1st grow. 250w HPS


Active Member
and get some azomite don't know much about this liquid you guys are talking bout but my experienced grower friend which doesn't push bud but reads high times got it from subcool and loves how its working on her plants (its crazy lol). She gave me a 5 pound bag of it since she ordered three times worth what she needed( she really respects bud growers science and apporach to growing). she has come up with a mixture for watering. I follow a samstevens adaptation of subcools supersoil and she know I don't fertilize well she does and tells me she thinks she's onto something big. She told me to add a 2tspoons of azomite to a gallon of purified water she has and though she also fertilizes she thinks it will have good results for me since I don't. I've done this every other watering for the past week and I do admit my plants are stronger looking and have greater leaf size but time will tell when harvest somes if it is really worth it. It hasn't had any negative effects on my girls at all I would recommend it to any organic grower since I don't know it's effect combined with different types of fertilizers. Just an organic guy paying it foward


Active Member
Well research it a bit and you'll find it has a lot to do with wheatgrass and the growing community in regards to that. In regards to what we as growers find important(buds) it has been given the greenlight by a legendary grower by the name of say.SUBCOOL. Now I never met him but his use of it is in soil as a vitamin/ mineral amendment it seems like a plant version of centrum from what I've read on it. I have used it in my loose adaptation of subcools supersoil mix and have yet see its effect in that format of soil because the supersoil is placed at the base of your growing medium. My gowing medium will eventually be 3-5 gallon containers but for now I use smaller pots so I have a pot full of base soil currently when I transplant I will place the supersoil at its base basically 1/3 of the larger pot.


Active Member
continuation of previous post

I currently only water with the mix I described in the previous post(tspoons to a gallon of purified water)every other watering and have only been doing it for a week and I have seen good(not amazing) results, time will tell if it has extrordinary results. New methods/techniques are always popping up be open to them. Lil ganja princess keep doing your thing sorry about taking some space up in your jopurnal no disrespect intended.

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
i potted on the bub seedling

and the DD cheese. i did a lil experiment on the cheese. i clipped her down. hoping that in doing so it will allow the lower branches to grow at the same hight.

here is JF1



an finally ma whole cupbord




Well-Known Member
i like those bendy things you guys buy...next time how about you bend it out. it opens the plant and the lower sections grow in the middle.

i think you can do a bit more supercropping if you wanted... you would like how uniform the canopy gets and more bud sites being up top would be better for you... I guess i just see the gap and think.. That could be a nice place for a bud to live @... yeah..


good luck !

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
i like those bendy things you guys buy...next time how about you bend it out. it opens the plant and the lower sections grow in the middle.

i think you can do a bit more supercropping if you wanted... you would like how uniform the canopy gets and more bud sites being up top would be better for you... I guess i just see the gap and think.. That could be a nice place for a bud to live @... yeah..


good luck !
i tottaly agree with that last part.

the only reason that i havent bent them outwards is because i havent got the room. hopefully nxt grow i will do less plants. thats if i dont have a tent intime. mayb do 2 at a time


Well-Known Member
i tottaly agree with that last part.

the only reason that i havent bent them outwards is because i havent got the room. hopefully nxt grow i will do less plants. thats if i dont have a tent intime. mayb do 2 at a time

well then have you taken any clones yet?... good time to do it... dont worry too much about the transplant shock...it usually settles pretty quick and yours dont seem to be hurtin.

mr west

Well-Known Member
anyway I got a veg room and jus bought a heated prop so i have the room for clojnes once ive flowerd off the gals i got in veg at min lol


Well-Known Member
i potted on the bub seedling

and the DD cheese. i did a lil experiment on the cheese. i clipped her down. hoping that in doing so it will allow the lower branches to grow at the same hight.

here is JF1



an finally ma whole cupbord


a bunch of beautiful ladies :weed:

nice pink bathroom :lol: :peace: :razz:

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3214988]a bunch of beautiful ladies :weed:

nice pink bathroom :lol: :peace: :razz:[/QUOTE]

the bathrom was like that when i moved in. the celing is royal blue.

the girl that lived in there b4 had no sence of colour apart from the bedroom.

ive got a tomato red kitchen. an did have obergine and green walls in the living room (woodchip in every room)