1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton


Well-Known Member
haha yea i threw mine into flower too. i skipped the update last week but they finally got lil hairs pokin everywhere. 4 females an one male snow white so all is going well yours seem to be doing really good for a couple of weeks time passing. i would flower them seein as how that will give you experience and let you know if you like your bloom nutes before goin to town on some white lightning and NYCD. im switching to a perpetual grow so i figured im starting my mothers in about two to four weeks out. just food for thought you can really stretch your seeds and strains by taking only 4 clones every 3 weeks this gives me 12 in the flower cab at all times and harvests at 3 week intervals. i cant wait! glad to see yours are doing much better. i checked out HTGsupply.com an am gunna get a 400 watt digi ballast for rediculously cheap for 190 you get electronic ballast cord assembly reflector and bulb. Just for reference the ballast alone is usually 175


sweet Smokey! Im just starting the flower stage, yours look great my friend! Much better than mine... but then again, you are growing nice seeds, Mine are bag seed right now and they are struggling but I imagine I will get SOMETHING from the harvest... not much though. Good luck man, keep in touch, and please keep my updated!


Ladies and gentlement we have our first hairs!!! I have 3 females... :) I will post pictures once the buds start forming! :)


Active Member
I read somewhere on here the shop said a amount for nutes, but after 7 pages I got lost. But, what he said was way too much for the GH flora series nutes. I do my plants in 4 to 5 gallon buckets and use 5-6 micro and 16 bloom per gallon and is a excellent ratio, I don't use grow at all because you end up with too much nitrogen in the mix. I slowly work my way up to this amount, not right off and there is slight variations in veg and flower. Look up Lucas formula and you will see pages and pages of posts on this. I was able to get 3oz 10 grams from my first grow using this amount and was from one 16 inch tall plant that I broke the top cola off 1 week into 12/12. I am on plant #2 and has about 2 weeks left and expecting over 4oz, but it is 30 inches tall and a coke can size main cola. I never had nutrient issues at all using this formula and only issue I ever had besides root rot from transplant and a small aerogarden res during veg is I added humbolt gravity and my ppm went up too high and caught it early. I just started using kool bloom and it seems to be doing good in the mix.


Thanks for the tips Rotiler, I will def. take that into considertion. I am actually using 7 gal res, and I put... this is the recipe I have been following since I started bloom about 2 weeks ago, its similar to what you said but it has grow in it... Its working so far... although I have had a recent challenge hit me over night I will make another post with pictures perhaps you could shoot some more wisdom my way?


Hey all!!! This is whats goin on!

My cat managed to get into my tray one night and knocked one of the plants over. Its obvious which one in the pictuers. I flushed last night with hydrogen peroxide, PH neutral spring water, and some flora clean, I let it flush for about an hour or so.

Anyway Do you think she will survive? The other ladies are doing just fine. Im a little concerned that my side shoots wont grow any longer... I didn't do any training sooo.... yah.

Check out the pics and let me know! :) thanks everyone!



Well-Known Member
if the one doesnt respond to your efforts soon i would say ditch it. chances are that bag seed will hermi cuz of all that stress. only reason i say this is cuz i swear i turned a fem snow white to a pure male by stressin it from a transplant. everything else looks great man. if your worried about how short they are you must be doing something right. Would you rather be wondering why they are so tall? lol as long as nothing is really calixed up you can top them but two weeks into flower beware. its tough to get new growth after the first couple of weeks of flower


hmm.. Thanks Smokey.... I dont think I will top them for fear of losing the cola. I mean, it seems like it should be pretty dense, so Ill take my chances, plus there will be about 4 or 5 total side shoots that will give me some bid too.

How much does eash bud produce? I mean, where the little white hairs start growing? How much does each of those form into?

Also How do I know if a plant is a hermi?

Think its too late to make some cuttings for clones on the dying one?

Thanks yo.


Well-Known Member
alright brotha..

sorry to hear about the plant getting knocked over.. thats a bitch.. i keep my dogs well away from my grow or they would eat everything... plus i cause enough havoc in my grow room.. lol dropping lights on plants and shit.. i had a rough grow...

it looks like, more than likey, your girl is done for... i doubt she will come back from that.. but if she does i would let it go... here is why..

there is a chance that it will hermie.. but it isnt a for sure thing that it will... if the seed genes aren't strong enough there is a chance it could turn and show both male flowers (pollen sacs) and female flowers (buds), and in the end self pollinate... but again its not guaranteed that it will... but you'll know its a hermie if you see both of those... or you start seeing things that look like bananas growing out of the flowers.. if you remove the sacs when you see them there wont be any pollination that can take place... so just keep an eye out..

in order for a strain to hermie in the first place a few things have to be present.. first you have to have weak genetics... the stronger the female the better... secondly the plant has to have hermie tendencies buried within their genetics as well... now traits, like hermies, can be buried deep in the genetic line and may not show for a few generations.. so again, this is another reason to let it go should it respond and come back.. the hermie trait may not show (if it is present at all anyways) in this plant anyways..

the best way to limit the problem with hermies is to buy fem'd seeds... i'm sure you will hear people say that fem'd seeds are made through hermies and stressing and yada yada... i was one of those people until i met the right people who set me straight... if your interested i will explain how fem'd seeds are made.. but you have nothing to worry about with hermies and males... well you have less than a 5% chance that they will be male or hermie... so its worth the purchase and extra money..

if you go to clone that plant (should it make it) and it does hermie then the clones that you would take are going to be hermies too.. so until you know you shouldnt clone it (you can take clones as late into flowering as you want.. it just takes a longer time to root them since they have to revert back)..

as far as the side shoots go its somewhat too late to make anything happen to your girls to grow out the side shoots... tieing the top of the plant over can sometimes stimulate lower branches to grow upwards during flowering.. but you should do it asap to increase the chance of it happening.. otherwise its sorta too late..

as far as bud production.. there is almost no way of saying what you'll end up with.. it varries a lot from strain to strain.. genetics play a big part.. there are just a lot of factors that play into it... but i would say a 1/4 to a 1/2 per plant probably...


Wowza, thanks for the info Sampson, your the man... It looks like I will be trashing the poor old girl :( Damn... I was going to try and take clones, but that means I have to go out and buy cloning formula, and set up a cloning station, where I think Ill just get rid of her, I dont want any males or hermies destroyin my crops. Thanks again man!


Well-Known Member
Hey Smokey... Im interested in seeing how your girls are doing... any new pics or videos? Get at me!
yea sorry man i'll throw up the vid i kinda put together a couple days ago. i'll drop a link in a sec. oh and yes listen to samson. i've read many of his posts and all seem to be very solid.


if you watch through youtube its in hd
Wow real nice man. Mine are starting to bud too, but they look more like your wonder woman, than your others. Those babys are bloomin like crazy huh?

Im posting some pics I took tonight, it looks like my cola is not growing properly... not sure whats up, Im thinking my PPM is a little low its around... 850 and its the 4th week of flowering. Or maybe I havnt been feeding enough only once a day for 15 min. They look fairly healthy other than the cola... it looks burnt, but I dont know... I raised the light to about 5-6 inches above the cola now, so maybe that will help. Take a look and throw some advice my way huh? Thanks man. Lookin good! keep up the good work... BTW, whats your nute formula like? brands, and recipe would be nice. :) Thanks pal.

