Illegal Smile
The Obama admin is crumbling precisely because it "doesn't" have George W Bush to run against anymore, and it hasn't been able to replace that with anything else.
Exactly, give the man some time. And the economists are saying he prevented a 2nd great depression with the stimulus. In other things, I just bought some CFL's from Home Depot, selection is great, but the employees are pretty worthless (if you can even find one)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
lol please tell me your drunk or high
n e one that expects him to undo 8 yrs of damage in less then a yr is retarded.. yes u and your friends r dumb fuck off
i didnt vote for either but holy shit u cant dig a hole for 8 yrs then expect someone to undo it in 8 months...
lets give him a real shot and then talk shit till then suck my dick u racist extremeist prick.. and if u can feel free to neg rep me fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone else viva america cause lets not forget we can nuke everybody........
Heck, I'm a far right Conservative who voted for McCain and I stand behind President Obama. So far hes doing a good job of cleaning up the mess Bush left behind and restoring our reputation in the world. Most importantly he has kept us safe from another terrorist attack. Ive got half a mind to give him my vote in 2012 if he keeps up the good work.
you must be from cloud city, because obama hasnt cleaned anything up, but has made it worse. are you convincing your self that things are good and happy? terrorists? they may exist but they have not attacked america EVER. 911 was an inside job and alot of people openly know this, but the media and authority figures and school will constantly tell you otherwise, time to look it up, not saying your stupid or trying to bash you in anyway. i think everyone has the potential to empower themselfs in learning the truth, it must come from inside though. were all humans that were not meant to be ruled by tyrannical governments or tyrannical religious doctrine. im hoping there will be no election in 2012.hopefully people will see that the system hasnt been working with these mobster thugs and we need to kick them to the curb, obama will be helping trim someones crop in a few years haha im kidding
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/17/AR2009021702411.htmlActually, President Obama has already started pulling out of Iraq and thankfully is not listening to the fools crying for more troops into Afghanistan. He has turned the economy around and it is now slowly getting better daily. As for your 9/11 truther horsepuckey, that's all old news and has been thoroughly disproven and shown to be no more than conspiracy theory nonsense. Boy will you be eating crow in 2012 when President Obama is reelected! lol.
Made sence to me. How can anybody get in a twist over the fact that Oblabla is just not as 'good' as he lead himself to be.The Obama admin is crumbling precisely because it "doesn't" have George W Bush to run against anymore, and it hasn't been able to replace that with anything else.
Sorry but the rest of the world has very limited education, electrcity and thugs messing up their right to many things.I feel I must say before hand this maybe somewhat hard to follow. I just![]()
and am really high. First toke in almost a week.
Are you saying then since everyone can't be rich they should be dead?
I never said that everyone had to be rich. Their have always been the Rich, the Middle Class and the Poor people. A nation is only as stong as it's middle class/
You don't have to be rich or middle class to enjoy life. I don't know what luxuxurys you have but I know I'm barely surviving, but I'm ALIVE. Even if I was homeless I would still be alive... Your saying that life isn't worth living if your poor!
I don't know how much meat you eat, but I sure eat enough... But I also eat enough Veggies and think that more people need to eat them for better overall health.
"If the whole world would eat as much meat as we do." I guess we're lucky they don't huh? More meat for us!
Where are these "Facts." BTW?
I will agree, world hunger is a problem, but I believe your facts to be mistaken.
The reason for world hunger is because of Corprate american greed, not because we can't produce enough. Shit, if you can't grow veggies outside then grow them inside under lights like we all do ouranyway. Bread is cheap and easy to make, couldn't that help?
I personally believe that many of todays problems will be solived by the return of the American middle class. But I fear cooprate America has destroyed the Middle class and America will continue into a 3rd world contry.
Eventually, unless Obama is able to fix things, I believe the European Union may nationalize(if it hasn't already?) And become the new world super power.
The only Slavemasters in this country are the Corporations! Just look at the Health Care Debate, and fight against Economic Reform to see how powerful they really are.Sorry but the rest of the world has very limited education, electrcity and thugs messing up their right to many things.
It's not the US fault. It is corporate greed in countless instances that keep people enslaved.
Here in the States the biggest enslaver is the Government/Fed/Press.
The walls built in the minds of many keeps them enslaved to the whitewash tactics of Oblabla and his PR team.
What we could have been, as a nation, was a blessing to the world. But instead we are too busy fighting the uneducated policies that are currently destroying this nation here at home.
Knowlege equals freedom. But the deliberately stupid still believe in those who are actually slavemasters.
We, today, are in no position to help many of the people in this world as we are to busy trying to make a better world for ourselves. It takes all our energy just to suvive with no time left to spend it helping others.
That's economic slavery.
The only Slavemasters in this country are the Corporations! Just look at the Health Care Debate, and fight against Economic Reform to see how powerful they really are.
Umm, I don't think everyone bought it. He was pretty obviously a bad parody. I, for one, did not feed the troll. And it doesn't say anything about the perception of the right. There are stupid liberals and stupid conservatives, I assume most people just thought he was a stupid conservative, when in actuality he was a stupid liberal.that fact that the OP fooled everyone here including myself says much
about the general perception of the right, including by the right.
this guy posed as someone impossibly stupid yet everyone bought it.
verdict: successful troll was successful
Umm, I don't think everyone bought it. He was pretty obviously a bad parody. I, for one, did not feed the troll. And it doesn't say anything about the perception of the right.
never said he was smart. i said he was successful.Umm, I don't think everyone bought it. He was pretty obviously a bad parody. I, for one, did not feed the troll. And it doesn't say anything about the perception of the right. There are stupid liberals and stupid conservatives, I assume most people just thought he was a stupid conservative, when in actuality he was a stupid liberal.