How's school?


Well-Known Member
why ya slacking? not interested in the topics or have your mind on other things :weed:?
I'm just not studying enough. I wish i could blame it on the mary jane... but we all know that would be BS. lol

i hear you man...i cant seem to find anything that sparks my interest and going to school with a bunch of people who dont want to be there sucks too

You know what ... after i my pizza gets outa the oven... i'm gona start studying. I need to step it up ! :-P lol

What year are you guys?


Well-Known Member
I'm first year.. at a junior college. but I'm doing very well, scored very high on the CPT.

I'm taking Botany(the major course, not just the general course), Botany Lab, Environmental Studies, and College Algebra. Let me tell you..

I'm so swamped in work, but I love it :-D

How about you guys?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I'm first year.. at a junior college. but I'm doing very well, scored very high on the CPT.

I'm taking Botany(the major course, not just the general course), Botany Lab, Environmental Studies, and College Algebra. Let me tell you..

I'm so swamped in work, but I love it :-D

How about you guys?
20 hours at pittsburg state uni here. Fucking it all up as far as grades, living it up as far as partying, getting really paranoid related to getting busted with having the smoke detector covered with a bag, a case of beer, and a cat in the dorm though, but I doubt getting kicked out.


Well-Known Member
I'm first year.. at a junior college. but I'm doing very well, scored very high on the CPT.

I'm taking Botany(the major course, not just the general course), Botany Lab, Environmental Studies, and College Algebra. Let me tell you..

I'm so swamped in work, but I love it :-D

How about you guys?
Ahh i loved my first year :-P. Good times... good times...

I'm a junior at a state college. Going for finance. It's getting pretty damn complicated these days...


Active Member
i wish i knew what year i was lol.....i have been out of high school for like 3 years but never attented college full time but i have something like 60 credits ranging from the normal math, English, to a few in computer networking/ programming, video/audio editing, a few criminal justice just trying to find something i like at this point


Well-Known Member
20 hours at pittsburg state uni here. Fucking it all up as far as grades, living it up as far as partying, getting really paranoid related to getting busted with having the smoke detector covered with a bag, a case of beer, and a cat in the dorm though, but I doubt getting kicked out.
coming from experience, don't smoke in the dorm. Buy a vapo and enjoy yourself. The price of one will out weigh getting busted and the paranoia that goes with it. my .02.


Active Member
coming from experience, don't smoke in the dorm. Buy a vapo and enjoy yourself. The price of one will out weigh getting busted and the paranoia that goes with it. my .02.

deff invest in a girlfriend lives in a dorm and when kids try to hide the smell of the smoke it still comes out....but we just sit there sucking on the vape and its nice!:leaf: lol

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
coming from experience, don't smoke in the dorm. Buy a vapo and enjoy yourself. The price of one will out weigh getting busted and the paranoia that goes with it. my .02.
Hey bitch, I got a digi-vapor. It sure doesn't match your volcano's but it gets the job done. [Not calling you a bitch, just an inside joke where some dude got drunk and started calling everyone a bitch] I don't smoke right now, 12 months down 6 to go probation.


Well-Known Member
20 hours at pittsburg state uni here. Fucking it all up as far as grades, living it up as far as partying, getting really paranoid related to getting busted with having the smoke detector covered with a bag, a case of beer, and a cat in the dorm though, but I doubt getting kicked out.
Jesus fuck I got jumped. I don't smoke weed and I got a vape.
How dare us jump the gun by assuming you're toking in your room :?


Well-Known Member
I don't have the money for college. I'm really struggling here. I barely made it through highschool with my bad ass skipping and getting bad grades but it was kind of hard and the stupid teachers never wanted to help me so I'd skip or had to go to in school suspension. High school days sucked ass for awhile lol.

I just don't think I could really go to any decent college and I don't want a loan because that would fuck me up, my dad's still paying off his college loan and he's in his 50's my mom's still paying hers off too.
As you can tell I come from a dirt fucking poor family and by the time they are done paying all their debts off to anyone they won't have any money to even help me a little. :(


Well-Known Member
buying a volcano solely for dorm-room smoking = one committed stoner.

I just got my exam scores back from my Botany class: 96.5%!!!

pretty stoked about that :-P


Well-Known Member
Well, last semester I got a 3.7, but it was all classes in my field of study. Now I'm in a math and english class, so I'm hoping for a 3.0 or better... going 5 days a week is killing me, the workload is crazy. I get 2-3 hours every single night, and with work, it's tough.


Well-Known Member
Well, last semester I got a 3.7, but it was all classes in my field of study. Now I'm in a math and english class, so I'm hoping for a 3.0 or better... going 5 days a week is killing me, the workload is crazy. I get 2-3 hours every single night, and with work, it's tough.
damn bro.. props to you. it's tough balancing school and work, especially when you have a girlfriend too. What is your field of study?


Well-Known Member
School is pretty good right now for me.

I didn't get into my chemistry class.
So I'm not full time.

I'm doing very well in all my classes.
I'm not swamped in work, I actually wish I had more work
to do.

Gotta a project coming up soon.
Oh yeah, first year, second semester.