dare you play?


Well-Known Member
i really didnt mean any disrespect...

i think the whole thing was concieved with the intent on fooling the avg straight guy, not making fun of anyone because of there gender.

lol all of the pics were pretty easy for me to spot, except for the last one the bottom left column, i figure when in doubt take no chances and guessed male, lol.....


Well-Known Member
13/16 but I didn't think any she-males were females. Just a couple females I thought were she-males.
Speaking as a person also suffering from Gender Dysphoria I must say how disgusted I am at this game.

These people spend their time and money trying to feel comfortable in their own skin. I don't think their goal is to Necissarily trick people, they want to blend and feel like one of the girls. They were obviously not givin a 'clean' gender at birth, I don't think promoting this game is going to help these people feel like a human with equal rights.

My time of being in the transgendered community for so long I have seen them all and you know what, the most troubling thing I saw was not a man wearing a dress with a full beard or a woman with a mans suit on and a full beard but the most troubling thing I have witnessed is prejudice from people like some of you in this thread! I've seen guys get their ass handed to them by a strong assed tranny.

But look, this isn't about fighting or tricking people this is about displaying an expression of Freedom, the freedom to try and obtain the most normal life you can, despite all of people 'reading' you or judging you based upon something you have no control over.

I don't care, enjoy your little games, rob an honest Transgendered individual of your love and effections, chances are it's as stupid, shallow and fake as your disposition is anyways.

Lighten up dude.



Well-Known Member
Yeah yur right dude I Am a Man, it matters not that I was born with a uterus, I've always been a boy in my heart and no amount of judging or whatever can compromise that.

Just like those people in those pictures, their hearts are female and they have a right to be that way and find a respectable lover.
I can agree with that. I think they should have to tell anyone they intend to have sex with immediately though. So, now that someone has donated you there junk would you want to stick it inside a mans inside out penis?


Well-Known Member
I can agree with that. I think they should have to tell anyone they intend to have sex with immediately though. So, now that someone has donated you there junk would you want to stick it inside a mans inside out penis?
look im really high right now but i just wanted to thank you for at least trying to sympathize there buddy. :) but I'm not one to express such childish sensitivities.

and for the record ive gotten further in life with my weirdoness than likely (you) have gotten with your so called 'normalcy'.

Some people here need to get desensitized.

Thats why Aliens wont come out of hiding, Most fuckers are still way too prejudiced.

But what can you expect from beings suffering from evolutionary arrested development cased by religion and superstition.

oh well smoke up anyways yall


Well-Known Member
Really!? I did not know you could do that, HOW do they do that? What is an adam's apple anyway?:eyesmoke:
cartilagenous, not a bone. Same procedure as rhinoplasty really. Peel back the skin shave with an instrument like a carpenter would use and sew up. Pretty simple really. Remove the lower ribs while your at it.

Adam's Apple Shaving

Adam's apple shaving or chondrolaryngoplasty is aimed at correcting an unpleasant bulge at the anterior neck. This minor procedure can be done under local anaesthesia through a convenient skin crease and leaves a short horizontal and conciliable scar at the anterior neck. If desired, it can be combined with vaginoplasty and/or breast augmentation under general anaesthesia.
In the long term, it will not modify adversely your voice tonality and the unwanted "apple" will not grow back. In a short operative time, between 30 and 45 minutes, you can get rid of a constant embarrassment and your neck will fit your individual gender.


Well-Known Member
Really!? I did not know you could do that, HOW do they do that? What is an adam's apple anyway?:eyesmoke:
It's the larynx. Also known as the voice box. It is a cartiliagenous structure which houses the vocal cords at the top of the trachea. ;-)