Ok Plants Are In Pots and The Lights Are On....Let The Grow Begin


Well-Known Member
Ok more questions.

Those wings will basically spread as far as that tension line will let them?

Also, you're a few feet above your plants. Those look just a few weeks past rooting. When did you transplant? How established were those clones before you put them under the lights? I ask because I'm litterally two weeks behind you. Air cooled is the primary difference but I'm still curious.


Well-Known Member
Ok more questions.

Those wings will basically spread as far as that tension line will let them?

Yeah. basically there aree three adjustments.
You snap two sides of this thing together then you bend it backward. Then you take the tension line and and with that you hold the reflector bent bacwards using stoppers clamped onto the line and notches cut into the reflector that these stoppers fit into. There are three notches and depending on which notch you use to hold it, it will spread it farther or closer. Farther to spread the light or closer to concentrate it more towards the middle.

Also, you're a few feet above your plants. Those look just a few weeks past rooting. When did you transplant? How established were those clones before you put them under the lights? I ask because I'm litterally two weeks behind you. Air cooled is the primary difference but I'm still curious.
I transplanted on the 14th. The clones were all pretty well rooted and about 4". 3" once I put them in pots. I cant tell you when they were snipped from there mother. I didnt bother to ask. But they had about a 1/4" of roots coming out the bottom of 1 1/2" cubes of rockwool.
When I first transplanted I had only one light on them for the first week and plus for the first few days I used the "super spreader" and that seemed to diffuse the light a little.
Then I added the other light a few days after week 1 and I hung them high. Now I'll keep lowerering them a little every few days till I get them where I want them.
They seem to have gotten through it pretty well. It took about a week before I started seeing new growth. They are all starting to grow pretty fast now. Or at least the first group of 20. The others are about a week and a half behind.
When I transplanted they were about 3" ,now they are about 7" .


Well-Known Member
Things are coming along very nicely. Im now getting about an inch a day of growth on average from the original twenty. And Im already seeing growth from the clones I put in pots on Tuesday My transplanting skills must be improving.:bigjoint:





There is some bad news though. I bought a Green Air Products Digital Co2 controller and sensor on craigslist a whille back. It wasnt reading correctly from the time I set it up and I was hoping it just needed to be calibrated. Well I tried to calibrate it and its a piece of crap.

So Im going to have to continue running my CO2 generator off a timer. it is a 6CFH generator, my room dimensions are 8'X11'X8.25' and I am running it for 10 minutes every three hours. ???????

Can anybody tell me if that is enough or to much?


wow they're looking great my friend! nice job. unfortunately, i am not sure about your controller and sensor issue. Im sure someone will come along with some good advice thoe. +rep


Well-Known Member
Im in week 4 and the last week of veg and things are still looking pretty good. Although I did get a little nute burn last week but they bounced back quick, it wasnt that severe.

Today I topped most of them and lollipopped them. The original twenty were about 15'- 18" this afternoon and still growing quickly before I topped them and lollipopped them. Now they are about 13" average. I have this week for them to get over any shock the cutting may have caused them before I switch to 12-12 next week and start flowering.

I didnt take a before picture but I took some a few days ago on the fifth. They were a couple inches shorter then. There are a couple runts as you can see. The plants aon the outside are all two weeks behind.

And these were taken today after I topped and lollipopped.



Active Member
looking good. scribed. i have a similar grow bout 26 plants under two 1000watters. i'll be at week 4 veg tomorrow.

you should be fine with co2 for a few minutes every few hours.


Well-Known Member
Things are coming along very nicely. Im now getting about an inch a day of growth on average from the original twenty. And Im already seeing growth from the clones I put in pots on Tuesday My transplanting skills must be improving.:bigjoint:





There is some bad news though. I bought a Green Air Products Digital Co2 controller and sensor on craigslist a whille back. It wasnt reading correctly from the time I set it up and I was hoping it just needed to be calibrated. Well I tried to calibrate it and its a piece of crap.

So Im going to have to continue running my CO2 generator off a timer. it is a 6CFH generator, my room dimensions are 8'X11'X8.25' and I am running it for 10 minutes every three hours. ???????

Can anybody tell me if that is enough or to much?
I have some specs on my room for Co2. The total cubic feet in your room determines now long to run your Co2 in order to fill it. Without a brain to tell you your air Co2 levels you have to use rough math and plant performance.

Let me dive into my number and see what I can come up with. I use a tank and a regulator with a timer. Not a burner/generator...


Well-Known Member
I have some specs on my room for Co2. The total cubic feet in your room determines now long to run your Co2 in order to fill it. Without a brain to tell you your air Co2 levels you have to use rough math and plant performance.

Let me dive into my number and see what I can come up with. I use a tank and a regulator with a timer. Not a burner/generator...
I pretty much have it locked in as far as how long I need to leave the CO2 generator on for by using the calcuator I found here. But what I wasnt quite sure about was at what time intervals do I run it. Ive been running it every three hours for the past few weeks and I think it seems to be working out but Im still not sure if that is correct.


Well-Known Member
I'm using that ART DNE...is that the model number? The little grey box one. I have it set to fill my room with the lights on. 15min on every hour. My I'm copying my buddies 4x8 Tray hyrdo set up. He yields nicely so I'm just doing what he does.


Well-Known Member
I'm using that ART DNE...is that the model number? The little grey box one. I have it set to fill my room with the lights on. 15min on every hour. My I'm copying my buddies 4x8 Tray hyrdo set up. He yields nicely so I'm just doing what he does.

Yeah. Thats what Im thinkin I need to do is get a recycle timer and set my interval closer together. Im using a regular digital timer that has 7 or 8 different timer settings and so I just set each one for 7 days a week and each goes off at 6 different times of the day for 10 minutes. They are set at three hours apart and I think that is to long of a time. The CO2 has probably long dissipated in that 3 hour time span.
My propane usage will go up but I think it will be woth it. FUCK. I wish I hadnt gotten ripped off on that CO2 sequencer and sensor. Id have the optimal set-up!! Im definitely gonna end up replacing that in the future


Well-Known Member
I don't know a lot of guys with Co2 generators. They are gaining popularity. I just use a bottle with the regulator and that timer. It's bitchen.


Well-Known Member
I don't know a lot of guys with Co2 generators. They are gaining popularity. I just use a bottle with the regulator and that timer. It's bitchen.
Yeah. I got one of those I used in an attempted tent grow a while back. The cylinder emitter systems initial cost is a little lower but they are about four times as expensive to operate than a CO2 generator. They are better for smaller grows or where heat is a concern.
But even with a cylinder and regulator though, if you got a sensor and controller instead of a timer you are running much more efficient. Expensive though:sad:


Well-Known Member
Wow. What a difference in just a few days . The first pic was from Sunday afternoon just after I topped and lollipopped and the second I took yesterday afternoon. It seems the cutting didnt even slow them down.

Im gonna go buy a C.A.P. ART-DNE recycle timer this afternoon, like the one DubsFan has got, so I can pump up the CO2 some. Cant wait to see what that does.


Well-Known Member
Not that I trust all the BS from the Hydro shop guys, but they def spent time with me to dial in the Co2. Let's hope it's solid info. My room is 1300cuft. Basically a 200sqft room with about 7ft ceilings.

Using a bottle, regulator and that timer we came up with this...(keep in mind the regulator has glass chingas where a ball floats in the air. That little ball when the tank valve is opened floats. You adjust the knob to a desired number)

level 2 = 29min on every 1 hour for 1500ppm
level 3 = 19min on every 1 hour for 1500ppm
level 4 = 14min on every 1 hour for 1500ppm

A few thoughts. These settings (if accurate) only fill the room. Nobody could tell me how fast my plants would consume the Co2. My plants are still babies. Just put them in the room a few days ago so I'm running an half strenght on the bottle. I chose level 2 for 15min to achieve what is supposed to be about 750ppm. In a week or so when my veggin is done and the girls are really strong and I flip to 12/12 I will run level 4 every hour to acheive 1500ppm.

I'm also running a fresh air intake AC unit. That' supposedly should bring in another 300ppm.

Final analysis...I'm only dealing with all this bull shit cause my room is sealed. My room is sealed because I need a sealed room. My humidity averages well over 60% so the sealed room gives me the chance to run a dehumidifier and use it effectively. I'm not terribly concerned with my Co2 ppm so long as I'm feeding the room at an adequate rate. I don't think + or - 500ppm is going to kill me. I got buddies with the same gear, some with Co2 fancy boxes and others just using fresh AC intake. Both yield almost the same. So who knows...

I'm learning the numbers to learn them. I could buy a fancy box but I know people that doubt those. So basically I'm fakin' it till I make it....making chicken soup out of chicken shit. I'm gonna watch my plants and see what happens. But I know for a sealed room you do need Co2. I'm pretty fucking close to sealed and I'm pretty fuckin sure I'll be staring at my regulator and timer until harvest and dry weigh ins :)

Edit- Those plants are rocking dude. I'm doing hydro for the first time and that soil with those wings makes me feel like I'm drinking hot coco with an old comfy sweater on while watching "A Christmas Story." Part of me wants to dump my hydro and buy some winged reflectors and some dirt! They look really good man.


Well-Known Member
Dude you already have the Co2 timer...on your power strip on the right. Your very first post.

Edit, never mind.

That is actually a day night temp controller. C.A.P. TMP-DNE

The black box above that is my CO2 controller.