......well, I am in the most terrible part of the US, The PNW...... It rains, you rust----and the woman here, well, "corn-fed?" <---they all wear black tarps, there are slugs everywhere....and you cant grow shit here: it just molds......and as I read in a neighbor's post, the only weed you can get here sucks beyond the most grassy smelling crap I 've ever smoked!!<----like the HG Commercial from when I was a kid(yeah, I am old), and they dont have shit for coffee here!
So nobody really wants to move here(I heard a comment or two where they thought we had it easy over here)..... It blows.....and we have those IR helo's w/LEO checking us out everyday....so the thought of growing anything fun is out of the question......yeah, were really roughing it out here, if you think you have it bad.......
Hi! I am growinman! Just thought I 'd drop in here for my first post. I dont grow or anything like that, just love to read about it..... I 've been at IC for years and weedfarmer for 2yrs-------so I do have an interest in this wonderful horticulture thing so many of you here have in common. Just trying to figure the culture out.......
shit.........I have a friend of a friend that has this real cool grow he just started. It's his first. Noob! I 'll see if he'll let me start a diary on his current(1st) grow....... wow<------looked at his mum list and it's a book! Think he currently has 15 WF MoonFlower girls at about day 35 of 12/12. He's in soil(FFOF only). His NL(6) and Northernberry(6) are about a week behind those MF's. What's really cool, he says, is that he vegging out 20 WF Super Skunk and 20 ECB(<---original "chronic"(BCBUD!!) from The UofW)ring any bells.....
So keep your eyes open if interested......