ok smart guy. so why dont ya just give back all youre fat paychecks ya got from iraq if you dont like the war??????? shit i AM a proud regressive son. we need to go back to the days when men were men. things today just aint the same as they was before the libs pussified America.
I agree with the term "pussified". Great way to put it.
This is the liberal mind set, "help others even if others suffer from it (including themselves)"
example of this, someone with such a desire to give to the poor that they lose all their money and now themselves are too poor. this is an extreme example, but this is basically what happens.
Conservative mind set, "help myself before helping others and never hurt myself while helping others"
example of this, someone who gives to the poor but still keeps enough of their own share for their necessities and any luxuries they may want.
you see the difference between examples is, the second doesn't hurt or cause loss to him/herself.
to put this in political terms, obamacare is "take care of some others who are not taken care of at the cost of our own quality of care, as well as the tax dollars of those who can afford it paying for those who can't."
i really feel libs care more about other people than they do themselves, but what they fail to realize is that you can't care about others without caring about yourself FIRST. want a real life example of this?
when on an airplane what do the flight attendents tell you to do with the oxygen masks? Put YOURS on FIRST before assisting others.
Because what good are you assisting others while your unconcious.
What good is the country assisting the uninsured when when the country is broke?