White Rhino x El Niño 400W grow


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, the plants have been through hell and back these couple of weeks, and they've survived... some what..
Sadly the growth has been stunned down completely for the last 2 weeks.. The plant was also suffering from heat stress which in turn I believe made the buds lose resin glands.. cause the leaves were covered in white.. and now it's just burned.
But we actually managed to get everything under control now, after some redesigning of the room, we managed to get the tent in another corner and now the temp. inside is in the very low 80's and the RH at 40% constantly during light hours.
The plants have now just starting to recover and with 4 full weeks left before harvest I think it's about time they start swelling up...

PH we keep at 6.5
EC at 1.9

Here are some pics:
(look closely and you'll see burns on the leaves..)



Well-Known Member
lol, well then you know how I feel.. alas.. still 4 weeks to go :p
But go check Dillweeds harvest pics.. some crazy looking buds in there


Well-Known Member
Damn looking good. You didn't burn 'em to bad bro they should pull through and previal. Better luck next time now you know so all hope not lost hahaha.



Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, keeping the positive spin on things right lol..
But I am planning on taking my vegging WR seedling and turning her clone into a mother so I can grow White Rhino's perpetually in the future.
I think I'm really getting them under control now, so it's not going to be an upset again..


Well-Known Member
I vegged these 6 weeks, but they were still small at 5 weeks.. should have gone an extra week for more growth.


Well-Known Member
The seedlings are still vegging ofcourse (until the current are ready to harvest, so 4 more weeks).
The White Rhino's in the back and the Blue Cheese are at day 26 of veg.
The smaller ones have 21 days and 18 days old.
They're still growing very slowly compared to other plants I've had.. like the previous Northern Light was already in flowering after 22 days of vegging. But it's all my own fault for not setting the conditions right for them from the start. :neutral:

I still have the Northern Light thats in the left upper corner.. it hasn't grown shit in 18 days.. but it's not wasting any space, so I'll leave it there until I repot everything and then I'm using it's pot and throwing it away.
The Unknown strain that's in the center was the one in the water bottle before.. it was completely stunted in there and I hope it will shoot out now or it's also going in the trash.

I'm also on nutrients..
PH: 5.8
EC: 1.4
Temp. ~83º
RH: ~55%



Well-Known Member
So I just started doing some LST on some of the girls. Just a few just to promote further branch development.

My tools and the Blue Cheese model of choice:

First some bending and training

Now some topping



Well-Known Member
Additional LST:

The more sunlight the stem gets, the more it's going to promote further growth.
I did this one just 1 of the girls, to see some noticeable difference in growth structure.



Well-Known Member
I ordered a 30$ bong piece from Grasscity and it came broken after it took 1 month to receive it (while living in Amsterdam.. where they're shipment warehouse is located, go figure..) so I received a replacement bong piece with a 12.91$ Gift Box (as a gift ofcourse)..

The Lighter came in the gift box..
You can't beat that service
Great company!!!! I would definitely order there again..

Btw. I only received it cause I called them up incredibly pissed off.. I mean to wait 1 month to get something shipped out of your own backyard in a way and then receiving it broken.. I think you can imagine how pissed I would have been :p
GREAT SONG GOTTA LOVE TUPAC!!good vid im happy to see your plants are getting better(i had faith in your skills!!LOL)i cant wait to see in four weeks!! keep up the good work!!ALL YOU GUYS ON THIS SITE FUCKING RULE!!!!REAL TALK!!