First Grow,CFL's With Bagseed--PICS


Well-Known Member
xbox is so far better then ps3, but however ps3 does have free online membs 24/7 lol so you dont gotta pay.. but meh i like xbox better :P


Well-Known Member
yeah, but not many people use PC'S to play games anymore, and or there isnt really any good games to play on PC anymore :/


Well-Known Member
yea there is, but they only make good games for pc's not hundreds. have you herd of crysis, crysis warhead the best fps of ALL TIME!!!!!!! and the graphics on consulsare not compareable to pc's


Well-Known Member
like, say like call of duty 4, its in like the modern war in iraq, and modern warfare 2 also lol what kind of setup is that one in?


Well-Known Member
oh damn nice, so it looks like to me its kidna like.. in the future ish? and or has its own story line to it? yeah?


Active Member
It looks very Far Cry'ish to me. But in futuristic way. Oh well it's gotten really good reviews so maybe i'll check it out.


Well-Known Member
it took 5 years to develop it. it is based in 2020 on some island(not sure where) and the island is controled by koreans and as the game goes on the is strange thing that happen team members mulated, you later find a alien "base" in the center of the volcano on the island the "base" has no gravity a complete mind fuk, you have a nano suit that alows you to run faster go invisable or have grater strength for a certian period of time. the physics in the game are realistic. you can shoot tires out on enemy vhicles and cause them to flip while driveing at you. look up some videos on youtube cuz i could type forever about it. and warhead is like crysis 1.5 that they released because crysis came out in late 2007 and crysis 2 is not comeing out untill late 2010 and warhead vastly improved on the multiplayer aspect


Well-Known Member
it blows farcry away by miles. i got in to it from far cry. and far cry 2 sucked in every way possable. you just need a good pc to run it o at max graphics. i have intel quad core 3.0ghz, 4 gigs ram, two 512mb video cards running sli(linked)
hey peepz im a new dude 2 dis well tha fourm @ least on ma second tomotoe grow nw ;)

bin useing 200w cfl blue n thn swtich 2 tha red but cum across a 300 watt dual spectrum cfl Has anyone used it or got any usefual info on this product a comapny in the uk sells em 4 £40 any knowlege wud be very appricative :) thanx me herbal friendz :D


Well-Known Member
What? I didint understand a word you said...

Start your own journal plz : )



Active Member
hey peepz im a new dude 2 dis well tha fourm @ least on ma second tomotoe grow nw ;)

bin useing 200w cfl blue n thn swtich 2 tha red but cum across a 300 watt dual spectrum cfl Has anyone used it or got any usefual info on this product a comapny in the uk sells em 4 £40 any knowlege wud be very appricative :) thanx me herbal friendz :D
Welcome to RIU! :joint: Ah yes the infamous duel spectrum CFL. I've heard alot about it..Seems like a good idea to me. I haven't heard anything bad about it so I would give it a go. 300 watts of duel spectrum CFL for 40 pounds? Sounds like a bargain to me. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
alright, Semi Tired. probly fixing to head to bed in just a bit

Oh and P.s. Everyone, The greatist PC game of all time is CS1.5. Suck It. : P
