How can I smoke a freshly cut bud ? pleaseee


Active Member
Whats up guys....Im outta herbage and i really really really want to toke:bigjoint:.... Is there anyway that I can dry a freshly cut nug to try it out ?...... really close to harvest...already flushing...:wall:


Whats up guys....Im outta herbage and i really really really want to toke:bigjoint:.... Is there anyway that I can dry a freshly cut nug to try it out ?......:wall:
All you have to do is lay it on top of your MH or HPS light while it is on, and it will be dry enough to smoke in a few hrs. If no light, I have no idea. I always grow inside. We all have the urge to smoke when you cut, be patient man. It will be worth the wait.


You can put it in the oven or microwave for a very short amount of time for a quick dry.
Check some of the resource guides for info on what temp and how long. RESEARCH!


dont do it man, just dry it regular, its worth it...unless its reaaalllly super dank.then yeah oven that shit and roll a blunt


Active Member
bro dont put it in the microwave!!!

it will fuk up the weed and take away most of the high..

the light idea sounds kinda like it would work but forget a few hours!
jus smoke it when it gets nice and gooey and sticky not when its sure u kno what i mean


Active Member
don't listen to people who tell you to put it in the microwave, they are obviously misinformed. If you have an indoor ballast, make a little tray/container out of tinfoil and put your bud in it and put it on top of your ballast for a few hours. This is the best way to quick dry your bud for smoking but it still won't be as potent as properly cut/dry/cured bud from the same plant.

There are certain breakdowns of your buds that happen at different temps and 2s in my microwave hits those temps. Ovens will be too hot even at the lowest temps. You really shouldn't quick dry buds at all but we've all done it. If you're gonna do it, use the ballast method.

grow space

Well-Known Member
use a regular house hold bulb, a 100 watter..then take some paper, put the stash in, cover the bulb(just a lil away, just a lilk) and in about 10-15 your ready....BUT, I would wait, and do some curing first...!!!


Active Member
I wiish i would have waited for more responses... I listed to the Microwave idea.... well actually let me re-state that I went to turn on my digiatal effin oven and for some reason (a sign from the bud gods) it wouldnt turn on!!!! BAD EFFIN IDEA.....NEVER EVER EVER MICROWAVE YOYR BUDS...NEGATIVE REP TO FOR BAD INFO>>>>>


Well-Known Member
Haha....that's classic. If you cut down some new smaller buds and just leave them hangin' they will dry out pretty quick. Especially if you hang them in the grow room above the ballast somewhere. By tomorrow I'll bet they are way dried out.

You could use a food dehydrater, I know they are used after a 7 day water cure, but I'm sure it would work in this scenario also.

Personally, I find it's best to just go buy a sack. What I like to call "The Last Ounce". I smoke alot so I have to buy an ounce. This is the last sack that I will be buying for a loooooooooong time. Breaks in growing only come up when I move or some security presents and I have to stop, otherwise I grow enough to keep my needs satisfied.

Anyway, buy this ounce and it will save your ass. All of the terrible weed you smoke now is great weed you can't smoke later. Many times first time growers will get a decent enough yeild but they butcher up all their bud and smoke it before it's really ready to be smoked. The cure isn't done and they just get to smoking it. Then by the very last nug it start's tasting great and nailing hard, the cures done, but so's the bud. There's just nothing left. All that hard work and all you really got was a taste of the true potential at the very end. Avoid that downfall by purchasing whatever amount of bud you think will last you about 3 weeks to a month.


dont put it in the oven at 200 thats the prime zone for vaping bud. you can use it now in a vapo. or you can rub it and make finger hash.


Active Member
ya if you think about it you are basically vaping your weed when u put it in the microwave best way would be the light, and/or to break it down into smaller pieces so more surface area is open and it dries quicker :)
oven no hotter than 140 the THC breaks down at 150. and i toaster dry mine. little aluminum tray above toaster put on highest setting and and toast 2 to 4 times.


Well-Known Member
THC does not vaporize until 350*

but if you do have a vaporizer, you can smoke fresh cut bud in it... I'd try to let it dry for a couple hours first. but whatever.