where'd everyone go????


Well-Known Member
i've noticed the views have gone down, but the post rate looks the same
maybe the upgrade tweaked the view display a bit?


Active Member
how could they bust you with just a picture of your grow they still dont know where you live or even what state if your smart about it??


New Member
It's not just rollitup, it's actually your whole internet connection that's been redirected to a fake internet copy set up by the police. You aren't seeing any legit traffic, just a team of police officers trying to make the copy appear to be live stil.

All the while they spy on you with your own computer microphones and camera's if you have them, while they eat doghnuts and wait for you to incriminate yourself.




There are fewer people on the forum because google's indexed search results no longer point to real threads in the forums, they go to blank pages now. Less people clicking google links = less people in forum.


Active Member
Well.....I am convinced. I am going to go lock the doors and windows, get my guns loaded and wait for the internet police squad to come find me.


Active Member
I think this place needs more moderators for 1..All with the same set of standards for a infraction to a ban...Maybe those few that have been here for years might be able to do more with users accounts..

But a question: does Elite's section of the forum have this many problems? I would say their donations make them less likely to troll boards, start fights, etcetera..
(not to say trolls are the source of the problem for the past few days)


Elite Rolling Society
how do you mean rose~

Well, I like this site, fOR the most part, especially if I stay out of POLITICS AND SPIRITUALITY SECTION.

I 'd like to recruit or help build it up, but I don't know how or what to do to help increase memebership..


Well-Known Member
now thats the funniest thing i have heard all day.
you really crack me up exellent :lol:.

(send your reps in please :lol:).
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to LUDACRIS again.

I tried, lol.

yeah, this whole thing has seemed to got everyone scared. they busted the guy from info an informant gave to look at the guys pics. look in support, rollitup adressed the issue, actually, im going to go find that link cuz i want to reread it, brb.....


Elite Rolling Society
I think this place needs more moderators for 1..All with the same set of standards for a infraction to a ban...Maybe those few that have been here for years might be able to do more with users accounts..

But a question: does Elite's section of the forum have this many problems? I would say their donations make them less likely to troll boards, start fights, etcetera..
(not to say trolls are the source of the problem for the past few days)
I can tell you a site where there are about only 50 to 80 members ever on line at the same time, and they have or had 27 MODS the last time I looked and all they do all day and all night long is Monitor and Criticize all the psots and members, it is like a POLICE state there.

I have not been there in 6 or 8 months, but too many MODs is not a good thing.

I hear ya tho, about same standards.

The only DiffereNce I see or have with ELITE is NO ADVERTISING and I can open or close MY own threads.