Autoflower variety grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Matt..have you started that Afghan Ryder yet? Just a warning, it doesn't autoflower as the others do. I'm on week 7 today and it's huge with no flowers. There were probs with WOS and those seeds, which i didn't know about until I already had it growing. If you want an auto schedule, I advise not growing that with the rest of the group. You can check my grow out in my sig, just a heads up...
thanks for the heads up Raw J. I heard the same thing after ordering so I tried one for the hell of it, and left the other 4 fems I have for summer outdoor, which I figurd would be best, since I dont have room for non auto/tall plants indoors. So I planted one, she is 22 days old today,6 inches tall, and believe it or not flowering! She already has white hairs coming out and trying to grow buds. I couldnt believe it! I wish I had a digi cam to show u guys! I do have a shitty phone cam which I will get u some pics now...sorry in advance


Well-Known Member
here you go guys.....sorry bout shitty pics, but best I got....pic 1 shows tag for afghan kush ryder, pic 2 shows A Kush ryder flowering at 22 days(was at 19 act) pic 3 shows the A kush Ryder is 6 in tall and producing flowers and white hairs! hope u can see??? pic 4 is my tallest EasyRyder which is 15 inches, but taking longer to fill out than the short ones.If and when it dedides to it shud be 1 zip easy.....


Well-Known Member
pic 1 is the top of the 9 in bushy as hell Easy Ryder thats full of popcorn nuggets...then one main cola at the top thats looks bout like a 1/4 zip.pic 2 is the shortest but fattest one, with the most resiny looking buds as well. she is bout 7.5 in tall and bushy as all get out. she has one main cola too, well infact from like an inch up the whole plant is a main cola...really cool to watch. she is my favorite. I call her Red Hot Lil Chili Momma bc her leaves when touched have a spice to


Big Raw J

Active Member
pic 1 is the top of the 9 in bushy as hell Easy Ryder thats full of popcorn nuggets...then one main cola at the top thats looks bout like a 1/4 zip.pic 2 is the shortest but fattest one, with the most resiny looking buds as well. she is bout 7.5 in tall and bushy as all get out. she has one main cola too, well infact from like an inch up the whole plant is a main cola...really cool to watch. she is my favorite. I call her Red Hot Lil Chili Momma bc her leaves when touched have a spice to
Thats crazy about Afghan..Oh well it kinda threw a wrench in my plans but I'm cloning it...took 10 a few days ago and they are doin great, no drooping at all. Gonna have a huge harvest from the mother anyway seein shes 22in tall and bushy as hell.

My easy ryder is like your second one, spicy and thick, comin up on almost a foot tall. It's gonna be a big yielder for a small plant. Check me out if ya havent already.

Sorry SXF we should be posting about your plants, there was just some good topics we had in common..Keep in touch auto growers..


Well-Known Member
sorry SXF for posting some of my pics in your grow journal.didnt even think about it till now. Just got caught up in your journal with fellow autoflower heads...LOL


Well-Known Member
nice shit matty! keep it up bro
hey bud, i love seeing pics of strains im growin more mature. ive never grown an easy ryder or ak47 til now only diesel a and im also doin lowryder 2. i cant wait to smoke those girls haha. i havent tried vaporizing good weed yet, just mids and i cant wait to be able to taste diesel in the vape but im germinating those seeds now so itll be 8 more weeks. :(


Well-Known Member
heck yeah man..I got diesels going into the soild today actually as well, along with 1 each of white and red dwraf. looking forward to it. 8 weeks puts it right at a great suprise for Christmas and decently cured in time for the new year..... whoooowho...


Well-Known Member
heck yeah man..I got diesels going into the soild today actually as well, along with 1 each of white and red dwraf. looking forward to it. 8 weeks puts it right at a great suprise for Christmas and decently cured in time for the new year..... whoooowho...
my favorite smoke is diesel. im from philly and spent a bit of time in nyc so i have a special place in my lungs for diesel haha. i love everything about that shit and my diesel i grew recently had crazy bag appeal.

Big Raw J

Active Member
my favorite smoke is diesel. im from philly and spent a bit of time in nyc so i have a special place in my lungs for diesel haha. i love everything about that shit and my diesel i grew recently had crazy bag appeal.
Was it just reg diesel? You havent grown the diesel ryders until now? I guess you get to see if the ryders compare with the reg..


Well-Known Member
Was it just reg diesel? You havent grown the diesel ryders until now? I guess you get to see if the ryders compare with the reg..
well ive smoked regular diesel in new york, but never grew it. ive smoked and grown the diesel ryders and theyre pretty similar but the regular diesel is more potent in my opinion. i guess the lr2 takes a bit away from the potency but the taste was pretty similar i thought and pretty close to the smell.

i just got home from work and set up my grow tent and now im about to put all these easy ryder and diesel ryder seeds into rapid rooters. see yinz later.


Well-Known Member
hey guys time for some pics i guess. a lot of snaps of the lowryder 2 the tall one and the short one. november 20th is the tentative chop date. im giving them big bud by advanced nutrients. some stuff called sweet citrus and some root stimulator on them. later pics- pic 9 is one of the ak47 females they all look the same so i saved myself some time by only snapping one pic. the tenth pic is the red dwarf im really anxious to see how this is gonna end up because if i like it a lot im gonna keep growing it. i burnt it with a cfl a week ago and it bounced back extremely well.



Well-Known Member
nice, real nice! I am anxious to see how my lonesome red dwarf does as well. they must be prone to accidents bc mine has seen some trauma in its short life as well. LOL My girlfriend tipped it over and it spilled out, but she fixed it back, and luckily it seems undamaged as it it growing...


I've been following this thread for a while along with the autoflower grow guide (all 110 pages!) Im really intrested to see how both of your red dwarfs do, Im very close to ordering a few of these. Ive heard lots of good reviews of them, supposedly much better than the white dwarf, Ive heard that red dwarf is crossed with a stinky old school skunk #1. Ive got 5 diesel ryders going right now, about a week since they sprouted under 10 27watt cfls 5500k, they just shot their 2nd set of leaves, working on the third set! SXF, as much insight as you can possibly offer on that red dwarf would be appricated, I really want to order them!! It looks like its growing a little different than the other ones, less bushy with one cola, more like the typical autoflowers.


Well-Known Member
I've been following this thread for a while along with the autoflower grow guide (all 110 pages!) Im really intrested to see how both of your red dwarfs do, Im very close to ordering a few of these. Ive heard lots of good reviews of them, supposedly much better than the white dwarf, Ive heard that red dwarf is crossed with a stinky old school skunk #1. Ive got 5 diesel ryders going right now, about a week since they sprouted under 10 27watt cfls 5500k, they just shot their 2nd set of leaves, working on the third set! SXF, as much insight as you can possibly offer on that red dwarf would be appricated, I really want to order them!! It looks like its growing a little different than the other ones, less bushy with one cola, more like the typical autoflowers.
yeah they probably are prone to accidents well at least for me because i have themk in grow bags and the red dwarf's grow bag fell over in my tent and started growing sideways but i plopped it back up and now its growing good again. seems like the red dwarf can take a lot of stress but the only really bushy autoflowers ive seen that get real bushy are ak47, lr2 and easy ryder. my lowryder 2 are branchy as hell and the ak47 are rowing very fast im not really sure how old they are. probably around 35 days. but i recently planted 5 fem diesel, 5 fem ak47, 5 fem easy ryder and then the freebies were la woman, cali hash plant, la confidential, blue widow and sour cream. so i planted all of those in rapid rooter plugs with some water and b'cuzz root stimulator and those rapid rooter plugs are awesome. they work so well ive had some really dumb seed starting prroblems before and these are working good. about 10/the 20 seeds i plants sprouted so far. just waitin on the other ten and i think im going to either go to htgsupply and get more 2 gallon grow bags or 2.5 gallon square pots. i thought i would like the grow bags but they fall over sometimes so they arent really worth it for me. cant wait to chop those lr2's in 23 days.


Active Member
yea i swear by the rooters. i plant str8 in them and they sprout up in like 3 to 4 days no prob. 100% success rate for me usin them. goo shit sxf, im watchin ya bro


nice grow man, i got 2 LR2 and & 7 poison dwarf goin on wk. 3 now, my first grow. dont know what PD are but they were cheap and needed company for my LR2's. gonna keep an eye on your gro, mines on My-Grow, a new start up site i found, come check-em out when ya get a chance--tell me if my LRs lookin ok for 16 days:peace: