero unit unless I raised it too high and then you end up with less light penetration.


EDIT: Just for reference here is SOG's 5 Stinkbud systems under stationary 4x 1000W HPS.



Well-Known Member
Cant go with any more than two 600's and a mover, whats the best way to setup 3 stinkbud flowering units this way?
Put the movers so that two 600W lights will go over the three systems. Basically 1/2 each system for one 600W. The light will go perpendicular to the systems fence posts. This way it will be like having 2 600W lights per each stink bud system.:joint:



Well-Known Member
Got a picture? I see you have some small aero cloners and hempy buckets and a green house grow. I'm interested in seeing this 8 stinkbud system on 4x 600W. Do you have the systems full? How are you getting enough light penetration and how are you lighting the furthest out sites without a mover? My 600W only works good in about a 3.5 foot square. It would never light the end of my aero unit unless I raised it too high and then you end up with less light penetration.


EDIT: Just for reference here is SOG's 5 Stinkbud systems under stationary 4x 1000W HPS.

i have my entire setup on stinkbuddies.com
ill look for a link
i have both rooms in
i have a second room with 2 stinkbud systems under a 1000 and have a 3 post setup with 2 400 hps on a mover

cant find the other......check in flowering forum