The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
I got two of each and only one has really taken off. I might repot 'em coz when i repotted the bigger cheese that started growing pretty quick but i ain't that much room.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I know all about not having the room, I got som cuttings still in small pots from weeks ago that need pottin on lol. I find they really appricate it wen I pot em on if they been weeeks in one pot lol.


Well-Known Member
Must be better than nothing tho?
ummm yeah kinda. get the odd bit o hydro here and there but mainly this is all there is. :evil:

gotta get my ass into gear me thinkz lol.

[youtube]/v/yJynygnjMC0&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></[/youtube]

Nice sunday song for ya lol
kevins a siic cunt :)

dont know why but it reminded me of this song. kinda katchy really
[youtube]<object width="580" height="360"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360"></embed></object>[/youtube]



mr west

Well-Known Member
I just got one more drying at the min bout the same as this one, ill put it in jars in a few days lol. I should take a pic of the tent ,,, runs off and shots the insde of the tent lol.

Inthe tent i have 2 home grown fanta seeds cheese at jus ovr 5 weeks 12 and 5 skunk specials at bout 2 weeks and 2 jack the rippers i put in on friday but u cant see them in the pic.bongsmilietyme for medication lol.



Well-Known Member
wow mr west.. those are some strains!...

cant wait for you to get those going bud!... Gonna have some be raised over at your girls too?..

mr west

Well-Known Member
the homegrownfantaseeds cheese is next out in bout 4 weeks lol. Check this for luck, i bought 10 reg seeds 5 jack the rippers and 5 skunk specials from nirvana and tga and i only got 1 bloody male out of the ten lol. The boys in veg at min.


Well-Known Member
the homegrownfantaseeds cheese is next out in bout 4 weeks lol. Check this for luck, i bought 10 reg seeds 5 jack the rippers and 5 skunk specials from nirvana and tga and i only got 1 bloody male out of the ten lol. The boys in veg at min.

is it cause you wanted a boy so they wouldnt give you one..LOL

mr west

Well-Known Member
I wanted 50% boys really, that would give me room to mess about but as it is all the girls need flowering and it WILL be a green christmas lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
71.6gramms off the cheese dry yay im so happy

I was shocked lol. I already dried and smoked 10 grams wen i wieghd it up and was expecting maybe 20grams but wen the first tub was full and weighed 42 grams i nearly shit as i still had the main cola to wiegh which was 19.6g:weed::weed::weed::shock::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::hug:

mr west

Well-Known Member
". Gonna have some be raised over at your girls too?.."

ahh no shes bringiung one back here cuz it stinks too much lmao. I feel like the old woman who lived in a shoe, he had too many girls he didnt know what to do


Well-Known Member
". Gonna have some be raised over at your girls too?.."

ahh no shes bringiung one back here cuz it stinks too much lmao. I feel like the old woman who lived in a shoe, he had too many girls he didnt know what to do

hahahah what a problem to have eh... So your girl brings over more girls... pura vida!

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
I was shocked lol. I already dried and smoked 10 grams wen i wieghd it up and was expecting maybe 20grams but wen the first tub was full and weighed 42 grams i nearly shit as i still had the main cola to wiegh which was 19.6g:weed::weed::weed::shock::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::hug:
just found two lil cola's 11.2 so that means a total weight of cheese is 82.8g


Well-Known Member
just found two lil cola's 11.2 so that means a total weight of cheese is 82.8g

Bam! 82 grams... lets see ... it would last me ... maybe... 23 days or so... maybe less... probably less...LOL..

so now you need to do that x3 and then you got your 3 months worth... well about ya know..

3.5 in a day of a grower is no problem...LOL
