canefan grow diary

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Yesterday was a big day for the plants and for me, ahhh born again in RIU :wall:. After waking up to find that I no longer existed here I went out to find that Mary was engulfed in mold on almost every bud. I grant you it was much but I have been fighting this problem for a month now. I gave in to the garden shears and dipped her in peroxide and she is now hanging to dry. :finger: I decided that with the clones I have going now and that are rooted I didn't need to waste the space on Mary and Jane genetics, those 4 clones are now in the compost pile.
Currently, I have 3 Runt clones rooted, 3 clones in the veg room and 3 Linda clones rooted and growing nicely, pics later today when it stops raining.
I also have El Monstre doing very with two clones in the veg room. Then there is the lowryder I am down to 1 of those the second met an untimely death.
More pics posted lated this morning of the clones and Runt.
Thanks again for the warm welcome back. Comments are always welcomed and appreciated.:weed:
Sorry to hear about another setback. Not much you can do about the humidity, but grow strains that are resistant to it, i guess.

Thanks for all the positive comments on my journal.


Well-Known Member
Runt is a hermie :finger::wall:. I can't believe it I was out watering today and thought the fan leaves are turning yellow a little faster than most. I know sativa seem to lose their fan leaves pretty early in flower but I am only at three weeks and most of the lower are being drained rapidly. Anyway, I started looking closer at her, and bam balls staring me in the face. I combed the plant top to bottom and only see 3 spots that have them. Part of me says ok it is a pretty plant, grows well, great red hairs, scent is getting much stronger, let make some seeds. The other part says damn, my biggest plant and 5 clones in the wings.
So I will post pics of the shemale tomorrow.
I put it to my readers and your humble opinions on what you think I should do. I really want to keep this strain alive. I don't require the most potent smoke in the world for day to day. Decisions Decisions, guess I will go load a bowlbongsmilie
Please weigh in let have few seeds, let go natural, or try and stay ahead of the sacs.
Hope everyone has a good and safe Labor Day weekend.:clap:


Well-Known Member
hey there, if its only a few male balls pull em off or cut the branch that has them off, i have one real real nice plant that has many balls on the lower branches i cut all them off and not a problem. i do also keep a eye on it. but its filth and i love the taste so i keep it.



Well-Known Member
hey there, if its only a few male balls pull em off or cut the branch that has them off, i have one real real nice plant that has many balls on the lower branches i cut all them off and not a problem. i do also keep a eye on it. but its filth and i love the taste so i keep it.

Thanks for the post Madazz and welcome to the journal. I really do want to keep it looks and smells so good. I don't know how she is going to taste but eye appeal has to count for something. Thanks again:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that man.Like madazz said-pull those balls off and let (her/he) shemale grow.
Baked and GrowSpace thanks for the input. Runt has been neutared except for one branch with a few ball sacs on it. I decided with 7 more clones of her coming along that I would allow her to have a little fun and make a few seeds. I don't know how good this smoke is going to be but the plant strain is something I think needs to be preserved on the farm he. None of the areas where I have pulled off the sacs have come back, so I am lucky there......Just like the old saying "Be careful what you wish for" :lol: Every thing is going good with a better update and pics later today,
I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Labor Day Weekend.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Sorry I have been very lazy with keeping the journal up on the ladies. I hope that everyone had a good weekend and that is was safe for everyone.
Linda is the first lady up for an update. She is in her 7th week of flower right now and looking like she can on for a long time to come. I have finally figured her strain out through old photos from 2007, Hawaii X Skunk #1 from Nirvana. Ok so I have one good thing to say about Nrivana. There are two pheno types that I notice going through the seedbanks on this strain and I am sure with the majority of seed companies there are many more out there. The buds are nice and tight, they could be a little bigger in my opinion at this stage but I am very pleased so far. I apologize for the background in some of these, I had to put Linda in solitari because of Runt being hermie.

Runt is daddy's little, just like my youngest daughter is. She is in her 3rd week of flower, standing at 46 inches. She came to a stand still growingwise when she came into flower but is now starting to get a little taller each day as the cola grows. This morning she was a tad over 46 inches. She has continued to deepen the color of her pistils on a daily basis. Now she is also starting to get the purple? marron? whatever color most people would call it anyway, on her stalk and some of her major branches. I am getting excited as to what she will do next, . besides turning hermie :wall: After several attacks and a few strokes I try to find the silver lining in each and yesterday decided this is a blessing to me. I don't really care if I have some seeds in a few of my buds. I have 6 clones going to look just like her coming up behind her. I'll have more clones coming when the new clones are ready to give up somemore. She has taken care of my lowryder which I keep sitting underneath her each night in the I have been able to keep the pollin sacs down to a min. only allowing a few until I know that Runt has been pollinated.
I know this sounds crazy but I just love the way she looks, she grows out like I am looking for here. She is well spaced and has great eye appeal which I am sorry a camera just can't capture. The first pic is just her trunk at 90 days from seed.

Those are the big girls. I am trying to get my thoughts together on my new grow journal for the clones and El Monstre. I don't think it will be today but I will keep you posted on its development. Once again thanks to the readers, my new friends here and to all of those who leave their comments.bongsmilie

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Sorry I have been very lazy with keeping the journal up on the ladies. I hope that everyone had a good weekend and that is was safe for everyone.
Linda is the first lady up for an update. She is in her 7th week of flower right now and looking like she can on for a long time to come. I have finally figured her strain out through old photos from 2007, Hawaii X Skunk #1 from Nirvana. Ok so I have one good thing to say about Nrivana. There are two pheno types that I notice going through the seedbanks on this strain and I am sure with the majority of seed companies there are many more out there. The buds are nice and tight, they could be a little bigger in my opinion at this stage but I am very pleased so far. I apologize for the background in some of these, I had to put Linda in solitari because of Runt being hermie.

Runt is daddy's little, just like my youngest daughter is. She is in her 3rd week of flower, standing at 46 inches. She came to a stand still growingwise when she came into flower but is now starting to get a little taller each day as the cola grows. This morning she was a tad over 46 inches. She has continued to deepen the color of her pistils on a daily basis. Now she is also starting to get the purple? marron? whatever color most people would call it anyway, on her stalk and some of her major branches. I am getting excited as to what she will do next, . besides turning hermie :wall: After several attacks and a few strokes I try to find the silver lining in each and yesterday decided this is a blessing to me. I don't really care if I have some seeds in a few of my buds. I have 6 clones going to look just like her coming up behind her. I'll have more clones coming when the new clones are ready to give up somemore. She has taken care of my lowryder which I keep sitting underneath her each night in the I have been able to keep the pollin sacs down to a min. only allowing a few until I know that Runt has been pollinated.
I know this sounds crazy but I just love the way she looks, she grows out like I am looking for here. She is well spaced and has great eye appeal which I am sorry a camera just can't capture. The first pic is just her trunk at 90 days from seed.

Those are the big girls. I am trying to get my thoughts together on my new grow journal for the clones and El Monstre. I don't think it will be today but I will keep you posted on its development. Once again thanks to the readers, my new friends here and to all of those who leave their comments.bongsmilie
The girls look great, especially the one with the purple buds on it! :bigjoint:

My thoughts on breeding the hermie, are not to breed a hermie to produce feminized traits, because you run the chance of breeding in the hermaphroditic trait. I've recently discovered the best way to make feminized seed, is to take a female cutting, and then intentionally stress it into pushing male flowers by applying Colloidal Silver, or Gibberellic acid. I'm trying aspirin on a plant with now, but it's only because I was to lazy to go to GNC, and apparently aspirin also works... we'll see. i'm not sure haw many hermies you could expect from seed crossed with a hermie, but thought I should give you a heads up.


Well-Known Member
The girls look great, especially the one with the purple buds on it! :bigjoint:

My thoughts on breeding the hermie, are not to breed a hermie to produce feminized traits, because you run the chance of breeding in the hermaphroditic trait. I've recently discovered the best way to make feminized seed, is to take a female cutting, and then intentionally stress it into pushing male flowers by applying Colloidal Silver, or Gibberellic acid. I'm trying aspirin on a plant with now, but it's only because I was to lazy to go to GNC, and apparently aspirin also works... we'll see. i'm not sure haw many hermies you could expect from seed crossed with a hermie, but thought I should give you a heads up.
I know the risks and truly appreciate the word of caution. I believe that I have figured out what caused this one to go hermie. I started turning on my back porch light at night which shines down on the greenhouse. :wall: How or why I had not noticed that before is just stupidity. The light is off now and no new pollin sacs have grown so I figure that I will just go ahead and let her go now. I plan on intentionally stressing one and also thought about the aspirin. Thanks again for the advice.bongsmilie

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I know the risks and truly appreciate the word of caution. I believe that I have figured out what caused this one to go hermie. I started turning on my back porch light at night which shines down on the greenhouse. :wall: How or why I had not noticed that before is just stupidity. The light is off now and no new pollin sacs have grown so I figure that I will just go ahead and let her go now. I plan on intentionally stressing one and also thought about the aspirin. Thanks again for the advice.bongsmilie
Yep that would do it. I think I tried to start pushing male flowers on my female too late in flowering. I've since read that I should've started aspirin (or other) 3 weeks in. Oh well, no great loss, just a little bud growth, and I haven't given up hope entirely.


Well-Known Member
wow...your buds are looking very very good...and the
daddy's girl" has a THICK STEM! i was like damn wtf!
Thanks baked, yeah I have been surprised with her overall growth. One ground composted soil, molasses and superthrive, or almost forgot my manure tea.
I have a new journal started on my el monstre strain from sannie seeds. The link is in my sig block. She is looking good for 35 days.
How's your babies doing, been looking for an update from you.bongsmilie

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Thanks baked, yeah I have been surprised with her overall growth. One ground composted soil, molasses and superthrive, or almost forgot my manure tea.
I have a new journal started on my el monstre strain from sannie seeds. The link is in my sig block. She is looking good for 35 days.
How's your babies doing, been looking for an update from you.bongsmilie
What's shakin' cane?


Well-Known Member
she is actually doing ok? i havent had much time to update because ive been working a lot lately trying to get out ofthe place i stay at now...but ill snap some pics of her tomorrow morning and post them up


Well-Known Member
I didn't know you changed your RIU name!
Cross I haven't changed my name, always canefan this year. I changed from years past back in 2007 I went by Shiman51. They are still working on my profile and trying to bring everything up to date Today is the day I update my journal so stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Sorry all that it has been so long since my last update. Things have been terrible here and I just haven't had the will or energy to write.
First off, Runt is doing very well she is a bit past 48 inches in height and is budding up nicely. She is producing seeds right now, a few more than I might have wanted but thats ok, have another one coming up behind her going to look just like her. Since I have turned off the porch light at night the hermie has gone away. She is the most light sensitive plant I have dealt with in a long time. I don't Runt will match up to that huge gigabud that Green Cross produced:clap:but she should be respectable. She is still a deep scarlet color and I just love looking at her. I will have better closeups of the buds tomorrow.

Runt is in her 4th week of flower so she still has a long way to go. I am figuring that she won't be ready until the first part of Nov. I will add another update on Linda this afternoon. Thanks to all the readers and for all the comments. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Well, lets see if I can get ya'll up to date. Linda is doing very well and is just about finished. She hasn't been doing much the past week. I see a few spots were she caught some stray pollen from Runt and I had her moved to the other side of the farm. Oh well. The clones from Linda are doing very well, it has taken some time after they rooted to switch back to veg but they are very healthy and full full of new growth all densely packed together.

I am going to put in some pics of the clones the first are of Linda and the others are of Runt. Runt are the ones I am trying my hand at lsting. I have never tried it before so I thought that I would give it a try.
Once again all comments welcomed.


Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Cross I haven't changed my name, always canefan this year. I changed from years past back in 2007 I went by Shiman51. They are still working on my profile and trying to bring everything up to date Today is the day I update my journal so stay tuned.
Oh sorry, misunderstanding. I did see another canefan on another stoner site though.

Going to check your update now :blsmoke: