BIG BUD harvesting help needed (with pics)

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New Member
I'm really glad that my questions helped you 'cause they sure helped me too. :mrgreen:

Thanks for the compliments on the pics of my grow.
We are having a lot of beautiful colours come out this time of year.

I'm not sure what to say about the fingernail comment.:oops:
I like pink.:mrgreen: bongsmilie
Lacy, Thanks for all the great pics of your grow! I have learned allot from your questions.

The one picture of the bud and your hand with the pink fingernail polish really made me laugh.

Nice fall colours you are having this year and we would gladly take all the rain here on the East Coast.bongsmilie


New Member
So far I have picked about 8 ounces worth that is now drying and my house smells delicous.
I wish I could can it. I picked a few more buds and decided to take a funny pic of it.
...and no I am not drying them this way..



New Member
Yeah! I think those buds were. I haven't even picked an 1/4th of my crop yet.
I think I love picking them just for that freshly picked marijuana smell.
I LOVE IT!!!!! I have buds in the bedroom, buds in the living room, dining room, office, etc.. and my house smells heavenly.
is it ready?


New Member
In looking at that picture they do "look" whiter than they really are. The picture was too dark so I brightened it up and now it looks really white but the buds really are amber and the rest cloudy.
I didn't get the cloudy thing until recently but now I have clued in as to what everyone means. :dunce::clap::wall:

is it ready?


New Member
...and the sweet sticky feel of them...LMAO!!!
Sorry. :cry: I just LOVE this. I feel like I am floating right now life is so good.:blsmoke: Sorry Durban. :eyesmoke:;):weed::clap:
I just find it hard to contain my excitement.
Oh come on!!!! Can you blame me?????:roll:
STOP!! Don't tease!:cry::cry::peace:

durban poison

Well-Known Member
...and the sweet sticky feel of them...LMAO!!!
Sorry. :cry: I just LOVE this. I feel like I am floating right now life is so good.:blsmoke: Sorry Durban. :eyesmoke:;):weed::clap:
I just find it hard to contain my excitement.
Oh come on!!!! Can you blame me?????:roll:
With that amount, NO! But I liked the floral arrangement though! :wink: Have a great big one for me! :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
You shouldnt go by the hairs its not very accurate. You should purchase a 60-100x magnifier to examine the trichromes this way you can get the perfect high your after. Theres a few threads on this in harvesting and curing.
what kinda of magnifying glass do i need to buy and is there a picture you can show me so i know what im looking for? i have begun my flowering yesterday and when the buds get bigger im going to use your advice and go by the trichromes and not the muff.
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