AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Well-Known Member
for the time being ill just blow on them. this yeast thing sounds messy.

Hooray It's my birthday tomorrow ^__________^


New Member
What is ppm running? I have a system like yours and even if I add enough to get it in the 500's the next dat it's back down to 330-400.:-?


Just some idiot
What is ppm running? I have a system like and even if I add enough to get it in the 500's the next dat it's back down to 330-400.:-?
lots of plants drink more water than just one. She should pray for some males, ever try and keep on top of 5 females in one little res. during the later stages of's a PITA!!!!

Happy B-Day


Well-Known Member
What is ppm running? I have a system like yours and even if I add enough to get it in the 500's the next dat it's back down to 330-400.:-?
I try and keep it @ 450-ish? at least that's what its @ right now. i just had to add more yesterday, my dud plant started turning yellowish on the leaves, like what happened to the others. but none of the others were affected. which is kinda making me think it might be burn? ahk.


Well-Known Member
So i still haven't done that water change. Was thinking about doing it later today, I am going to use the flora nova, so if i do, should I follow the feeding chart on it? or should i cut that in half? and do half calcium magnesium? what do i potentially want the pH @?

pH: 5.8 (had to adjust that last night)
ppm: 452 (added some more nutes last night)

UPDATE: So everyone's growing well especially our survivor middle plant. The dud is doing OKAY but is having some of that yellowing. considering that none of the other's are, it's making me worried that perhaps it's burn and not deficiency? I added some nutes like i said as soon as i saw it and the new growth coming from it has no sign of yellowing hope thats good.

Here's an overshot of everyone (sorry it's sideways)

The survivor is on Day 27: she's starting to block out a bit of light to the others @_@ the sprouts coming OUT of the branches are getting bigger. I can just say i'm kinda glad i didn't top it would betting SO HUGE sideways and definitely blocking out the light to all others:

Round 2 is on Day 23 Doing pretty well, not getting the height like the survivor but getting the layers.. I'll just post pictures of two of them, that bottom left one's still not doing well (the one that got attacked by coco). I'm leaving it alone for now but am considering pulling it, when i switch to flowering

Here is Top Left:

Here is Bottom Right:

The Dud is doing pretty well. too and the roots are getting crazy (at least the middle one's)


Just some idiot
Looks good, the middle plant is really nice you should be very happy. Can I ask what kind of seeds you're using? I believe they were KC something, are they f1s, f2s? I've noticed when I grow from seed I just have some plants of the same strain that just aren't the same, like the happens especially if the seeds aren't f1s or a stable line. So it could be something out of your control, also one of the drawbacks of hydro especially if it's a multi unit site, they all get the same light, water, nutes, etc. For your next grow if you use clones it will go smoother. Can you still pull the big plant out or is the root mass too big? You might want to consider moving it so she doesn't block out the little plants when the time comes.

Also topping if done and then followed with lower pruning will take care of the bush, the object being to get to get more than one cola. if you top and don't prune the lower area you get a bush. I am no expert but I top wait a week then prune lower section let it recover and flower. I get tall skinny plants with multiple colas, increases yield bush at all. Plus the lower growth isn't producing anything worthwhile, just little fluff nugs.


Well-Known Member
Looks good, the middle plant is really nice you should be very happy. Can I ask what kind of seeds you're using? I believe they were KC something, are they f1s, f2s? I've noticed when I grow from seed I just have some plants of the same strain that just aren't the same, like the happens especially if the seeds aren't f1s or a stable line. So it could be something out of your control, also one of the drawbacks of hydro especially if it's a multi unit site, they all get the same light, water, nutes, etc. For your next grow if you use clones it will go smoother. Can you still pull the big plant out or is the root mass too big? You might want to consider moving it so she doesn't block out the little plants when the time comes.

Also topping if done and then followed with lower pruning will take care of the bush, the object being to get to get more than one cola. if you top and don't prune the lower area you get a bush. I am no expert but I top wait a week then prune lower section let it recover and flower. I get tall skinny plants with multiple colas, increases yield bush at all. Plus the lower growth isn't producing anything worthwhile, just little fluff nugs.
hmmm i might consider it.

it's kc brains cyber crystal, unsure if its f1 or f2. the dud is doing fine. i mean its like a ways behind all the others. we thought it was a dud, and i planted it anyway and it sprouted. there's nothing wrong with it. it's just.. yeah okay im babbling


Just some idiot
lol, yeah I have the babble on today too. When I said dud I was just using your word, it might catch up...weed is funny like that. I had a dud that turned out taller then me when all was said and done, and no short jokes please.


New Member
ever consider putting side lights up ? or moving the light u have to 1 side or the other so the little ones can catch up or just get a bigger or more containers.? i imaging u'd be more happy with 5 plants that side then 1 big one and 4 little ones and the big one will just keep getting bigger. she might take over


Active Member
wow. those plants are looking amazing :mrgreen:

ive been trying to build my own system and im nearly finished!! its really similar to yours:mrgreen: im getting my seeds this week and i wish i could set up a journal too but my camera's broken T.T maybe a camera phone will work haha


Well-Known Member
so.................. you are not going to keep one as a mother IF it is female, will you just flower them?
i dunno if im going to clone. i have no where to put it after it roots i just have the one closet.

i wish i had a friend i trusted who i could give the MH and the set up to, who could have my clones till i needed them. but i dont. so still unsure.