G 13

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Anyone ever grown g 13 or hemp star. i have 4 g 13 clones and a hemp star i started from seed that is going to be my mother. just wondering if these types are good growers and good smokers.?

thanx t dub c

t dub c

Well-Known Member
whys that? got them from a grower out here $6 each I saw the mother and it looked really nice and i saw some clones that were in flower, again looked really nice. he said g 13 sooo.........


Well-Known Member
g13 is a male clone only strain, most breeders have gotten hold of this and crossed it with something else, the legend has it that someone stole a clone from the government labs, it was a male one, which is why you only ever see crosses.


Well-Known Member
g13 is a male clone only strain, most breeders have gotten hold of this and crossed it with something else, the legend has it that someone stole a clone from the government labs, it was a male one, which is why you only ever see crosses.
Ohh I love urban legends... :mrgreen: Even more so when they involve marijuana...

t dub c

Well-Known Member
its g 13 x them mabe. he said just g 13 and i saw a vid on youtube the other day in a legal grow op and the guy had straight g 13.


Well-Known Member
He supposedly worked there for the government but thought he would sneak a clone out.

This isn't my legend, this is just how the story goes.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
so i guess mabe this guy said that knowing that I hadnt grown before, mabe it just some strain.........its the second biggest one in the back there


Well-Known Member
lol, i've been wanting to reply to this for some time but felt it wouldn't get off the ground. ya i had read up on this.. the "he stole a clone" shit.. blah blah blah.. People tend to believe in the legend, sure, if you want to, you can, but there's no evidence to support the existence of those projects. "G-13" is a name, just a title associated with the most potent strain ever made, and has about as much credability as the boogie-man. Now, to date, I feel a database should be created, documenting submissions made by breeders for the highest THC levels they can achieve on a particular strain... but what you must also consider is the CBD level, which can be compared to how much tylenol they put into your vicadin.. the higher the tylenol level, the more it enhances the effect of the hydrocodone (imo from personal experience), hense why strains such as the Great White Shark will get you and yo grandmama high.


Well-Known Member
some one did a complete investigative journey about g13 wanting to find the truth to this great story and verify its existance about it being a goverment plant,but he found not one shred of evidence to the story not one,i dont think the goverment employees were sworn to secrecy just like area 53 and aliens still in captivity,it makes art bell and strieber alot of money but its BS,g 13 story puts a few extra coffers in the breeders pocket book,and there more then happy to talk about the unprooved legend.