Travelling / Flying With Cannabis ( Do you??)


Well-Known Member
I know many of you do it and i would like to know the best method???

Some say don’t even bother

Some say tightly whitey (i.e. between your balls).

I have made it through on three occasions and with increasing security, would like to know your stories.

This should be a big topic!! please rate this thread on relevance.

**please note I’m not interested in large drug operations. I’m talking personal use people lol *** :clap:


Well-Known Member
i flew to belfast from nottingham a day after the glascow airport attack.

security was sooo tight. armed police, sniffers plus there was no hand luggage allowed as well as any liquids. i was fully searched and was made to remove my jeans and jacket.
There was 2 eights in my pocket, they gave me the trousers back. they hadnt found it!!!!lol


Well-Known Member
Well, i've only smuggled about 2 grams of dank and a gram of hash before, and that was in the USA, from colorado to florida, so all domestic...I triple bagged it and then put it in some white tighties, there is a spot where you can slide it under your balls. It ended up working, but i was wayyyy to nervous, the security dude even searched me hard, he was touching all around it on my thigh but they'll never touch your balls. That was bout 5 years ago, so i'm not sure bout security now. Something easier, safier, and causes less worry is to just fedex overnight the goods to yourself!! i have a buddy in cali and we've been doing that for about 7 years now with not one failure! as long as its personal, most i've done was a oz, usually it's a quarter or half oz..the sender uses a fake name, fake return address and pays with cash, then vacuum seal that shit bout 3 times to be safe, then he puts it in a care package with food items, just makes it look normal, and bam, next morning it's on my doorstep, works like a fucking charm.


Well-Known Member
littlewhitewhore nice trick . I always put in balls with no problem You were sooooooooooo lucky not to get caught.

"Well, i've only smuggled about 2 grams of dank and a gram of hash before, and that was in the USA, from colorado to florida, so all domestic...I triple bagged it and then put it in some white tighties, there is a spot where you can slide it under your balls. It ended up working, but i was wayyyy to nervous, the security dude even searched me hard, he was touching all around it on my thigh but they'll never touch your balls. That was bout 5 years ago, so i'm not sure bout security now. Something easier, safier, and causes less worry is to just fedex overnight the goods to yourself!! i have a buddy in cali and we've been doing that for about 7 years now with not one failure! as long as its personal, most i've done was a oz, usually it's a quarter or half oz..the sender uses a fake name, fake return address and pays with cash, then vacuum seal that shit bout 3 times to be safe, then he puts it in a care package with food items, just makes it look normal, and bam, next morning it's on my doorstep, works like a fucking charm."

Love the postal trick although would only work if you know someone in that country. Nice tho :-)

Rate my thred please .

come one pleople dont be shy, lets talk !!!


Active Member
i just rolled a few joints and had them in the lighter pocket on my jeans. (the little pocket on the right side) never searched or found anything. so nice


Well-Known Member
Good job withano altho i do think its very risky.

I just got back from spain. uk ->spain

I opted for the tighty whitey method (rapped tight in grip seal and in flavoured condom) down below my sack. All good. I got manuall searched although no problems.

Tell us your stories? Have you been caught?


Well-Known Member
dam you guyz are always saying how you got randomly searched...but ive never been searched at the airport in my life, and if i smuggle i keep the weed in a pocket with nothing else and then i take off all my metal and then walk through no sweat ive done an eighth like this before


Well-Known Member
I brought 2 grams of hash on my carry on, just sitting in my backpack. However im in Canada and the security is pretty damn easy to get by. Just confidently walk on.


Active Member
my parents brought some buds back from jamaica, they said it was fairly easy and they didnt get searched, its prolly easier for a older couple than for a 20 sumthin stoner lookin mufucker though....btw the weed was shwagg i can get better in ohio, im sure ithe goods are around down there but they bought from the first guy that offered


Well-Known Member
I know that there is cannabis in Jamaica although rastas are not too keen on skunk.

As for bringing weed out of jamaica im not sure . As i say the uk is getting sus and count out Manchester for a few months.


Well-Known Member
I took an ounce an a half through several major us airports on my person.
Never in the luggage. I will sau I also have a glass pipe with me. keep the metal ones at home lol.


Well-Known Member
ive took never more than 3/4g on most flights iv been on, all the same method.
cling film and a couple of zip bags hidden in a rolled up pair of socks not in hand luggage nor on my person!
ive been from uk to spain, uk to usa and holland to uk multiple times!


Well-Known Member
If I ever fly with pot, it's busted up, put tight in a bag, knotted into a condom and snuggles my prostate like a pillow.


Well-Known Member
My friends used to put in a watertight bag and place into a shampoo bottle I usually put into one of my pockets in my luggage.

I once took a connecting flight thru Dubia and had in my sock, I noticed that people had to go thru a metal detected and people had to take off there shoes and socks I was shitting myself since Dubia is so fucking strict, I stood behind a old American couple and just before they went thru I heard the old man infront of me say that he had a pace-maker so he couldn't go thru so the two searchers took him around the machine and I walked straight thru, probably one of the luckiest days of my life


Well-Known Member
My friends used to put in a watertight bag and place into a shampoo bottle I usually put into one of my pockets in my luggage.

I once took a connecting flight thru Dubia and had in my sock, I noticed that people had to go thru a metal detected and people had to take off there shoes and socks I was shitting myself since Dubia is so fucking strict, I stood behind a old American couple and just before they went thru I heard the old man infront of me say that he had a pace-maker so he couldn't go thru so the two searchers took him around the machine and I walked straight thru, probably one of the luckiest days of my life
OMG i would never take through Dubia you are so lucky.

Please read

Good stories though. You have a link example of the watertight bag used.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Just Balloon it man.

Put it in balloons swallow it and shit it out and there ya go.

You will know if the balloons broke... trust me