Just ate some shrooms, my trip log!


New Member

Hey everyone, I'm a 18 year old from Central Ontario. I've been pretty interested in "magic" mushrooms since I tried them a few months ago. I'll be preforming a few series of "experiments" and keeping a log of the trip,and what I feel. I will create a new thread every time this happens.
I drive a 1999 Grand Am SE (with a broken mirror atm).. For the people I know IRL that I forwarded this too.

Magic Mushroom Experiment.

This purpose of this experiment is to figure personal doseage amounts and determine how certain products/drugs influence the intensity of the trip.


Times Consumed Mushrooms Before 2
Weight of Mushrooms 2.6 Grams
Method Consumed Dried on pizza
Ratio of Cap:Stem 1:3
Food Two slices of home-made pizza
Drink 500ml of bottled water
Marijuana Consumed .5 grams
Method Consumed Poppers (Inhaled, w/ Tobacco)
Time Started 6:00pm EST Tuesday, October 6th 2009
Mood Happy
Sleep in the last 24 hours 10 hrs
Place Home, Bedroom
People around 0 aware, 2 unaware
Weather Mild Rain


5:59 ate shrooms and pizza, slight europhic (obviously entirely physcological) feeling after I finished. THIS IS GOING TO BE GOOD

6:02 everything seems darker

6:13 no effects

6:19 still no effects

6:22 music seems more intense, or something

6:23 started laughing for no reason, obsessed remix

6:26 filled bong, laughed at myself in the mirror

6:28 smoked a popper, headrush

6:30 uncontrollable urge to DANCE!

6:31 eyes wide!

6:37 feel really small, its cool -- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070809134033AAqOd6k -- Tripped out to "are you a pixie"

6:38 im in a big captains chair, and computer monitor = tv.. getting hard to type

6:40 laughed out loud, making album on facebook but i know i shouldnt

6:43 urge to get naked? hard to conentrate

6:44 trees are movinG! I LOVE IT

6:47 reminder: don't look at pictures of ex/crushs while high

7:01 nothing changed, body swayings and i can see dirt on my monitor talkign very hard

7:08 things are moving in and out, laughing uncontrollably! @ motivational pictures.. typing very hard

7:11 things are swelling and bleeding and i cant stop moving

7:14 strong desire to stop writing, tripping fairly hard5

7:17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_G8txdH7CY BAD

7:22 time going VERY SLOW..

7:23 looking at bad salvia trips uncontrolable jaw

7:26 time to walk around the village gonna smoke a few poppers first

7:31 marijuana and mushrooms makes you hallicination, or possible that there are multple stages of mushrooms and this is that stage

7:38 interesting, i am seeing things in the dirt on my computer. neon almost colours, of that purple brown hue

7:40 cant really talk, music seems very neutral to me. everything is glowing of that colour ive talked about before, i feel like I can type
faster however I mess up more.

7:41 concept of time really helps a good trip, body feels strange and like a giant stirring pot

7:43 for some reason i cannot worry about things, i just tried worrying about credit cards and i cant do it. its pretty cool!

7:56 went downstairs took a 2l bottle of OJ and walked down the road with it wearing my brothers coat, its overlapping again i keep losing control and theni had a BAD trip in my brothers driveway omg my dog just got out

8:00 something is wrong with me i keep snapping in and out of it, one minute im laughing sayingIM HEARING VOICES NOW

8:03 yeah i think the trip is done now, im just gonna go smoke a popper and eat some food like i always do

8:08 very hard to keep structure time is VERY slow now i would say this is the epicentre of my trip.. " http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1jPeG1LlaQ&feature=player_embedded " watching this from florda

8:10 very cool, just smoked apopper and this is VERY cool now

8:10 i have a head rush, and this music is cool

8:14 cant figure out the rollitup.org rep system, its irritateing me

8:15 much better, this turned into a diary it was supposed to be a experiment. wtf

8:18 tired, tripped out no longer hungry. wished I had more marijuana!!!

8:19 has feelings that i am the experiment, and that i am not just a human being. I was so embraced by the music that i couldnt understand it or even think to turn it off.

8:20 I keep seeing smily faces and tons of neon glowing i keep seeing a WALMART LOGO with the happy face in the center whiteness of the screen.

8:21 there is definate different stages of mushrooms, " http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=112301&id=504128680&l=e6170167b8 " was something i did before because it was FUNNY, now I am very zoned out of body almost and seeing things. This COULD be because of the orange juice, WHO KNOWS!

8:23 MUSIC and time, the two things that everyone needs for a good trip.. well, concept of time.

8:26 i just felt like i was apart of the internet, VERY hard to explain. I thought that this website was a building and this section was a

8:28 i was in the middle of writing that, and i completely forgot what I was talking about, and I can't remember that event.

8:30 remembered that in the driveway I thought it aws halloween. I sitll can see happy faces, like the walmart logo kind.. roll back prices? i see them in different sizes and combinations and I know im tripping

8:33 just drank tons of orange juice hoping to trip more, and now i see the happy faces everywhere not just the whitespace on the monitor.. its cool! typing is very tiresome.

8:36 very interesting experience again, I can REALLY see these happy faces now, its almost hard to type because i can't see through them.. but its back normal now, its strange.

8:37 I guess if you look at the happy faces long enough its really the number 2, which I thoguth was cool because its my lucky number!

8:38 again, im thinking about everything in my life in my head which is pretty cool but i assume i am talking out loud? if that makes sense, if I was to try talking it would be very very hard.

8:42 body feels normal again, still tripping its overlapping, if that makes sense? I said that to a someone on my last trip too.\

8:45 I can see the happy faces everywhere, they are yellow with purple neon outlining, and they cloud my field of vision. I also realized that I only see things when its dark out, like I don't see shit when its light out it brings me back to reality.

8:54 I think im fine now, i keep snapping ni and out of it.. its fucked.. overlapping

8:59 very happy now, out of body experience. just smoked another popper it was great :) didnt realize i still had one left

9:02 snapped out of it now, still seeing happy faces everywhere

9:09 pretty convinced that the trip is over

9:17 still tripping kind of, coming down I think.. very tired and sore from tension

9:31 not sore anymore, when high darkness with low dim lights is the best, bright lights can induce mini bad trips

9:42 coming down now, pretty hard gonna go pass out.. it was a fun trip!

10:32 The trip is finally 100% over now, rested and tried eating but I couldn't force any food down. Smoked a small session about a half a hour ago and yet i'm not the slightest bit high. Not sure why this is. First experiment was a success!


Well-Known Member
i put it right there for ya.. haha NOT something you should do. salt+ice will burn the fuck out of you. will give you frostbite bcuz the ice makes the salt colder.

yea ive heard oj makes u trip better. but i never could drink any when i was trippin that hard.